My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 203 The Clock Tower in 1994

Chapter 203 The Clock Tower in 1994

In the dazzling afternoon sun, wearing black clothes and white underwear, trying to play the mature handsome boy, smiling as he walks through the ancient streets.

Britain's climate is drier than Japan's. Since the humidity is not heavy, no matter how strong the sun is, it will not make people feel uncomfortable, and it is not easy to sweat.

There are streets built of bricks and stones along the way. The streets are crowded with people, and there is the smell of greasy grilled fish and potato chips. The characteristic double-decker buses emit bursts of exhaust from time to time.Gentlemen in suits and ladies wearing scarves kept coming and going, and children boarded the bus noisily...

The buildings of the [-]th century are still well preserved here, and there is a mixed scene of medieval and modern everywhere.

"Huh~huh~huh~huh~huh~~" Ignoring the envious eyes of the people around him, the young man sang a European-style melody that does not exist in this world, walked on the viaduct made of red bricks, and walked into Germany again. Rue Avenue, turn into a fork in the middle.

As if he had strayed into platform nine and three quarters, there were suddenly no pedestrians around, but the young man didn't take it seriously, because he knew what kind of 'mystery' this was the result of.

Going forward, more than forty student dormitories, over a hundred academic buildings, and shops that bring convenience to residents here together form a block—the magicians respectfully make this area and the building standing in the center The first teaching building is collectively known as the 'Clock Tower'.

As we all know, there are two major forces in Xingyue's mysterious world. They are a secret organization of Christianity, a large-scale armed organization "Holy Church" established for the purpose of managing mystery and hunting heresies.And the "Magic Association", a self-defense group formed by people who study magic regardless of nationality or genre.

The Magic Association is composed of three major departments, namely the Clock Tower in London, the Wandering Sea in the North Atlantic (Moving Stone Coffin), and the Atlas Court in Egypt (Giant Crypt).Among them, the clock tower as the headquarters is the youngest, but its establishment time is still longer than the name "London".Today, the clock tower has become the highest school in the magic world, gathering a large number of magicians.

"Then, let me wave my wings and start a storm." Shuo Yue took out a well-preserved contract paper from her pocket, shook it off, and the handwriting signed in red font on it shone in the sun. Bloody light.

It was a contract signed by the incompetent and talented Sir Kenneth El-Meloy Archibald. In order to survive, he mortgaged his soul to the devil, but because of the uneven distribution of spoils among the devils, resulting in Although the contract came into effect, people failed to live.

"Even so, Mr. Devil is still here to collect the debt." Putting away the contract, Shuoyue took a step and climbed the stairs of the clock tower.

"Are you ready, Archibald family?"


A storm quietly swept through the already chaotic Clock Tower.

The cause was that a mysterious boy showed the Archibald family, one of the twelve lords, a 'self-compulsory essay' signed by their head.

[Oath: Magician Satsuki will be permanently prohibited from killing or injuring Kenneth Elmeloy Archibald and Solau Nazela Sofiari, and will not Prevent any Holy Grail War participant from doing malicious things to the duo. 】

[Conditions: Shuoyue has the second control over Archibald's house, and Kenneth and his followers have won two battles. 】

The signed contract is undoubtedly a success. The signature that belongs to Kenneth has a magical atmosphere that belongs to him alone, and no one can copy it.

But—this does not mean that the Archibald family will listen to Shuoyue's words, because the news of Kenneth's death reached the clock tower not long ago, and the old elders and branch family heads who have their own ghosts naturally cannot agree Subdued under a little devil, even if he proves that the contract is correct, and even takes out Kenneth's source seal that has been destroyed to only [-]%, he can only become a clown and be played by a group of old foxes.

Yes... that's how it should be.

"Shuala!" The long sword sliced ​​through the magician's flesh and blood without hindrance. Not long after the howling sound from the severe pain, the next sword took away his life, and the splashed blood seemed to be stained with revenge. On the murderer's body, he was ruthlessly thrown away.

"I am the bone of my sword."

Although the incantation read was only one verse, thousands of blades were condensed. The weapon shining with iron light turned into the most loyal hunting dog, following the master's instructions, hunting every designated prey.

So, under the overwhelming baptism of sword blades, the chanting magic formula was shattered, the treasured magic dress was destroyed, and the proud and invincible magicians ushered in their end in regret.

"Boom!" It seems that a magician activated the revenge spell after death, and the storm of flames rose into the sky, burning all the surrounding materials, but no matter how many weapons the storm of flames destroyed, there were more The killer soared into the air, biting the routed magicians.

The bright flames reflected the peaceful face of the young man. The figure standing on the ruins was extremely tall and straight, with white hair fluttering, and the golden eyes filled with the fire that burned the world.

"I'm sorry, my time is limited, this is the end of this adult's house wine."

The favorite branch of Tiao's family was wiped out with lightning speed. In name, he has inherited the name of the lord 'Elmello' and became the young man of the Archibald family. The horrified survivors declared:

"Surrender, or perish—there are only two options for you."

In the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

On that night, the members of the Archibald family understood this truth deeply, especially after the request for assistance from other lords was rejected, the stubborn magicians finally realized that apart from themselves , no one can save them.

They must unite.

Having said that, even though the mysterious boy was silent after making the announcement, just like a new student in the clock tower, wandering in the library, classrooms and laboratories every day, the magicians still spent a whole After several months of uniting forces, even among them, many magicians with self-confidence have left their names and betrayed the precarious Archibald family.

After several months of negotiations and conflicts, the remnants of the Archibald family will finally be quickly unified in the hands of a little girl. Under the planning of that girl, the members of the Archibald family Leng found the third option from the two dangerous options of 'surrender' and 'destruction'——

So, on the morning of a week later, a certain Weber Velvet, who had received an urgent letter from the teacher's family and rushed back from the tour of the King of Conquerors, was ambushed the moment he stepped into the clock tower, and was arrested. Several burly men in formal suits were kidnapped and disappeared.

As everyone knows, the secret counterattack of the Archibald family is nothing more than an interesting death struggle for a young man who absorbs magic knowledge all day long.

"Then, now that the final actors are on the stage, let's start the second act."

 In the article, the song that Sakuzuki hums is the soundtrack "closing the case" in "The Monarch El-Melloi II Event Book Magic Eye Collection Train Grace Note", composed by Kajiura Yuki.

(End of this chapter)

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