Chapter 162 Eat first, or...

Close the door and isolate all sorrow and lamentation in the workshop.

"Created such a big mess, are you willing to stop?"

"No, this is just the beginning, Kariya—rather than this, why don't you answer me: How did you find out that I was watching?"

"Guess, I just think that people like you will definitely tamper with the place where you live."

"...I'm really sorry for being so jealous by you guys. It was the same in the morning. Can't you just let me die honestly?"

"Who will believe your nonsense! Hey! You are a bit of Uncle B for your own strength, okay! How can you just die if you say die!"

"Yeah, my strength is actually on par with Lixiang's."

"Lixiang? Who is that? Is there anyone else as perverted as you?" Kariya was startled, but then sighed, "Forget it, although it's clumsy, thank you for comforting me anyway."

Shuo Yue's expression froze slightly: "Why do you think I did such a thing! If it wasn't for the sake of our friendship..."

"I know, I know, it's really long-winded, this is not like you before."

"That's because I wasn't me before." After Shuoyue replied casually, she leaned against the wall with Kariya, looking at the starry sky outside the window, "So, the person you hate is about to die, how do you feel?"

"Hate...Of course I still hate him, but I'm just a little unwilling."


"Yeah, I'm unwilling." Kariya raised his head, until now, he finally understood the reason for saving Tokiomi Tohsaka——

"Tohsaka Tokiomi must die, but he must not die so hastily."

"But the cause of his death must be me, because I came with the flames of vengeance. I want him to die with pain and regret after realizing that he pushed his daughter into the fire pit with his own hands."

Recalling Kotomine Kirei's purely malicious smile, Kariya couldn't help clenching his fists.

"I can't let him die so quickly. He was betrayed by some indiscriminate orders in order to satisfy his own desires. This kind of death is too cheap for him!"

"That's it." Shuo Yue naturally didn't want to expose anything, just smiled, and just about to speak, the door of the magic workshop suddenly opened.

The sobbing sounds of the two girls followed. Standing at the door, Aoi with red eye circles seemed to be on the verge of collapse, but she still smiled reluctantly at Kariya:

"Kariya, Tokiomi wants to see you."

Kariya opened his mouth, and subconsciously looked at Sakuyue, but the latter took a step back rather like a thug, and gave him a thumbs up.

Come on old iron, Ollie!

...this unscrupulous little bastard.

So with the feeling of being a bad student being called to the office by the teacher, Kariya took a deep breath and walked towards his magic studio.

After watching the two figures disappear into the basement, Shuo Yue blinked, turned around and walked towards the gate.

Matou Kariya didn't seem to realize what the words he said jokingly after he arrived meant exactly that.

"Everything is according to your needs, but the commission fee is not low?" Shuoyue whispered to herself, then opened her hands, and her fingers rhythmically weaved the rhythm of the replacement magic.

"But first, the guests have to be invited, and then - the idlers stay away!"

The replacement magic was activated again, and hundreds of meters away, the man in black and his assistant who were watching were caught in the attack and fell into the replacement space. When they recovered, they had returned to Einzbern Castle. When facing the vigilant King of Knights, the replacement space just appeared in front of her politely. After hesitating, Saber held her head high and stepped forward calmly, accepting Shuoyue's invitation.

So in Matou's mansion, the Knight King and the young man met.

"Sakatsuki-sama, what's the reason why you sent Kiritsugu and Maiya away, but let me come here?" Under the moonlight, the blond girl tried her best to put on the majesty of the king, and asked the knight she personally conferred .

Shuoyue, on the other hand, returned the salute with the manner of a knight: "Just like Lancer in the past, this time, I also invite my king to witness the curtain call ceremony of the Knight of the Lake."

As if realizing something, Saber's holy blue pupils shrank violently.


"Father, father, father..."

Rin, who had just stepped into the girlhood stage, was sitting by Tokiomi's bed, holding Tokiomi's arm tightly with both hands, constantly calling out to his most respected relatives, as if this could call Tokiomi back from the Sanzu River.

And Sakura was standing beside her sister, her lips were tight, her purple eyes were full of sadness.

In any case, Tohsaka Tokiomi was her father, blood thicker than water.

When Kariya walked in, he saw exactly this scene.

Kariya: "..."

If I'm guilty, please let Shuoyue punish me instead of letting me see this scene.

Kariya leaned against the door frame and said angrily, "So, what did you ask me to do?"

Hearing Kariya's voice, Tosaka Tokiomi suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils opened again just as the focus was restored.

He told his two daughters the love he had buried deep in his heart, apologized to his lover, and entrusted the funeral——At this time, the fire of life in Tohsaka Tokiomi was faltering like a kerosene lamp that was about to burn out .

But he still hasn't finished speaking, even if those words will shatter the self-esteem that he has always been proud of.

"Kariya, I beg you one last thing——Sakura is begging you."


"—Also, help me take care of Aoi and Rin!"


Kariya stared wide-eyed, looking at the man who was obviously distracted but still staring at him stubbornly, feeling that he had lost to him for the first time in his heart.

"This kind of don't need to say it!"

"Then I can rest assured..." The last concern in my heart was finally let go, Tohsaka Tokiomi took a last look at the people he loved beside him, slowly closed his eyes, and finally stopped his hard breathing.

Tohsaka, the family head, Tohsaka Tokiomi, died in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

The man's arm slumped down, the girls cried heart-piercingly, Aoi cried so hard that he almost fainted, Kariya stared blankly at Tohsaka Tokiomi for a long time, and finally staggered a little He hurried upstairs, not in the mood to pay attention to Saber who suddenly appeared, but called Shuoyue down.

Together they calmed down the girls' emotions, declined Sakuzuki's companions, and escorted them, along with Tosaka Tokiomi's body, to Chancheng's house alone. Half an hour later, Kariya, who was empty-handed, returned to the cold room again with a lonely expression on his face. The deserted Matou mansion.

No, to retract the preface - not deserted at all!

Accompanied by the clinking of pots, bowls and pans, the aroma wafted from the nostrils, causing Jiantong Yanye to twitch his index finger.

Under Kariya's shocked gaze, Shuoyue wore an apron and manipulated the spatula like her fingers. After skillfully stir-frying, another delicious dish with complete color, flavor and flavor came out of the oven. Arrived at the dining table in the courtyard.

As for the petite Saber and Berserker in black armor, they sat on the dining table in an orderly manner like elementary school students, waiting for Kariya's arrival (although the rationality of a certain idiot is already faltering...).

"You are..."

"Are you back?" Shuoyue put away the utensils, took off her apron, and then smiled maliciously at Kariya.

"Do you want to eat first, or—"

"Eat me first?"

(End of this chapter)

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