Chapter 215 Origin · Two Ceremonies

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【020: ""】

[Role Information]: None

[Hidden Information]: None

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It is as warm and flowing as moonlight, and as ethereal as white mist.

Wearing a simple and elegant kimono, with black hair and black pupils, and clogs on his feet, it doesn't look like he is going to fight, but more like an encounter while walking at night.

Men would think she was a woman, and women would mistake her for a man—how could Shuo Yue fail to recognize a gentle beauty with such characteristics?
"The two ceremonies... But at the end of 1994, [Weaving] has been sacrificed, and [Shi] is still sleeping, so there is only one person who walks with this body and appears in front of me." Staring at the beauty in front of her, Shuo Yue slowly read her, or her name:
"The root type, which exists here as a physical personality, is connected to the existence of the root."

"Sure enough, you know me." The two rituals, or the root formula, showed a gentle smile, "Then, can you understand the purpose of my coming here?"

Shuo Yue didn't answer, but turned her gaze away.

On the side, a certain man was staring at the two ceremonies without blinking, with a fanatical expression on his face that only a seeker of Tao can have.

"Really, you are...the root of my pursuit!"

Looking away, Shuo Yue said calmly as if nothing happened: "The moonlight is beautiful, miss, can you allow me to present a song for you?"

The gentle beauty nodded slightly: "Please, Mr. Shuoyue."

Then the imaginary pocket opened, and the grand piano bathed in dragon's blood stood quietly, waiting for the arrival of its owner.

Touching the keys with his fingers, the boy ignored Araya Soren who had emerged from the Six Paths Barrier and began to run, and stroked the keys with both hands:

"Chopin, Nocturne No. 9, second movement Andante in E flat major (Chopin Nocturnes Op. 9 No. 2, N. in E flat major Andante), dedicated to you, beautiful lady."

The key was pressed, and the music became the only sound in the silent night.

Don't underestimate me——!Araya Soren opened his mouth and roared, but he didn't make a single sound. The fluctuation from his vibrating vocal cords was suppressed before it spread out. At the same time, his abdomen suddenly felt numb.

Looking down, he saw his own intestines, as if a shadow beast had bit him and tore off the bloody flesh.

This bloody scene is only known to Araya Soren - before the retina reflects the light, the reflection of him is also eliminated, and even Araya Soren has disappeared from the sight of the two rituals and Sakuzuki among.

"Compounding many mysteries, is it a realm that can be climbed? It seems that Mr. Shuoyue is working hard." Even though there is nothing in the field of vision, the two rituals still smiled.

"Thank you. I never thought I had the talent for magic. Only the appreciation for my hard work is the best compliment for me."

Shuoyue continued to play the music, and the charming Adagio seemed to be depicting some kind of story, telling it softly in the moonlit night sky.

In the covered field of vision, the black-robed man has lost his abdomen, thighs, and arms. Only his left hand is still protected by a faint golden light. He opened his mouth wide, as if trying to roar something, but no sound came out. , he tried his best to open the barrier, but it easily dissipated in front of the flames that burned the sea.

When Shuoyue gave up the idea of ​​exercising and turned to clean up the garbage, facing this magician who had lived for 200 years, his weakness and vulnerability were so obvious.

It is true that Huanglian Zongye is an old monster who has lived for 200 years, and is the strongest enchanter with relics.

But standing in front of him is Shuoyue who has the three major magic tricks, the heart of the dragon, countless treasures and inherent barriers, and even the third law!

Your hand is JQK, and mine is king and king—this kind of battle can't even make Shuoyue feel pressured!
In the end, amidst the gentle sound of the zither, the dull man gave up thinking, let his mind be burned by the spreading flames, and the relic buried in his left arm also fell out, was hooked by Shuoyue's toe, and was collected into the imaginary number. in the pocket.

The man who has run through the entire "Kingdom of the Sky" and caused countless troubles for the two ceremonies in the future hastily ushered in his own end.

The nocturne came to an end, the sound of the piano gradually stopped, the young man got up, and the piano behind him was taken away by the opened imaginary pocket.

