My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 150 Arrow of Imaginary Numbers, Curtain of Night

Chapter 150 Arrow of Imaginary Numbers: Curtain of Night
Is it the Hrunting chasing blood?

Or was it the pseudo-spiral sword (Caladbolg II) that leveled the three mountaintops?

Or is it the one and only Broken Phantasm?
The deep purple was painted on the straight arrow, rejecting such an overly simple answer.

If he still uses the old three to fight against the enemy, then Shuoyue, who is still living in the shadow of Emiya, has no need to compete for the Holy Grail.

From the beginning, he had higher growth and creativity than Emiya, and even possessed a powerful magic that Emiya Shirou could never touch in his life——

Imaginary magic.

Although it is essentially a "projection" of a certain girl's ability, the upper limit has long been fixed, but after the "replacement", this rare magical ability can be extended to more tactical levels.

Especially Shuoyue, who has read this world outside the fourth wall, how could he not develop such magic.

[Replacement opens, get magic workshop blessing]

[Projection modeling is complete, start loading]

[Phantom magic particles are filled]

"The night is silent, and my shadow will cover the world."

After the calm declaration, the arrow broke free from the bowstring and headed towards the thousands of troops, and stopped abruptly in mid-air, collapsing by itself.

It wasn't because the new tactics failed - because along with the flow of non-existent particles, a vast field suddenly opened up in front of Shuoyue!

Arrow of Imaginary Numbers Curtain of Night!

Defensive magic based on "imaginary number pockets" to condense imaginary number particles on arrows and shoot them out, opening a channel to the imaginary number space to absorb all attacks coming from ahead.

As a result, hundreds of treasures were absorbed into the endless imaginary number field without any resistance, as if they had encountered a diamond bracelet, and disappeared after the curtain fell.

But Shuo Yue didn't intend to stop there. Accompanied by the singing of the projection magic, five arrows hit the bowstring and were fired at the same time.

Although he does not have the superb bow skills like Chiron, but with the characteristics of the bow and arrow itself, he can also lock the position of Gilgamesh by himself!
However, Gilgamesh still stood proudly on the spot, turning a blind eye to the five attacks, because no matter which arrows they were, they were all automatically deflected before they approached him, and none of them touched his body.

The mystery is that there is a gold ornament in the shape of a solar eclipse floating on his chest - the shooting weapon amulet.As its name suggests, it is a talisman that protects shooting weapons, greatly increases the wearer's evasion rate against shooting weapons, and makes shooting weapons below D rank invalid.

"Yes, you are very good. This battle really gave me too many surprises. How about it? Is there anything else interesting to present?"

Such arrogance and calmness were naturally ridiculed by Shuo Yue.

"Then, let's compare and see whose weapon reserve is more abundant—imaginary pocket, fully open!"

Contrary to the golden ripples behind the King of Heroes, countless dark purple holes appeared behind Shuoyue, which looked like wounds that had been torn open in the world.

But different from the "Treasure of the King", there are only two types of weapons in the "Pocket of Imaginary Numbers".

One is the spear of the "Noble Phantasm Killer", the red rose that destroys demons.

The second is the "unhealable" spear, the destructive Huang Qiangwei.

It seems too single and not gorgeous enough, but it is precisely because of this that it shows its purity and strength.

'The Red Rose of Demon Breaker' can eliminate the effects of magic strengthening and ability additions on weapons, and can also break through the golden armor and shooting weapon amulets on Gilgamesh.

The 'Yellow Rose that Must Die' can bring unhealable injuries to Gilgamesh and affect the next battle.

Under the threat of these two guns, Gilgamesh was forced to stand on the same level as Sakuyue—that is to say, his life was also threatened by these two guns.

"Then, let's start a new round of battle!" Shuo Yue held an iron bow in his hand, and countless magic spears flew out behind him.

"Hmph, I just want you to understand that this king is invincible!" Gilgamesh still stood with his shoulders folded, and the 'King's Treasure House' spewed out light not to be outdone.

Yellow, red, golden, and three-color rays of light interweave high above the sky, smearing colors on the curtain of the night to their heart's content, interlacing from time to time, and exploding bright fireworks one after another.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be a strange light show - but in the eyes of people on the mysterious side, it will only make them feel extremely shocked.

"What a freak, those two guys." The wounded Rider stood on the roof, together with Weber beside him, admiring the chaotic scene above the block.

"If my scabbard is here... Maybe I can defend against such an attack." Saber leaned against the castle alone, with a slight smile on her face, "Is this your full strength, Shuoyue?"

"Tokiomi, if this continues..."

"I only have one Command Seal left, Father." Tosaka Tokiomi sighed, "What I want to know more now is, is the young man who fought against Archer really human?"

Regardless of the feelings of the participants in the Holy Grail War, Sakuzuki and Gilgamesh were completely immersed in the battle.

The familiar feeling of being evenly matched made the King of Heroes smile.

The thrill of dancing on the verge of life and death made Shuo Yue's eyes burn hotter.

The treasures in the king's treasury will never be used up, and the weapons that Shuo Yue hoarded all night cannot be consumed in a short time.

But tonight is about to come to an end. After Shuoyue defeated Saber, Berserker, Rider, and now Archer, the morning star in the sky has announced the arrival of dawn.

"So—let me treat you with my last blow, King of Heroes!
Shuoyue drew her bow again, and the spiral bow and arrow were condensed on the string, ready to be fired at the touch of a button.

"It's just this level, it's not even enough to tickle this king! Let me show you what a real one-hit decision is!" Gilgamesh laughed, and continued to increase the release of the king's treasure.

This time, the King of Heroes, who recognized Shuoyue, finally took out the more precious treasures in the king's treasure house—B-level and even A-level treasures emerged from the golden ripples, aimed at Shuoyue, and flew away!

"Let's leave under this lavish funeral, cook!"

However, the diamond-shaped space opened up, swallowing all the Noble Phantasms he emitted.

"What!" Gilgamesh was taken aback, and suddenly a creepy feeling came from his back.

Turning his head around, the attack from behind him was exactly the decisive blow he fired earlier!
Under the higher-level Noble Phantasm, the shooting weapon amulet lost its effect, and Gilgamesh had to control the direction of the King's Treasure to store these weapons again.

It was this moment of distraction that decided Shuo Yue's chance of victory.

"Bang!" There was a crushing sound like drawing a gun and shooting.

The flying rose spear resisted the endless attack of King's Treasure, and what broke out from the chaotic collision of weapons was the spiral arrow that Shuoyue had been preparing for a long time!
Because the storage function and the release function are parallel, the "King's Treasure" inevitably has a slight delay. Up to now, Gilgamesh can only watch helplessly as the arrow breaks through his defense line and pierces through his right arm!

The king let out a wounded roar, but the young man who caused all this just bowed and saluted, stepped gracefully into the displacement magic, and disappeared from his angry sight.

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(End of this chapter)

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