My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 160 Tohsaka Tokiomi's Disaster

Chapter 160 Tohsaka Tokiomi's Disaster
The ceremony held in Fuyuki was actually an experiment in which the souls of seven heroic spirits were gathered as sacrifices in an attempt to open the passage to the 'root'.

The agreement to achieve a miracle is nothing more than a decoy for summoning heroic spirits, because rumors about the 'decoy' are rampant, resulting in only the current form of the Holy Grail War being handed down.

Only Matou, Tohsaka, Einzbern and related people know this truth, and it must not be known to the magician and seven servants from outside.

"Tokiomi Tohsaka is the only magician who really wants to fulfill his long-cherished wish in this war. He will kill all seven servants to activate the 'Great Holy Grail'. Seven people."

This time, it was Kirei's turn to find joy in the King of Heroes' reaction:
"Everything, do you understand? Gilgamesh, this is the reason why Tokiomi-sensei is so reluctant to use Command Seals. He can only use up to two Command Seals to fight other Masters, because the last Command Seal must be After all wars are over, use it to order your own servants to commit suicide."

Archer listened so much, but there was no expression on his face, he lowered his voice and asked coldly:

"...Are you saying that Tokiomi's loyalty to this king is all hypocrisy?"

Kirei shook his head and said, "He did pay supreme respect to 'King of Heroes Gilgamesh'. But you as a bow soldier are another matter."

"You are like a replica of the King of Heroes, just a statue, a portrait. In the final analysis, Tokiomi-sensei is a magician through and through. As long as he thinks about it, he knows that the servants are just props. Even if he has respect for Heroic Spirit, he will not have any illusions about heroes and idols."

After hearing everything, Archer nodded deeply as if he had finally realized something, and his unique evil smile appeared on his face again, with a broad and cruel expression, high-spirited and supreme, it was the smile of an absolute king whose all values ​​depended on his own aesthetics.

"Tokiomi—finally, he finally got something to look at. In this way, it seems that that boring man can finally bring some fun to me."

As long as you think about the implication of this sentence, you can know how fierce and stern this statement is, enough to make people's blood freeze.

"What are you going to do? King of Heroes. After hearing this, are you still going to stand by Tokiomi-sensei and condemn my betrayal?"

"What should I do? Although Tokiomi is disloyal to this king, he is still dedicating magic power to this king. Even if it is this king, if he completely abandons the Master, it will have an impact on the present world..."

When Archer said this, he stared at Kirei with a pair of eyes with special meaning.

"This king remembered—it seems that there is another Master who has obtained the Command Seal, but has no contract partner, and is looking for a wandering servant who has broken away from the contract."

"Hearing what you said, there is indeed."

Facing Archer's blatant invitation, Kirei smiled and nodded in response.

"But I don't know if he is the Master that the King of Heroes would like."

"No problem. Although he is too stubborn and a fly in the ointment, but the future is still bright, and he should be able to please this king well."

Just like that, the most evil group of masters and servants looked at each other and smiled.

This might be the interesting thing about fate—even though Shuoyue targeted Kirei so much and even put him in prison, he and Archer were like two poles of a magnet, so easily mingled together.


When it was getting late, Kotomine Kirei stood in front of the Tohsaka mansion.

With Archer's help, getting out of the prison was a breeze. In just half an hour, Kotomine Kirei stood in front of the mansion where he spent three years.

"Welcome, Kirei. I've been looking for you."

Although Kirei came to visit unexpectedly, Tosaka Tokiomi still appeared at the door as soon as he heard the doorbell. After experiencing the priest's assassination in the afternoon, he should have been busy all the time.

"I'm here to discuss the matter of my father's death."

"Yeah... I'm really sorry for the suddenness. I didn't expect my old friend to leave us in this way."

"I also feel the same way. Father shouldn't leave so hastily." Kotomine Kirei deeply agreed, and stepped into Tohsaka Tokiomi's house again at the invitation of Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Judging from Tohsaka Tokiomi's haggard look and his no longer calm look, the death of the old priest Kotomine Risama must have dealt a great blow to him.