"The idlers have been cleared away, so let's talk about the business, Root Style—" Shuo Yue stood opposite the two rituals with folded hands, "I don't think you came out suddenly to help me realize my wish, right? "

Different from the other two personalities, the root style is connected with the "root vortex", which can be regarded as the root itself, claiming to be omniscient and omnipotent; but because of this, she is not interested in the outside world, and usually just overlooks it indifferently, not actively intervene.

It is precisely because of this that Shuo Yue is puzzled by her appearance now.

"It was a request to come here to exorcise the disaster." Er Ri waved the short knife in his hand, his tone was not murderous, as relaxed as if the girl next door came to borrow seasoning, "You should know , what kind of existence is sealed in your shadow?"

"Well, I have some guesses in my heart." Shuoyue didn't bow his head, because he realized that there was a problem when he killed Huang Ye Zonglian, and the existence hidden in his shadow is probably already blown up. Don't listen to the master's words.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Of course, use this dagger." The Japanese beauty waved the murder weapon in her hand playfully, and then blinked.

In His eyes, colorful colors appeared. The blue iridescent eyes have a special charm, as if they are luring people to touch the cold blade.

"And these eyes."

"Is it the magic eye of death?" Shuo Yue understood.

The Devil's Eye of Immediate Death, as the name suggests, is a magic eye that can look directly at "death". It is the highest level and one of the rarest magic eyes. It is said to come from Balor, the king of the Fermor tribe in Celtic mythology. The reason why the two rituals without any supernatural powers in "Kingdom of the Sky" can fight against many superpowers is also relying on this pair of magic eyes.

All things must have a time to end and disappear, and the time of this end has already been determined at the moment of the birth of things, which is the so-called time of death.Where there is a beginning, there must be an end; therefore it can be reduced to nothing.

The magic eye of death can see the "death" of things, and receive the insubstantial concept of "death" in the form of visual information.Specifically, it appears as dark crack-like lines floating on the surface of things. If cut along the line, it will cause irreversible and incurable damage to the object, so this kind of line is often called "dead line".

It is worth mentioning that because the "dead line" is the embodiment of the concept of "death", there is no distinction between soft and hard dead lines, and no matter how hard things are, they can be cut along the dead line effortlessly.

The way of awakening of the magic eye of death is very special. It must experience death and establish a connection between the brain and the "root" before the magic eye can awaken.

In the eyes of the holder of the magic eye of death, the whole world is full of cracks that can be destroyed at the touch of a touch. It's okay if you haven't seen the normal world, otherwise the feeling of changing from complete to fragmented is enough to drive anyone to death. Crazy——After awakening in [style], because I can't stand the crazy world, I want to poke my eyes to escape.

For the two ceremonies that are good at killing 'concepts', even if the existence without the seal is lurking in the shadows, he can easily find it out and give her death.


"Please excuse my refusal, beautiful lady." Shuo Yue stroked her chest and saluted, "I'm sorry, this is the responsibility entrusted by 'me', no matter what, I don't want to use other people's hands to handle it. Please rest assured, I will responsible until the last moment."

Behind the boy, his shadow trembled slightly, but quickly disappeared again.

"Really?" Liang Yi sighed distressedly, "Although I really want to let it go, but those two children have been begging me, even if they want to sleep quietly, please forgive me."

The next moment, a Japanese beauty with a dagger appeared behind Shuoyue, with her left hand resting on the ground, her right hand holding the dagger upside down, and stabbing downwards:

That was not the sound of destroying shadows, but the sound of piercing flesh and blood.

Blood dripped, and the young man turned around at some point, resisted the blow with his left palm, and turned his eyes into vertical pupils:

"A disobedient lady is not attractive, so I will beat you until you lose your ability to move!"

Pulling out his bloody right palm, the severe pain exploded, but the young man remained unmoved. Amidst the splashing blood, the scarlet magic spear turned into lightning, stabbing forward without hesitation!
(End of this chapter)

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