My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 148 Victory over Iskandar, Gilgamesh and even

Chapter 148 Victory over Iskandar, Gilgamesh and even

He didn't use spiral arrows to counterattack, nor opened Rho Aias defense, nor used magic to escape.

Weber's triple deduction all failed, but when the sword in Shuoyue's hand came into view, Rider could not blame Weber anyway.

Even if Zhuge Kongming had come, he wouldn't have guessed it—because the sword in the young man's hand was too foul!
It was an indestructible blade, for the inscriptions of the Elven were engraved on it.

Although this sword has tasted the blood of the round table and thus degenerated into a magic sword, its blade still flows with brilliance like a lake shining under the moon.

Its name is Wuhui Huguang (Aroundight), and it is the treasure that is opposite to the sword of the Holy Sword Oath of Victory!
But, this should be the Noble Phantasm of Berserker Lancelot!
"It's a lie..." Unspeakably shocked whispered, Iskandar suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

If he remembers correctly, the ability possessed by Wuhui Huguang is——

"Break all locks · Around Overload!" shouted the young man holding the sword, raising the magic sword in his hand high!
Excessive load was applied to the smooth mirror-like lake, causing the magic power hidden in it to overflow, and the slash of light released——is a powerful attack power of the anti-military level!
Seeing that the magical slash unleashed by the indestructible lake light was unavoidable, Iskandar's heart sank, and he simply drove the Shenwei wheel and bumped into it!
"My 'distant tyranny' is not inferior to you! Drink ah ah ah!"

The galloping thunder light collided with the quiet lake light, and immediately exploded countless turbulent flows of magic power, exploding an incomparably dazzling brilliance at a height of [-] meters.

The momentum as if the sun was rising caused countless people to wake up from their sleep. When they opened the curtains, they were horrified to find that the entire sky was intertwined with purple and blue brilliance, and finally subsided slowly.

World Famous Painting: "Gas Explosion"


One is an A+ grade Noble Phantasm, the tyranny of the distant ravages.

One is the magic sword of A++ level, which breaks all locks and overweight lake light.

Logically speaking, it should be an evenly matched scene.

However, when the confrontation ended, Shuo Yue and Iskandar suffered different injuries.

Standing on the tall building, Shuoyue was unscathed, except that the magic sword in his hand turned into spirit particles and dispersed. However, Rider opposite him was much more miserable—the Shenwei wheel was damaged and pitted, and two bulls howled feebly.

But this is not incomprehensible. After all, although it is against the waves, compared with the light cannons released by Shuoyue, the King of Conquerors went into battle in person in a car.

The light cannon can dissipate, but how can the King of Conquerors perish together?

So the facts are the same: Shuoyue has no damage, and Rider has lost the power to fight again after fighting the enemy's Noble Phantasm.

It should be so——


What a shocking roar that was.

It's like the majesty who can still muster his strength to step on the world under his feet after fighting bloody battles and being covered in bruises.

Amidst the roar, Rider drove forward in the bullock cart. Although his burly body was still spraying blood, his blood-stained face was even more ferocious!

Shuo Yue didn't expect the seriously injured Rider to suddenly rise up, and was caught off guard by Iskandar's expression. In just a split second, the spiral sword he erected had no time to launch, so he could only roll sideways in embarrassment, avoiding the powerful and heavy slash of Cyprus' sword, and then took out the spear from the imaginary pocket with his right hand, and stabbed behind him based on feeling!

The tip of the spear was bounced off by the bull's horns, and even though the divine bull roared in pain, Iskandar had already taken advantage of the new moon's empty door, and slashed down with a sword mercilessly!

At the critical moment, Shuo Yue finally recovered from her trance, a look of cruelty flashed in her eyes, she dragged the tip of her spear backwards, she was defenseless, attacking against attacking!



The blade and the tip of the spear flashed with blood at the same time, and above the tall building, the figures of the two seemed to have fallen into a stillness.

The cool wind blowing at night took away the bloody and dead silence on the roof.

"Tick, tick."

That was the sound of blood falling to the ground.

Looking closely, Shuoyue's red rose ignored Rider's battle armor and pierced Rider's left abdomen thoroughly, while Cyprus' sword was blocked by the white sword general projected from Shuoyue's left hand, except for leaving a bloodstain on Shuoyue's face, he could not penetrate an inch.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, not to mention that Iskandar is the king, and he is weaker than Shuoyue in terms of combat skills.

Victory and defeat.

But Sakuzuki knew that he couldn't kill Iskandar—because his figure had already started to dissipate. It was obvious that Weber was aware of the crisis, and called Kariya to return the servant.

And Shuoyue's left hand was pinned down by the sword of Cyprus, and the gun held in his right hand was locked by Iskandar's muscles, and he could not go any further.

"Excellent strategy." Despite the defeat, Iskandar did not show any anger on his face, but he also lost his usual smile.

"But Shuoyue, are you aware of your shortcomings—"

The voice gradually dissipated, announcing Rider's retreat.

【Picture record has been updated】

[Record condition 2: "Defeat/Kill Iskandar", completed. 】

[Reward: "'Riding' adaptability"! 】

[Additional Explanation Skill Adaptability: Through this reward, the host can obtain abilities and qualifications that the host did not have originally. 】

And Shuo Yue slowly retracted the gun, wiped the blood from the wound on her face, and there was no joy on her face.

If Iskandar's injuries were less serious, if his combat skills were more exquisite...

Then the one who was seriously injured and even died, should be him, Shuoyue.

"Is the combat awareness not yet in place? After all, I am just an ordinary person who has inherited the power of a giant."

The wound on his face healed quickly, but his heart left an unforgettable scar.

"Cultivation is not enough..."

Sighing like this, Shuo Yue looked up at the moon, under the bright moonlight, there was a golden flying boat hanging in the air, unscrupulously showing his existence.

There is only one king in this Holy Grail War who loves luxury so much.

"Crack, snap, snap."

There was a calm applause, and the golden king sitting on the 'Vimoyed' with his legs crossed clapped his hands while giving a condescending admiration.

"As a cook, you gave me a wonderful performance, and you managed to beat up that Rider like this. That's right, I'm very happy!"

And Shuoyue looked at the proud Gilgamesh with a blank expression: "Really? But unfortunately, I'm not particularly happy."

Hearing this, the joyful smile of the King of Heroes suddenly turned into a sneer:

"You are not qualified to bargain in front of this king, even if you pull it with your hands, it will make me smile!"

The King's Treasure behind him was released, and several treasures flew out, but was shot down by Shuoyue's bow and strings like lightning.

Seeing Gilgamesh's face suddenly turned cold, Shuoyue smiled slightly.

"As my last prey, please accompany me to an Archer (shooter) battle, hero Wang You."

(End of this chapter)

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