My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 201 Falling in a "Sister"

Chapter 201 Falling in the "Sister"
There is no doubt that it is Illya.

Seeing her daughter again after going through hardships, Irisviel's inner joy can be imagined. She opened her arms and hugged her beloved daughter tightly.

"Ilya, Ilya, mom is back..."

"Well, I know, after all, brother Shirou has already told me, although I don't know why Shirou said he changed his name."

Ilya didn't know how difficult it was for her mother to hug her like this, and she didn't understand how many complicated emotions were contained in her mother's tears. She just smiled innocently, which was enough to comfort her father and mother. Mother's dusty soul.

"However, from another point of view, it's better not to know anything." Shuo Yue leaned against the wall, leisurely admiring the touching scene of mother and child reunion, "This is the ending of the story I arranged. A girl raised with a mother's love - this is the role that Ilyasviel von Einzbern will play."

There is no grandeur, no thrills, the so-called adventure is not only exciting, but also has dangers, which is definitely not something that Illya's hands should carry.

At least in this world, Illya can reap the little happiness that belongs to her, and her future life will be determined by her own wishes.

What, you said "Magical Girl Illya" is also Illya's HE?The world where the heroine who made two passers-by ends up killing herself at the end?
Bastard Hiroyama Hiroshi, eat my SLB!
"Sakatsuki." Emiya Kiritsugu's voice sounded. While Irisviel was immersed in the joy of being reunited with his daughter, he was not idle, and it was precisely because of this that he discovered the corner of the workshop, which was hastily hidden. A puppet that got up.

And this doll looks exactly like Illya.

"What's going on here?" Kiritsugu's tone was filled with anxiety.

"Ah, that~" Sakuzuki dragged his voice, "I think Illya is so cute, so I plan to bring a handicraft as a souvenir... Kiritsugu, just kidding, please put down the pistol, I won't do that."

A high-speed oracle finally made Kiritsugu, who was gradually becoming a daughter-in-law, put down his pistol. Sakuzuki stepped forward and lifted up the lifeless body, allowing Kiritsugu to see the body full of magic circuits. Heart and mouth area.

"As you can see, this is Illya's original body, but now it's a pure carrier of the Little Holy Grail—do you mind if I take care of it?"

"Naturally, we won't have anything to do with magic in the future." Kiritsugu replied casually, but seeing Sakuyue hoarding it like a treasure, the ruthless magician killer felt inexplicably uneasy.

No... Shuoyue really has that idea, right?This is a doll that doesn't even have secondary sexual characteristics!

On the other side, Irisviel, whose daughter had finished rua, finally calmed down, and brought Illya to say hello.

All the people present were acquaintances, and Illya yelled over one by one: "Kiritsugu! Maiya! Shirou... oh, brother Sakuzuki! And Saber!"

"Wait." Shuo Yue didn't hear right, pointing at Artoria and said, "Say it again, what's her name?"

"Saber!" Illya raised her hand to speak, completely unaware of the problem.

Looking at Satsuki's questioning eyes, Irisviel smiled embarrassedly, while Kiritsugu looked away in embarrassment.

At the beginning, she only regarded Saber as a necessary prop in the Holy Grail War, and the props only needed to be called by name. Obviously, Illya was deeply influenced by her father's minimalism.

"Sakuyue, servants exist for fighting, and there is no need for redundant titles." Even Artoria explained in this way.

"Alas... two artificial humans, a king from a thousand years ago, even two of them are heretics in society." Shuo Yue shook her head helplessly, "If you want Ilya to grow up happily, you must at least understand the needs of a family. What is it?"

The boy squatted down and put his arms around Ilya's shoulders: "Come on, Ilya, read with me: Aunt Maiya."

"Yes, Aunt Maiya!"

"...Uh, um, how good is that?" Maiya in black asked hesitantly with eyes dodging.

"Don't respond with interrogative sentences!" Shuoyue complained, and then led Illya to turn her gaze to the blond knight king.

"Next is this one, grandma Artoria...well, just kidding, sister Artoria."

"Isn't it Saber?" Illya muttered, and soon cheered again, "Sister! Sister Altria! Good, Illya has a sister!"

"Yes, you have a sister." Shuoyue looked at Saber who was standing on the spot, and couldn't help laughing:
"Anyway, please respond, Artoria-san~"

Ah, sister Artoria...

It seemed to be Illya who was called sister by Young Jill, and Lancelot who was called father by Matthew on the pyramid. Artoria clutched her heart, her breathing was short, and the holy blue pupils reflected Shuo Moon's smiling face.

The skill 'beautiful boy' is passively triggered.

Even Saber, who has advanced anti-magic power, can hardly resist the charm of a young man, because apart from his handsome appearance, his identity is more worthy of Saber's concern.

——He is the Knight of the Round Table conferred by King Arthur and herself in this era, and he is the continuation of the British dream thousands of years ago.

Recalling the time spent with Shuoyue, although it is not as good as the days when she was fighting against the round table on the throne, but after the identity of the king faded away, those small and shining daily lives are indeed shining brightly in Artoria's memory Hui.

That is, the feeling that Arthur, the King of Glory, has never experienced in his life. It is the most ordinary and precious emotion besides the great victory, the bitterness of defeat, the joy of the people's cheers, and the sadness of the betrayal of the princes.

The king who is too cold in the high place is longing for love, and the incarnation of the inhuman fantasy is longing for continuation.

And in front of Saber, there happened to be a boy who could satisfy all her needs.

Under Shuo Yue's slightly surprised eyes, Saber stepped forward and stroked his hair with some jerky movements.

"Yes, I'm my sister, Shuo Yue."

Did I add the wrong favorability... Seeing Saber's too clean smile, Shuoyue felt a bit of slander in her heart, but she still opened her arms accordingly: "Then, do you want a hug before parting?"

"Are you leaving now?" Saber embraced him without any restraint, the fragrance was lingering in his nostrils.

"Yeah, I'm just here to take something away and deal with Illya's affairs." Shuo Yue's body froze indiscernibly, and then quickly relaxed, "It's you, Saber, who wants to take care of Illya next." How to do it? Stay here?"

"In the beginning, I did have such an idea, at least to guard Irisviel for the rest of my life, and then leave." As the red dragon of Britain, the time scale of decades is not worth mentioning to Artoria, " But now, my thinking has changed.”


"Yes." Saber felt the temperature of the new moon, but stared at his shadow sharply, as if something dangerous was hidden there, "Britain's demise has become a fact, and I can't change the past, but at least, I can protect the past." future continuation."

Letting go of her embrace, Artoria looked at Shuoyue fixedly, showing a slightly doting smile:
"After Irisviel settles down, I will head to Avalon to find my teacher, Merlin."

(End of this chapter)

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