My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 212 Puppet Master Canozaki Orange

Chapter 212 Puppeteer Aozaki Orange

Speaking of Guanbuzi City, I am afraid that people in Tokyo will have to be stunned for a while before they realize it-without him, there is really no reputation here.

In such a huge province, there are always a few cities with a slightly lower sense of presence, and Guanbuzi City, which is small and has no famous tourist attractions, is still a small transparent city even in Tokyo.

But in the eyes of people in the mysterious world, this city is not well-known on the surface, but it is not to be underestimated in the dark. It is rumored that there is the mother of Guanbuzi who has an absolute vision for the future, and the branch of the Qianshen family among the four demon families. Home is here too...

There is a girl with the 'Evil Eye of Immediate Death' sleeping here, the most powerful enchanter is waiting here, a man who has never been involved in mystery but attracts mystery, the cave of Garan, the remnants of pain, overlooking the scenery, murder investigation, future gospel ...

Yes, this is exactly where "The Realm of the Sky" takes place.

It's just that Shuoyue came earlier, and Liang Ri, the protagonist of the story, is still lying in a coma in the ward, so he is doomed not to wait for the stage play to unfold.

However—the stage play did not start, but the actors who did not appear on the stage did not disappear, but still hesitated and moved forward following the trajectory of fate.

His hands were empty, and he didn't look like a boy who came thousands of miles away from England to walk on the street. At this time, it was autumn, and he wore a scarf and wrapped himself in long-sleeved trousers to cover up his eyes. Part of the charm.

Feel free to buy some new snacks and drinks on the side of the road. While enjoying it, Shuo Yue walked towards somewhere in the coolness of autumn.

In this era, the neon real estate economy was shattered, resulting in a financial crisis. The real estate that had sprung up before that was unable to be built due to the economic depression, which led to the unfinished completion of many real estate.

And the pain of this era, Neon has not been able to digest it yet.

Shuo Yue was standing in front of such an unfinished building, and after disposing of the food in her hand, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:
"Got you……"

Countless black keys descended from the sky, surrounding this unfinished building, and the weapons specialized to spirits were also the best ritual materials, separating this unfinished building from the present world, turning it into a different world.

After making sufficient preparations, the young man appeared with black and white swords in his hands, and walked step by step into this silent floor with a rare and complete posture.

The barrier was broken, the line of defense was smashed, and the mechanism doll that launched the suicide charge was smashed. The boy climbed up the stairs like this, and finally broke through the door, and collided with the woman sitting on the coffee table in the room smoking a cigarette.

"I haven't met a savage guest like you for a long time." The female magician with long red hair tied into a ponytail smoked a cigarette. Although her tone sounded casual, her murderous intent was undisguised. Young man, don't blame my sister for not being sympathetic to the fragrance and cherishing the jade, and turning you into a puppet, okay?"

"Hehe." Shuo Yue, who had completely changed her appearance, sneered, without any intention of explaining:
"I came today just to beat you to death, or to be beaten to death by you."

【Picture record has been updated】

【018: Aozaki Orange】

[Character information: Born in the Aozaki family, which owns one of the most sacred places in Japan, the magician's rank is the highest rank (Grand), and as the highest rank puppet user, he has been deferred with a "seal designation" by the Magic Association ", man-made dual personality, switch personality by putting on and taking off glasses, the fundamental part is a romanticist.At present, the factory "Garan no Do" which bought the abandoned building and opened it is now open. 】

[Hidden Information: Insufficient Conditions]

[Recording conditions (2/3)]:
1. Defeat Aozaki Orange (not completed)

2. Experience the magic lantern mechanism/monster of shadows (unfinished)

The news of the Destiny Illustrated Book disappeared in a flash, Shuoyue just glanced at it, and then concentrated on the next battle.

Whether it's an unknown reward, or because Cheng Zi didn't explain clearly about the dolls, causing him to almost run out of dolls ahead of time, Shuo Yue always has to settle accounts with her.

Just in time, he also wanted to know what level the world's leading puppeteer in Xingyue is.

"Walking steps!" Holding the double sabers upside down, Shuo Yue launched the footwork of Bajiquan, stepped several meters away in an instant, and the blades were straight at the red-haired woman.

"Ding!" The initial attack was indeed blocked, and in front of Cheng Zi was a strange-looking human figure, whose hard hands blocked Shuo Yue's attack, and then Cheng Zi slapped the suitcase on the table expressionlessly.

"Come out!" It was an order full of majesty that could not be refused.

In response, the suitcase opened with a "click", and while there was nothing in the box, some kind of black object surrounded Canozaki Orange, spinning at high speed like a typhoon.

The crazy momentum suddenly poured out, and Shuoyue saw clearly what kind of thing was guarding Cheng Zi.

It was a cat, its body was pitch black, without the thickness of the three-dimensional world, it was a flat black cat made of shadows.

No, it is impossible to even tell whether it is a cat or not. It is like a shadow covered with a layer of cat skin. Only the eyes in the head part are shaped like Egyptian hieroglyphs.

"It's my turn to make a move." Cheng Zi caressed the black cat, and the black cat showed a smile by erasing the mouth part of its face.

When she realized this fact, Shuo Yue felt as if her chest had been hit by a heavy hammer, she flew out while vomiting blood, fell into the diamond-shaped space, and disappeared.

"Are you running away?" Cheng Zi frowned, and smacked his lips in disinterest, "I thought I could disassemble something new tonight... what?!"

At this moment, the puppeteer was keenly aware of the existence of another chaotic thing separated from human beings.

The room became dark, not because the sun had left, but because this place was already the territory of the beast.

In the territory of beasts, there is nothing more dazzling than her, even if she is already bottomless and dark.

The cat transformed into a shadow monster curled up, raised its head high, and made a soundless alert posture.

"Oh, this is not good, and using the black keys is full of blasphemy... When did I offend the heretic representative of the church?"

Aoqi Chengzi muttered in her mouth, and neatly let the mechanism doll destroy the wall, and led her out of the room that became more and more treacherous.

The sharp knife light fell, and the puppet guarding Aoqi Orange subconsciously blocked it, but it was directly smashed by the burst of strange power in the next moment.

Appearing in front of Aoqi Chengzi, the boy wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, completely unable to see any traces of injury just now:
"That smash was quite comfortable, but the general, Aoqi Chengzi."

When the puppet master loses the puppet, it means losing.But now, one of Cang Qi Chengzi's dolls was broken by Shuoyue, and the other was imprisoned by the shadow of imaginary numbers. Right now, she doesn't have any means to control Shuoyue.

"Oh, it does seem so." Cheng Zi said in a flat tone, took a deep breath of the cigarette, and exhaled smoke at Shuo Yue with a vicious taste:
"So, what do you want to do to me, big sister, boy?"

The young man smiled without saying a word, and just smashed the big box behind Chengzi with a single knife. At the moment when the electric light and flint exploded, the "chirp chirp" sound from the beginning also disappeared.

"There are three ways to make people fall into fear. First, monsters must not speak out. Second, monsters must be unknown. Third, monsters are meaningless unless they are immortal."

Seeing Cheng Zi's somewhat stiff face, Shuo Yue showed a bright smile.

"Okay, the anger that should be vented has been vented, long time no see, Aoqi Chengzi—how about the mythical dress I gave you earlier? Is it okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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