My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 165 The Unknown Alliance

Chapter 165 The Unknown Alliance

The east is white, and the snow is shining brightly.

It is no longer a night of heavy snow, and the blade on the snow field no longer looks like a tombstone.

It is no longer a red wilderness burning with flames, a world like an ironworks.

There is no crescent moon, no dark gears, no lonely sunset sky...

In front of Lancelot and others, there is only the beautiful snowfield covered in silver and the golden sunrise hanging high in the sky.

"Huh..." The refreshing and non-cold wind blows across the wilderness, blowing away the cover of white snow, revealing pieces of wilderness shining with diamond brilliance.

"This is it!" Obviously such a romantic scene, but Lancelot took a step back cautiously, as if he was facing an enemy.

Is it really a beautiful diamond that fell on the snow field?

No, absolutely not!

—Snowflakes are falling.

In the world created by the sky full of snow, there are countless swords like stars, which complement the clean ice crystals and snowflakes, extending towards the hill of swords, surrounded by Shuoyue and Lancelot.

Underneath the romance, there is a neat murderous intent.

"At this point, I can finally step forward and say my name proudly." The young man looked at the scenery with blurred eyes.

White hair and white robe, red clothes and golden eyes, he was once the double image of the same person in countless world lines, but under this snowfield that belongs to him alone, he belongs to himself alone.

"My name is Shuoyue, a traveler from a foreign land."

The battle is over.


【Picture record has been updated】

[The Knight of the Lake Lancelot has been defeated, the certificate of the round table has been strengthened]

[Inherent Skill Knights of the Round Table Charged (1/3)]


[The charging bar is full, and the inherent skill level increases by 1 Rank]

"It's only a third of the increase after winning Lancelot. Not many knights of the round table have landed, right? Did you include the goblin knight?"


There was no response, Shuo Yue ended the communication with the Destiny Illustrated Book, and refocused on the outside world.

Although he defeated Lancelot, he was not mad enough to kill the old man with a thousand knives - the King of Silly Hair was still watching.

At this very moment, Lancelot, who was successfully defeated, was talking to his most beloved king.

"Sorry, my king, I lost."

"No, look up, dear friend, we should be proud." Artoria had already stepped off the dining table, signaling Lancelot to get up.

"Because I waited for the round table, I finally got the light of inheritance again."

"...Yeah, I'm really lucky to be alive this time." Lancelot stood up and looked at Shuoyue with Saber, with no regrets in his eyes.

Not only was there a fierce battle, and he recognized the inheritor of the round table, but also because his lifelong knot was finally untied, and the culprit named 'Lancelot' finally reached a reconciliation between the king and himself.

"My lord, in the end I want to tell you that you are the best king, the most perfect lord for our knights, and you have always been."

The golden radiance began to dissipate. It was Lancelot who shattered the spirit core on his own initiative and was about to return to the Heroic Seat.

"There is nothing happier than fighting under your royal banner, but you have always been giving, always sacrificing, and never thinking about yourself--it is enough, and then please fight for your own happiness." Fighting, this is my last wish, and I believe it is also the wish of all round tables."

"Thank you, Sir Lancelot." The pain of parting was covered with warmth, and if it was back to the moment of the king's banquet, Saber would never envy the conquering king's army power.

King of Conquerors, my subordinates, my knights are no worse than your subjects.They are the best and the pride of my life!
"O king, may you find peace and happiness."

After leaving the last blessing, the handsome flower of the knight dissipated between heaven and earth, and Arturia watched her best friend leave steadily, with guilt in her holy blue eyes, but more gratitude.

"Thank you, my best friend, for reminding me... I will no longer dream of going back to the past and saving Britain."

"As a king, I think I have done my best, and Shuo Yueqing and Merlin also said that Britain is bound to perish. There is no need for another person to experience such pain."

"And if you take off the crown and choose as a knight..."

Although her eyes were moist, Arturia still burst out laughing, her beautiful face was even paled by the bright moonlight.

I'm afraid even King Arthur himself forgot, this is the innocent smile of a girl before pulling out the sword in the stone.

"How can I be willing to give up my favorite round table to others?"


It's very windy today.

The clouds moved and the moon was slightly out for a while.

The silver moonlight that fell on the courtyard reflected the girl in knight attire.

The girl's smile was so pure that it seemed as if the world stood still.

"I seem to understand why you are interested in Saber." Finally, Matou Kariya controlled himself to look away, "It's a king and a beautiful girl with a good personality, really, it's too foul."

"Although it's slightly different from what you think, forget it, I don't talk to Mudbloods without Command Seals." Shuo Yue slapped Kariya on the back, pushed him to a stagger, and said loudly:
"Hurry up and go to Chancheng's house, and start pursuing your happiness from scratch!"

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing!" Berserker had already left the stage, and Kariya, who had lost the Command Seal, naturally had no reason to stay. He walked quickly to the gate, and before he left, he still couldn't help but turn his head:

"After the Holy Grail War is over, remember to visit Sakura and Rin...they will miss you!"

"I know, I know, I will come to you."

"not me!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

No matter how reluctant he was, Kariya finally got into a taxi and drove towards the outside of Fuyuki City.

Looking at the scenery passing by on both sides, he realized that the 'Servant' and 'Master' have completely left his life, just like Tohsaka Tokiomi will never come back... In Matou Kariya's heart, Only then did I finally have a real sense of parting.

"Speaking of which, that's obviously my home, right?"


"Then, it's time for me to take my leave too, Shuo Yueqing."

After Kariya left, Saber also came to say goodbye to Satsuki.

"In any case, we are all competitors in the Holy Grail War, do you mind if I report to Irisviel about tonight's events?"

"You can decide for yourself, but Saber, you should have given up your wish, right? Why are you still pursuing the Holy Grail?"

"Indeed, I no longer need the Holy Grail to fulfill my wish, but I promised Irisviel to obtain the Holy Grail for her. This is my promise as a knight."

"What if I say that the Holy Grail has been polluted?"


"Up to now, my preparations have been completed—in other words, I no longer need to hide anything." Shuo Yue looked at Saber with a serious tone.

"I need you to help me, Saber."

As the moonlight faded, two figures stood in the courtyard for a long time, and finally, one of them nodded with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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