My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 142 Kiritsugu's Decadence and the Strange New Moon

Chapter 142 Kiritsugu's Decadence and the Strange New Moon

When Kiritsugu came back with the sleeping Illya, he happened to meet Saber and Irisviel coming out of the courtyard hand in hand.

Judging from their happy conversation, the family-like banquet tonight must have left a deep impression on them.

But I want to...

His eyes darkened, Kiritsugu handed Illya to Irisviel's surprised eyes, and said:

"Ai Li, go to the hall in a while, I have something to tell you."

After a while.

Emiya Kiritsugu sat decadently on the bench in the atrium, pulling his hair with his hands, as if he was unemployed, drunk and diagnosed with cancer.

When he told his wife about Illya, Irisviel really got angry.

But the reason for his anger was not because of Satsuki, but Kiritsugu.

She was angry because of Kiritsugu's hesitation at this time.

She is angry about some possibility in the future.

For Irisviel, there is no comparison between the world that has nothing to do with her and her beloved daughter Illya.

"Although I will no longer exist, I hope that you can realize your ideals and create a world where no one has to cry like you. When that day comes, you can stand up as an ordinary father and give Ilia a hug. If even Ilia is gone, who else can accompany you through the rest of your life?"

"Such a future, wouldn't it make you feel empty, Kiritsugu!"

Speaking in such a fierce tone, it seems that Eri is really angry... Emiya Kiritsugu lit the cigarette, and the cheap cigarettes he bought at the convenience store on the way brought him a different feeling.

This was the first time the couple had quarreled.

However, compared to eight years ago, Ai Li has indeed grown a lot spiritually.

What about me?
Am I still the same person I used to be?

Just like tonight, knowing that so many servants and masters have gathered in the castle, but taking Illya resolutely away from the center of the vortex, voluntarily giving up this excellent opportunity to assassinate - is this really what that cold-blooded magician killer would do back then?
Kiritsugu, who couldn't find the answer, could only look up at the sky, and could only watch the smoke drifting into the air and disappearing.


next morning
When Rin Tohsaka opened his eyes, he unexpectedly found himself lying on a big soft bed.

After trying to widen her eyes and gradually adapting to the surrounding light, Rin realized that there was another person lying beside her.

"Ah!" screamed and stood up, sticking hands and feet to the wall, Rin watched the figure around him wake up vigilantly, turned over and sat up, rubbed his eyes, and greeted her cutely.

"Good morning, sister~"

"Sakura?" Rin was suddenly in a daze, as if he had returned to the time when Sakura had not been sent to Matou's house a few years ago.

But her sister's purple eyes and long purple hair are reminding her that time is gone forever.

Wait, wait, now is not the time to think about this, the question is, why am I here?

Rin Tohsaka frowned, trying to remember what happened last night.

He ran out of the house, sneaked into Uncle Kariya's house, and then came here when his eyes went dark.

Uh, run away from home...

Not even having time to think about why the 'eyes were black', Tohsaka Rin's expression was visibly panicked.

Isn't this a whole night away from home!
Miserable, miserable, this time, my mother will definitely find out...

"Don't worry, brother has already told mom." Sakura saw her sister's thoughts and said empathetically, "Except mom's threat to spank your ass, everything else is fine."

"Is this still good?" Tohsaka Rin pouted, already able to imagine the tragic ending.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside the door, and someone stood at the door of the sisters' room and knocked lightly:
"Miss, breakfast is ready, come down and eat."

"Okay brother!" Tohsaka Rin saw that Sakura's eyes lit up obviously, and she jumped out of bed when she was still sleepy before, put on her slippers, and ran out of the door, and then realized what was running back, and took Tohsaka Rin's hand.

"Eh? Why are you in such a hurry, Sakura?"

"If you don't go, the breakfast will be cold, and it won't taste good when it's cold, sister!"

"Yes, but I haven't put on my shoes yet!"


After washing up, I sat down at the table and started to eat breakfast.

At first Rin was still acting like a young lady, saying something like 'don't eat other people's food casually', but after being coaxed by Sakura to take a bite, she immediately fell into a rut, and finally, blushing under Shuoyue's half-smile gaze, she honestly raised her chopsticks.

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And Shuoyue, who hadn't slept all night, didn't eat with the two lolis. He sat in a corner by himself. He kept making all kinds of weapons with his left hand, and threw them into the open imaginary pocket at the bottom like taking out trash. His right hand projected "the red rose that breaks the devil" and "the yellow rose that must be destroyed" every once in a while, sending them into the imaginary space as well.

In my spare time, looking at the two girls enjoying breakfast will relieve my tired spirit after staying up late and rushing to work.

Although because of the timeline problem, the two daughters of the Tohsaka family can watch but not eat.

"Brother, what are you doing, eating breakfast." Xiao Ying noticed Sakuyue's actions, smiled and shook the chopsticks in her hand, but the latter refused with a smile.

"No need, I've already eaten." Shuo Yue said something that no one would believe, then got up and patted Xiao Ying's head.

"I'm going on a long trip today to take care of myself and my sister."


"The meals are already prepared and put in the refrigerator. You can eat them as soon as they are warmed up. Be careful not to burn yourself."


"Sakura is so good, and I set up a replacement magic outside, you and Rin don't step out of the barrier, or you will be teleported to the confinement room."

"Brother, pay attention to safety, and have a good journey!"

"Hmph!" Rin turned her head away, not looking at him arrogantly.

Shuo Yue didn't say much, and said goodbye to the two of them with a smile, took the juice from the kitchen, threw the prepared bread into the imaginary pocket, then turned around and walked out of the room.

The sun is shining outside the door, and the birds are chirping on the branches.

The young man drank the cool fruit juice, and spread out his aura unabashedly, just like Lancer on the first night of the war.

As long as you are a participant in the Holy Grail War, you will never ignore such a provocation, but you will not make a move during the day due to the rules.

Walking all the way, I came to the ruins of the Hyatt Hotel, and came out with a few ziplock bags near noon. After throwing them into the imaginary space, I squinted my eyes and looked in a certain direction.

"Then, let's go to the church next..." Muttering like this, Shuoyue took another step and came to the vicinity of the Holy Church in a leisurely manner.

When he came out empty-handed, although the sun had not yet set in the sky, the moon had already vaguely outlined.

Night is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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