My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 210 Compound Magic Tuning

Chapter 210 Compound Magic and Tuning
"Come on, we'll break through this wall soon!"

There was a sound of shouting, and powerful magic was cast, turning into flames, storms and frosts, attacking forward.

When the magicians from the rear arrived late, they were startled by the dead bodies hanging on their weapons, and then joined the battle, using their magic skills to destroy the iron-glowing wall of sighs.

"Damn it, why are these things so hard!" The magician with a specialized body twisted his face as he clutched his fist that exposed his bones.

Even though more than a dozen magicians have participated in the destruction project, the wall that the young man cast with a single wave of his hand is unusually hard. If he hadn't reacted in time when he swung his fist, and immediately blasted back more than ten meters, otherwise it would have been more than ten meters away. It's the extent of the injury.

"So a trash fish is a trash fish, who do you think you are facing?" A well-known lecturer in the Spirit Department manipulated a swarm of undead bees to gnaw at the mystery in the materials, and said coldly, "That's the use of Egyptian The 'Self-Compulsory Evidence' written in the blood of King Ermero, do you think that boy came to power peacefully?"

Seeing the iron wall finally showing signs of collapsing, the lecturer of the Jiangling Division was not complacent, but showed an enemy's eyes, caressing a ring given to him by the acting head of the family.

"What we have to face is the new ruler of the ore Coel Mello!"

Except for El-Melloi II, who was not achieved by Weber's strength, all the lords of the other eleven departments of the Clock Tower have a strong level of magic. The monarch of the creation department, Baru Yeretta, even said to Aozaki Orange: "Only the teacher's painting should spare me", which shows how terrifying her magic is.

What's more, in the world of magicians, children who look like old people and old people who look like children are absolutely not to be messed with!
With a "crash", it was just that the defense line of the D-rank Noble Phantasm structure was finally disintegrated, but at the same time when the obstacles were lost, the music sounded like a fashion salon, welcoming the uninvited guests.

"What... what!" Looking at the young man who didn't even bother to show his face, but only focused on playing the instrument, the lecturer's thoughts froze in an instant.

"The acting lord of El Mello is so arrogant!"

This was also his last flash of thought before he died.


Compound Magic and Tuning
Concentrating on playing a musical instrument that she hasn't touched for a long time, the handy feeling has never left Shuo Yue's fingers.

The sound waves spread out, and the moment they touched an object, they also turned into tentacles of the youth's spiritual power.

[Projection magic, expand]

No matter how far the sound waves can spread, how many things are 'projected' in Shuo Yue's consciousness, showing their loops and wavelengths like heat sensors.

【Imaginary Number Boundary, Expansion】

As Weber said in his paper, the magic of imaginary numbers is like an upside-down mirror, and everything in this mirror can be fed back to its body.

Playing the etude unfeelingly, the sound waves continued to sing, feeding back the enemy's defenseless intelligence, and finally a new and fragile 'dual existence' was born in the realm intertwined by the strings of imaginary numbers.

"Deng!" The central C key, which symbolizes the beginning, was pressed, and then the fingers showed a gorgeous dance again.There are no familiar repertoires, and it's not a bad idea to even smash it indiscriminately—on the level of magic, Shuo Yue's goal has been achieved.

【Double existence, established】

[begins to intervene]

When a group of magicians broke through the iron wall and finally stood in front of Shuoyue, they were in the imaginary number domain, but they were wantonly destroyed by the shadow of imaginary number born with ten horns.

Tore off limbs, bit off heads, gluttonous hearts, and drank blood.

The satiated imaginary shadow faded away contentedly, and at this moment, the boy activated the final magic trick.

Here is the reality that is copied and pasted and mirrored in the imaginary number domain. It and the people in the real world should play in their own way without disturbing each other.

But under Shuo Yue's third magic trick, they had to reunite in a tragic way.

[Replacement magic, lock]

【Conversion! 】

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"


The sound of blood flying and screams rang out, and any magician was defenseless. He just listened to the boy's impromptu playing, and was deprived of his body, dripping with blood, and lost his fresh life.

The mentor of the Jiangling Division was the first to bear the brunt, his head shot straight up into the sky, and he didn't even have time to show shock on his face. The magicians behind him also followed in his footsteps, ushering in death in shock or unwillingness.

Dozens of corpses fell at the door, and the stench of blood soared into the sky, absorbed by the grand piano that had been stained with dragon blood, and coated with a layer of blood-like light.

This is Shuoyue's playing field, and Shuoyue is a well-deserved performer, the weaver who manipulates the thread of destiny.

If the moon judges the end of a person, that person will perish in pain; if the moon gives a blessing to a person, he will dance in the music.

Shuoyue's songs are testimonies, rules, and eternal truths.

Here is the hunting enchantment field exclusively for Shuoyue.

The intruders who broke into the mansion were all wiped out, but Shuoyue did not stop playing. In the transparent vision of the imaginary number field, a ring on the finger of the lecturer of the spirit department had quietly shattered.

The sealed powerful spirit soared into the sky, opened its teeth and claws, and attacked the last living person here without hesitation.

The sound of the performance didn't stop, and when the giant claws of the spirit were about to touch the boy's back, hundreds of black keys fell from the sky, and the flames specialized for the spirit 'canopied' burned up, turning the spirit into a hedgehog and burning it at the same time Exhausted.

A ring from the collection of the lord of the Spirit Department was meaninglessly consumed in this way.

The music faded away, Shuo Yue sat on the piano bench, thinking about the battle just now.

Through projection magic, a "dual existence" that is exactly the same as the target of killing is created, and the synchronization rate is further improved through the strings woven by imaginary number magic, and finally the undefended pseudo-loop is damaged, and feedback is given through replacement magic to the enemy.

In the face of all-pervasive voices, no matter what kind of armor it is, the combination of the three major magic tunes can not only cause damage to creatures that ignores their defenses, but also allow subtle manipulation, and covertly play with the enemy in the palm of their hands.

But while there is no solution to the attack, there are also obvious weaknesses: the first is the way to capture the object, which is detected by the sound waves emitted by the musical instrument. Once the opponent hides his breath, or simply has no biological normal If it fluctuates, this magic will lose even its original goal.

The other is consumption.

Shuo Yue squeezed her temples to relieve the dizziness in her mind.

As long as precision is involved, the difficulty of magic will be greatly increased, let alone the mirror image that projects everything around it in the imaginary number field.

Even with a magic dress made of precious materials as a buffer, the consumption of magic power and mental power cannot be underestimated.

"After all, it is the magic created in the first place. If you want to reach the top, you have to climb."

Waving her hands, Shuo Yue let the shadow of imaginary numbers devour the corpses all over the ground, and looked at Weber and Melvin who were walking slowly not far away, with a smile on her face:
"Hey, two, I have a gift for you here, and besides—I think it's time to say goodbye to you."

(End of this chapter)

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