Chapter 17

Kariya walked quickly among the scenery of his hometown, he always thought that he would never see this scenery again.

Even though Kariya had returned to Fuyuki City several times before, he had never crossed the river and stepped into Miyama Town.Thinking about it carefully, I haven't been back for nearly ten years.Unlike Xindu, which changes its appearance every day due to urban development, this area has not changed at all, and time seems to have stopped its steps here.

The quiet alleyway street scene is exactly the same as in memory.But even if he slowed down and immersed himself in the scenery of his hometown, none of the memories that emerged in his mind made people feel happy, especially an hour ago, after talking with Aoi, he finally understood that he had changed his ticket overnight. The reason for rushing back to Fuyuki City a few days earlier.

Because of uneasiness.

because of fear.

Because of the pity in the eyes of that young traveling companion before leaving.

Also because of the teardrop in the corner of Aoi's eye when she said goodbye.

In the park, he did see his childhood sweetheart who was safe and sound, as well as the two beloved daughters conceived by her and the head of the Tosaka family.

He was already relieved, but when he learned that Aoi's second daughter Sakura had gone to Matou's house this afternoon and became "Matou Sakura", how much bloody wound was dug out in his heart? this really good?sunflower?
【...I've already made good mental preparations... It's a mistake to dream of getting the happiness of an ordinary family...】

Such words are simply lies.

When Aoi accepted the marriage proposal of a young magician eight years ago, that expression of her conviction that she would find happiness, and her current weak smile flashed alternately in Matou Kariya's mind.

Back then, it was because he trusted her smile that Kariya accepted the failure calmly.

He thought that perhaps only the man who was about to marry Aoi could give her a truly happy life.

But Kariya was wrong.

The price of his first mistake was that he lost the one he loved forever.

And the price of the second mistake... is that the heir of his loved one will fall to the hell he escaped in the past.

The thought of remorse was burning Kariya's heart at this moment.

He actually made the same mistakes again, saying the same sentence and doing the same thing wrong.

If I had stopped Aoi on that day eight years ago and kept her, maybe there would be a different future from today.If she hadn't married Tohsaka at that time, maybe she would have had nothing to do with the magician's cursed fate for the rest of her life, and maybe she would have lived an ordinary life.

And in the park this afternoon, if Kariya also objected to the decision of Tohsaka and Matou's family like this... Aoi might be surprised and treat his opinion as an outsider's joke, but at least she doesn't have to blame For myself, suppress the pain in my heart.

Kariya will never forgive himself for repeating his mistakes over and over again.In order to punish himself, he went back to the place where he said goodbye in the past.The only way to redeem yourself must be there.The world he turned his back on before, the fate he escaped in order to protect himself.

Now he finally has the courage to face it.

For the woman in this world that he least wanted to see her sad.

Under the dim sky where the sun was about to sink into the horizon, he walked towards a tall and gloomy bungalow, and the looming roar gradually became louder, accompanied by the eye-burning light.

What happened?Kariya thought blankly, quickened his pace,

After ten years, he returned to the house of his birth.

And at the gate, Matou Kariya met that familiar figure again.

The golden eyes were even more brilliant under the afterglow of the setting sun, but it was the ferocious iron artifact in the young man's hand that caught Kariya's attention and astonished him.

"... New moon?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Shuoyue turned around, saw Matou Kariya with his mouth wide open, and subconsciously wanted to say hello, but realized that he was holding the RPG-7 with both hands, so he simply smiled, "It's just in time for Kariya! Although I don't know why you came back early, but you just happened to be able to witness this historic moment with me!"

"...What do you want to do, Shuo Yue?"

Facing Matou Kariya's unbelievable question, Shuoyue showed a bright childish smile, and declared loudly like a devil:
"Of course it is - blow up this wormhole!"

Before Kariya could react, the 84mm rocket shot across a brilliant arc, pierced through several precarious lines of defense, and hit the Matou family's mansion!

At the moment when the flames exploded, the young man with golden eyes cheered, holding a large pile of incendiary bombs in his arms, he stood upright against the flames, and rushed into the gloomy western-style building.

"All—I'll blow it up for you!"

"Wait for me! Don't go over there!" Seeing his home being destroyed, Kariya didn't know whether he was happy or sad, but he just rushed into the house following the footsteps of his young travel companion. .


Blast, explode, explode.

Flame, flame, flame.

In this devastated scene, the cries of countless arthropods resounded throughout the mansion.

Eggs, larvae, pupae, adults.

Wriggling, crawling, flapping wings.

The dense, black wave-like swarm of insects sensed a fatal crisis, and escaped from the hiding place one after another, moving out of the door desperately.

Then——the merciless flame burned them to ashes happily.

"Haha, hahahahaha!" The young man was laughing wildly, the flamethrower in his hand spat out a tongue of flames of more than ten meters, sweeping everything around him, putting all the filth and all the embarrassment into the karmic fire of Honglian .

Behind him, Matou Yanye watched all this happening in fear, as if he had reacquainted with this young traveling companion——

Just now, he watched Shuoyue throw away the last incendiary bomb, and then conjure up such a dangerous weapon out of thin air, killing all directions in this western-style building, destroying all mysterious factors.

Up to now, there is only one thought in his mind - why hasn't this dilapidated house collapsed yet!

"I thought someone visited Matou's house and used such a humble weapon. It seems that you have really fallen, Einzbern!"

In the light of the fire, a small old man appeared in front of Sakuzuki and Matou Kariya, the flames around him were extinguished in fear, and the long-standing shadow shrouded him again.

"Jiantong... Zouyan." Jiantong Yanye glared at the Patriarch with eyes full of anger.

In fact, even he didn't know the old man's real age.In the household registration, he was identified as the father of the Kariya brothers, but strangely, in the family tree records, his great-grandfather and the ancestors of the previous three generations were also called Zangyan.

No one knows how many generations this old man has ruled the Matou family.

The undead magician who used unspeakable horror to extend his life time and time again, the ancestor of the Matou family blood that Kariya hated the most, and the living monster who survived to modern times-this is Matou Zouken.

Once he remembered that the introverted little girl who always hid behind her elder sister would fall into the hands of this monster and bear the cruel fate, an uncontrollable impulse surged through Kariya's body, and he wished he could pounce on this monster right now. The evil magician grabbed his wrinkled neck with all his strength, and then twisted it hard.

But Kariya is also very clear.No matter how thin and old he is, Zouken is a magician after all, and it's easy to kill Kariya on the spot.If resorting to force, Kariya has absolutely no chance of winning.

A bleak cold light flashed, and the moment Shuo Yue dropped the flamethrower, Shuo Yue had already cut the body in half with Mo Xie in his inhuman speed.

"Old things should be rolled back into the soil. You, like Ubstakuhuid von Einzbern, are full of rotten smell." The young man finally showed a compelling aura, staring at The old man's body, which was cut open from top to bottom, said coldly:

"Damn you, Machry Zorgen!"

(End of this chapter)

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