Appreciating the teacher's pain, Kotomine Kirei seriously communicated with Tosaka Tokiomi, promised his alliance all along, promised to take care of his beloved daughter for him, and accepted his praise... Just when he couldn't hold back and wanted to make a move, Tokiomi suddenly picked up a slender box made of ebony wood on the desk, and handed it to Kirei.

"Open it and take a look, this is what I personally want to give you."

Kirei opened the lid of the box and saw that there was a chic short sword lying in the velvet lining.

"This is--"

"This is the AZOTH sword, a jewel handed down from my family. It can also be used as a dress if you fill it with magic power—this sword proves that you have completed the training course of the Tohsaka family's magic. "

Kirei picked up the dagger to inspect it, and spent a long time looking at the sharp and sharp point of the sword.

In Tokiomi's eyes, Kirei's face that concealed all emotions might be an expression of extreme emotion.

"My have shown such great love for my unworthy disciple, I really don't know how to express my gratitude."

"I should thank you, Kotomine Kirei, so that I can face the final battle without any worries."

Tokiomi spoke with a bright and innocent expression and stood up from the sofa.

At this very moment—the word fate could not help appearing in Kirei's mind.

It is said that fate is a vague attempt to find special meaning in accumulated accidents.So Tohsaka Tokiomi handed the sword to Kotomine Kirei with his own hands at this time, isn't there even any inevitability for this extremely coincidental fact?

"Sorry to delay you for so long, I will win the next Holy Grail War together with you and the old priest—"

And now, is it just a coincidence that Tokiomi, who was walking towards the door, showed his back in front of Kirei unsuspectingly?
"No, you need not worry, Master."

If this is a kind of necessity, is the so-called destiny simply caused by stupidity, error and ignorance?Is it to betray people's wishes and hopes and lead everything in the wrong direction?
Kirei smiled, a happy smile he had never had before.

"Because I never planned to withdraw from the Holy Grail War."

Kirei was surprised that he could show such a smile.Faced with this unexpected harvest, even the feeling of inserting the dagger into the back of his eyes became less distinct.


As a symbol of friendship and trust, the Mercury Sword smoothly penetrated the gap between the ribs and the center of the heart.Only a well-trained agent has this kind of precise thrusting technique.There wasn't a trace of killing intent, and there wasn't any sign, maybe even Tokiomi himself, who was assassinated, couldn't understand the meaning of the sharp pain in his chest for a while.

But something reacted faster than Tokiomi.

The gems in the pocket shattered one after another, and the dagger popped out of the resisting force field woven by magic power. Pure energy was poured into the magic circuit, and it continuously turned into life force, trying to repair the broken heart of Tohsaka Tokiomi.

——After Matou Kariya's first assassination and almost succeeded, Tohsaka Tokiomi had already made full preparations, guarding against the second assassination that would come again at an unknown time.

But perhaps because the person who came was Kotomine Kirei, his favorite student, Tosaka Tokiomi did not activate all the dresses, the only gem that could sense the crisis in advance and make protection, and also because of the AZOTH sword, Tosaka Tokiomi There was a conflict due to the magical power injected by the minister himself, and it was finally one step too late.

"Kirei, you!" With blood gushing from his throat, Tosaka Tokiomi muttered indistinctly, then stretched out his hand, intending to pick up the cane on the table to fight back.

However, as an agent, Kotomine Kirei's reaction was faster than him. The moment the short sword was bounced off, he turned his eyes hard, dropped the mercury sword, and moved his fists towards the time as if about to tear the air. The minister attacked.

His best killing technique is not comparable to any dagger!

Just when Kotomine Kirei's fist was about to hit Tokiomi, a black figure rushed out faster than them, grabbed the seriously injured Tohsaka Tokiomi, blocked Kirei's punch with his abnormally thick right hand, and Borrowing strength, he broke through the wall of the bungalow and disappeared into the night outside.

(End of this chapter)

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