My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 208 The Temptation of the Golden Apple, Eating the Heart of the Dragon

Chapter 208 The Temptation of the Golden Apple, Eating the Heart of the Dragon

When Shuoyue left the library, he sent a message to Weber and Melvin through the familiar, inviting them to come to the house for a talk.

Even though the two knew that once Shuoyue released the news of the 'Golden Apple', the already precarious El-Melloi family would face another bloodbath, but they still came to the appointment resolutely.

It's just that one came out of trust in Shuo Yue, while the other came simply with the consciousness of joy until death.

"Thank you two for being invited. There is still some time before the sun sets, so let me get straight to the point." After meeting the two, Shuo Yue went straight to the point:
"Through the analysis of the thesis written by Professor Melvin, Weber, and reading a lot of magic knowledge in the past few days, I finally have an idea of ​​the magic I want to create. Next, I ask you to give me your opinions."

"I accept." Melvin said without hesitation, "Watching the creation of a genius is a rare experience, not to mention that besides having a lot of money, I only have value in the profession of 'tuning a lawyer'. I, that means your next magic trick will involve the ability to tune... oh, oh, this kind of thing, just thinking about it makes people excited."

"I don't have any reason to refuse. After all, I'm also very curious about what kind of magic you will create." Although Weber was full of reluctance, he still couldn't get it right.

"Thank you both." Shuo Yue spread out his hands, and different magic particles appeared in his hands, "Then, let's start."

Shuoyue's mansion is located at the remote edge of the El-Melloi family's territory. This place is sparsely populated, and it is most suitable for magicians who like to live alone.

But tonight, the exclamations of the two men sounded one after another, breaking the usual silence.

"Lawyer Tune is a practitioner who specializes in tuning magic engravings, and is a doctor who suppresses the rejection caused by engraving transplantation... You actually want to use this rare ability to kill? Heresy, absolute heresy! Hahaha, how interesting Extreme!"

"Don't tell me about the use of displacement and projection, you are almost touching the edge of the first magic! This is impossible! I have heard Rider talk about your inherent enchantment, and there is no... What? Conceptual level? But , damn it, you disgusting geniuses!"

"Instrument? I'm a violin? Eh? You can even play the piano? It just so happens that we will play a song together tonight... unlucky? Why? Is it taboo to play these two instruments in any magic field? April Is it your lie? What is that thing?"


"What did you say!"

Wei Bo's almost screaming voice seemed to return to the beginning of the Fourth Holy Grail War. He widened his eyes and pressed Shuo Yue's shoulders firmly:

"Are you going to eat dragon heart tonight? Dragon heart! Is it the thing I was thinking of? The heart of a high-ranking fantasy dragon? Wait, wait... Let's not say that you are so hasty to tell us this secret, Where did you get this thing from? There are no more dragons in this world!"

"Ah, don't you know?" The boy's expression was full of innocence, "Saber is the red dragon of Britain, huh?"

"Don't lie to me, Servants are all familiars made of magic power. It is already a miracle that the golden apple in Archer's treasure house can be brought out. Saber's body only has a spiritual core. Where did you get the dragon heart?!" Eyes, Wei Bo's hands froze slightly, and then immediately let go of Shuo Yue, "Sorry, I took the liberty."

No matter how close the relationship is, you can't pry into the secrets of other magicians at will. The case of killing relatives and friends in order to keep it secret is really normal in the group of magicians.

"It's okay, I know how precious something like this is, and that's why I haven't said it." Shuo Yue also naturally skipped this topic, "But now, I need your help."

Staring at the two people with different expressions, Shuoyue repeated it slowly.

"I need your help, Weber, Melvin."

A beautiful boy with a beautiful face, passively triggered.

Judgment great success!

Under the gaze of Shuo Yue's clear eyes, the greed in Weber and Melvin's hearts suddenly melted away. They looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"It's really a defeat to you. You actually took out this treasure in front of us two sick people."

"Ah, who told me to owe you favors, tell me, what are you going to do."

A sincere smile flashed across Shuo Yue's face, and with the swaying shadow behind him, he returned to his casual look:
"To cast this kind of compound magic comparable to a forbidden spell, I need a handy 'weapon', yes, for example, bathed in dragon's blood..."

The heart of the red dragon is shining brightly, and the world's twilight light is about to end.

Night falls.

Standing in the center of the countless magic circles in the courtyard, the white-haired and golden-eyed boy sat on various materials and even an old tree that was delivered urgently, watching the two friends leave.

"Thank you very much. It is said that the potion made of dragon's blood can also strengthen the physique... Well, let's not talk about this for now, it will be dangerous to procrastinate."

Saying so, he sent the beating heart of the red dragon towards his mouth.

"I'm starting~"


Viscous plasma gushed out, wrapped in a thick dragon factor, and began to transform the boy's body.

At the same time, countless combat-specialized magicians began to approach the house where the lord lived.


As early as in the daytime, the news that the head of the New El-Melloi family possesses golden apples quickly spread as if he had grown wings.

Although magicians claim to be separated from humans, the "malignity" of being a primate is not something that can be overcome.

For example, greed.

The treasure of the age of gods, the thing that was scrambled by the three goddesses praised by countless myths, and at the same time the fruit leading to "perfection" - this is undoubtedly an irresistible temptation for modern magicians whose great source has faded.

Hydra larva specimens are precious, but if they don’t know how to use them, they will be killed by poison. However, golden apples are different, even if they are eaten directly, they can bring great benefits to themselves—that is the most precious resource in the field of magic !
Therefore, under the cover of night, countless magicians with ulterior motives gathered one after another and headed for the lord's house.

Even a lord (Lord) who is more than ten thousand people has no deterrent effect in the face of greed.

Not to mention the already crumbling El-Melloi house?
"Let me see, the second-level lecturer of the Jiangling Department, the special combat puppet of Baru Yeretta, the famous mercenary, is actually a black glove under the command of the Law and Politics Department... Hey, even my Our family, Tranberio, also sent someone here, it’s really, really…”

At this time, Weber and Melvin had already evacuated Shuoyue's mansion, and they were watching all of this not far away. Melvin kept changing the direction of the farsighted magic, searching for the assassins who were plotting evil, mouth There was a sound of tsk tsk.

"There are so many magicians, it seems that Shuoyue is busy. Hey, Weber, why don't you feel worried at all?"

"That's because you don't know how powerful he is." El-Melloi II leaned against the wall for a nap, and said calmly without opening his eyes, "These are just second-rates of second-rates, just simple temptations. If Shuo The real main force will swarm up like hyenas when the month becomes weak."

"But it is precisely because of this that that guy can slaughter them recklessly." The sick lawyer smiled, "If the main force of the lords is killed, I'm afraid that instead of being able to stand up, El-Melloi will be left alone and helpless." predicament."

"Tch, that's why I hate boring political games." Weber snorted lightly, and said impatiently:
"These idiots probably haven't realized that time is not on their side—"

"Once Shuoyue is allowed to finish the ceremony, what will greet them will be a merciless death."

While speaking, someone had already broken through the barrier that was set up randomly, stretched out his hand and pushed open the gate of Shuoyue, and broke into the atrium.

The silvery moonlight poured down, and the young man sat on a pile of high-level and mysterious materials, his body covered with a thick layer of blood scab.

Opening his eyes, what was displayed in front of everyone was the golden vertical pupils like a giant dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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