My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 175 Kotomine Kirei, Died of Appearance

Chapter 175 Kotomine Kirei, Died by Hundreds of Appearances
Standing in front of Weber at this moment is the purple-haired and black-clothed assassin, Assassin, who seems to be melting into the darkness.

But aren't they dead?

If he didn't die...why didn't he reappear in front of us until now!

Suddenly thought of a certain possibility, Weber couldn't help shivering, and hugged his drenched shoulders tightly.

In other words, the master of Assassin is now playing the role of this role to the greatest extent, until Assassin, who has been hiding in the dark in order to save me, was exposed.

And before that, how much information did Assassin get from the unsuspecting us?How many weaknesses were found?

This kind of thing makes me shudder just thinking about it!

Long-term immersion in water made Weber feel cold all over, and his complexion turned blue from excessive thinking and worry, making him look uglier than dead.

So, who is the current Master of Assassin?
Why did he save me?

Weber was puzzled, but no matter what, the fact that he was rescued was presented in front of him, and at some point, the Assassin in front of him had disappeared.

Staring at the place where the black shadow disappeared, Weber murmured in a low voice:

"...Is it the last?"

Only when they feel that the winning ticket is in their hands, all the ghosts and monsters who have been lurking in the dark will be exposed one after another.

With an ominous premonition of imminent rain, Weber shuddered, and walked towards the outside of the church with cautious steps.


He escaped.

Looking at the pools of blood on the ground, Emiya Kiritsugu indifferently wiped away the blood that flowed down to his chin, swung the body of the gun upwards, closed the chamber, and the Contender once again became an incomparably hideous weapon.

Until now, his spirit is still tense, not daring to slack off.

In this contest, it seemed that he had the upper hand and severely wounded Kirei. He was merely scratched by the strong wind on his face, and the injury caused to him by the agent was even milder than the backlash of the natural restraint.

But in fact this is not the case, Kotomine Kirei can withstand countless gunshots until he loses the ability to fight.

And he, Emiya Kiritsugu, couldn't even take Kotomine Kirei's punch.

"Crack." The two guns made a pleasant sound, and Emiya Kiritsugu walked slowly towards the corner with cautious steps.

After the heart grenade had a miraculous effect, the balance of victory had tipped to his side. The experienced agent obviously realized this, and resolutely gave up going forward to attack, but turned his back and began to retreat.

They are not fans of chivalry, nor do they have the Bushido spirit that Neon people admire, so Kotomine Kirei has no psychological pressure when using the rearrangement stance, and Emiya Kiritsugu is also not surprised, and pulls the trigger decisively.

In front of the flames from the muzzle of the gun, the agent in tattered robes was like a big bird with broken wings, and fell down in the corner of the aisle without a trace, and then there was a "bang", as if something The sound of being smashed open.

Is it a hidden mechanism in the church?Or did Kotomine Kirei take out the trump card to reverse the defeat?

A few guesses flashed through my mind, but it was still impossible to confirm because of insufficient information. Emiya Kiritsugu silently adjusted his breathing, loaded his weapon, approached the corner with full vigilance, and suddenly rolled and approached, "Inherent Time Control" was ready hair.

However, to Emiya Kiritsugu's surprise, there was no trap as he expected at the corner close to 90 degrees, which is also the most suitable corner to ambush the enemy. Even Kotomine Kirei himself disappeared, only the wall covered with Wind leaked from the hole that was smashed open, and he recounted the reason for the loud noise in aggrieved manner.

Kotomine Kirei fled, plain and simple.

And sometimes, this kind of behavior is more able to hide the suspicious killer.

Looking out of the cave entrance, it was a dense bush, Emiya Kiritsugu bent down and picked up the fragments of the robe, then turned and left without hesitation.

The poor should not chase after him, not to mention that Kotomine Kirei occupies a favorable location, and the identities of hunter and prey may change at any time.

He didn't intend to fight against Kotomine Kirei, and maybe Kotomine Kirei regarded him as his old enemy, but his real enemy was never this priest, but Sakuzuki who kidnapped Eri and Maiya.

All that remains is to rescue Rider's Master.

Turning his thoughts, Emiya Kiritsugu dragged his tired body and ran again in the dilapidated church, and then met the young master who was walking away while supporting the wall.

"Weber Velvet."

"Ah! You are from the Saber team... the killer who killed Mr. Kenneth!"

"Whatever you think, at least this time, I came to save you at Rider's request, if you don't want to die, follow along."



Kotomine Kirei was lying in the tunnel in a state of embarrassment, his body covered in wounds gouged out by bullets, his left arm, abdomen, and right thigh were seriously injured. The bullets filled with necromantic magic not only destroyed his body, but also damaged his body. Corroding his physical strength, his soul.

The robes on his body were tattered, and some of them were embedded in the flesh due to the impact of the bullets. When they were mercilessly pulled out by his fingers, Kirei groaned out of the blood brought out by the turned flesh, but his brows were full of indifference.

This kind of pain has been experienced countless times when he was struggling.

His pain comes from within, from what he has tasted, the bitter fruit of failure.

The Command Seal on his arm was exhausted, even so, he still didn't cause any injuries to that cunning hunter.

——But it doesn't matter, in this battle, Emiya Kiritsugu revealed enough information for Kotomine Kirei to see the possibility of victory.

As long as he returns to Archer's side to heal his injuries, Kotomine Kirei firmly believes that he can win the next battle.

"Da da da."

Undisguised footsteps came from afar, echoing in the cramped grave-like tunnel.

Someone is walking in the tunnel.

However, this is impossible!
Kotomine Kirei was convinced that his sense of hearing had been damaged in the battle, and at this moment, besides him, someone else came into this secret tunnel.

Is it Emiya Kiritsugu?

No, it's impossible. Judging from his character, he, who has always been cautious, would never dare to catch up alone.

Then, apart from his father and him, who else would know about this secretly built escape tunnel——

Finally, the shaking torch reflected the face of the visitor.

Purple hair, black clothes, an assassin who seems to dissolve in the shadows.

Staring at this extremely familiar figure, Kotomine Kirei closed his eyes and let out a sigh after being played by fate.

That was the servant he had summoned and abandoned, but now, she returned from the shadows to ring the evening bell for his former master.

The field of vision was pitch black, but the image of a young man with white hair and golden eyes became clearer.

It begins with Baimao, dies with Baimao, but ends at Shuoyue.

"This is really...unpleasant."

With the cold flash of the dagger, Kotomine Kirei slumped to the ground, ending his life of pursuing pleasure.

Kotomine Kirei, the second overseer of the Holy Church and Archer's second master, died.

The killer, Assassin · Baimao.

"Master, Kotomine Kirei has been cleared, and the task is completed."

"Well done, Baimao." There was a relaxed laughter from the other end of the causal line, "Then, go invite Rider and Weber, and then come back with them, back to the place where the final battle—"

"Liudong Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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