My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 220 Inherent Skills Endless Sad Wish Forced Activation!

Chapter 220 Inherent Skill·Endless Sad Wish Forced Activation!

Accompanied by the sound of the internal mechanism starting, the ancient puppet moved its wooden magic limbs and opened her eyes.

Inorganic eyes only appeared for a short moment, and then a flash of wisdom emerged, allowing the puppet to lock on who the person in front of her was.

"—Kato Duanzo, start here and ask for instructions, master. Duanzang is a ninja and will obey all kinds of orders."

Moving its broken limbs, the puppet knelt on one knee, offering its loyalty to Shuoyue, who was identified as its master.

[Instruction [-] at the bottom: Always be loyal to Shuoyue while ensuring your own will. 】

"Then get up, Duan Zang." Zhengtai with brighter golden eyes said with a smile: "Report the damage."

[Bottom order [-]: Concealment for unfavorable purposes is prohibited, and you must answer truthfully when asked. 】

In addition to these two low-level instructions, Shuoyue also set up a third instruction, but it was not something that could be triggered casually.

As for the behavior of learning the advanced ideas of the predecessors and directly maxing out the favorability... let's spare Shuoyue.

Not to mention anything else, if Saber finds out about this, she will come over with a stab gun (Lungomigniad) to clean up the house.

"Yes." Under Shuoyue's order, Miss Ninja stood up and answered honestly, "The damage to the left arm is 40%, the damage to the right thigh is 70%, and the torso, including the right arm and left leg, is slightly damaged, but the circuit has been damaged. It was artificially removed, but there is no problem, Duan Zang can still perform tasks."

"Can you fix it yourself?"

"Yes, you only need to devour the magic material, and the core will automatically convert it into repairing energy."

"Hum, it's surprisingly simple." Shuo Yue nodded, and then generously gave enough information.

He really doesn't necessarily have other types of materials, but thanks to the Einzbern family's blood-spitting sponsorship, only magic materials such as artificial humans and smart dolls are available.

"Thank you, master." After thanking Sakuyue respectfully, Kato Duanzo started to undo his belt with a blank expression in front of him.

"Hey, wait!" Seeing that Duan Zang's kimono was already loose, Shuo Yue hurriedly stopped, "Don't take it off yet!"

Seeing the girl puppet standing still and looking at him with half-exposed shoulders, there was no sign of shyness in her eyes, Shuo Yue twitched the corners of her mouth and spoke faster:

"Next time, you are not allowed to take off your clothes in front of the opposite sex. You have taught me the common sense of human beings for the past few days. Okay, I will continue to repair my body after I go out!"

What did the first generation Fuma Kotaro and Guoxin layman think?Isn't this kind of knowledge loaded!


While Kato Danzo devoured the materials for repairs, Sakuzuki leaned against the door, thinking about his next move.

First of all, it is natural to test Kato Danzo's strength and evaluate her strength.

Secondly, the seriously injured body needs to recover. With the strong resilience of the dragon species, it can return to its peak state in about three days.

And these three days are regarded as a holiday, Shuo Yue can rest at the mansion of Jiuyuan Temple until the day of her departure.

yes, leave--

The rewards for the mysterious treasure map have been redeemed, and Shuo Yue has lost the reason to stay in this world.

He wants to be stronger.

He wants to see more scenery.

He wants to fulfill Wuming, fulfill his last wish, and reverse the future of Mooncell's world line.

And desire is the driving force for travelers to start again.

"Keep getting stronger, Shuoyue..." The white-haired and golden-eyed Zhengtai stared at the stars in the sky, and made a decision after a while.

"Then, let's go to the Mooncell today to find out."

Moon cell.

The photon crystal with a diameter of [-] kilometers is the place where the story of the Holy Grail War of the Moon took place. It is also the place Wuming entrusted to Shuoyue, asking him to reverse the future world.

Shuoyue was busy searching for the mysterious treasure map and stabilizing the forces of the survivors of the Holy Grail War for the past few days. Shuoyue had no time to log in to Mooncell. Now, he can finally devote himself to exploring another world wholeheartedly.

"Squeak." The door opened, and although there was no visible change on the outside, the puppet with much smoother movements came out and knelt down on one knee, "Report Master, Duan Zang's repair work has been completed."

"Put on your combat uniform and follow me out. I need your combat information."

"Of order." Duan Zang turned and closed the door without hesitation, and then there was the rustling sound of changing clothes, and when he reappeared, he was already in a fighting form with a shawl and armor and his hair tied into a ponytail (see Part [-] for details).

"Nice dress, Duan Zang."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master."

After giving a stern answer, Duan Zang stopped talking, but followed Shuo Yue out of the Jiuyuan Temple mansion.

Not long after, the sound of violent explosions and magic release resounded in the forest.


[Kato Duanzo: The combat ability is low, and he is judged as a third-rate follower, but he is especially good at ninjutsu. The positioning is not to fight directly, but to collect data and assassinate the enemy.Considering the convenience of the mechanism doll, it can also be transformed into a mobile library, or a maid who takes care of daily service...]

After writing down the information about the puppet ninja in the records of the Destiny Illustrated Book, Sakuzuki scribbled through lunch, then leaned on the stool in the sunroom, enjoying the warmth of the sun, squinting his eyes like a cat.

After realizing the difference in combat power, Kuenji Youzhu decisively gave up the meaningless warning, went out to check the spirit veins, and left Sakuyue alone at home; while Kato Duanzang was sent by Sakuyue to study The basic common sense of human beings, so now only Shuoyue is alone in the empty room.

Shuoyue closed the book, which was dazzled by the sun, and continued to squint her eyes, calling out the Destiny Illustrated Book.

"Student Xiaoming, in what state will I go to the 'Holy Grail War of the Moon'?"

[Answer: If you go distracted, your body will stay in the original world, and you will use spirit particles to form your body during the Holy Grail War of the Moon. 】

"So that's how it is...playing a dungeon." Shuo Yue understood instantly.

In other words, he is the same as logging in to a VR game, as long as he actively ends the game, he can return to the original world.

[Note, if the host has a great fluctuation of fate, it will not be able to return. 】

"Fate power?" Shuo Yue frowned, sensing something was wrong.

Destiny power - this term first appeared in a glimpse in 1.7 Absolute Warcraft Front - Babylonia, and Doctor Roman also specially explained it.And it will be fully installed in the next 2.5, becoming one of the ammunition resources of the God-killing concept dress - Black Barrel (Black Gun).

Remember that fate only fluctuates during major events...

"Understood, you can't save important plots, right?" Shuo Yue slapped her head and instantly understood the meaning.

Destiny Illustrated Book: "..."

Why does this host always combine such high-end nouns with games?

【Do you want to enter the world? The Holy Grail War of the Moon? 】


After a little skinning, Sakuzuki's nervousness eased, and after giving a series of instructions to the newly acquired Miss Ninja, he put on the sleep mask and happily lay down on the chair.

"I'm ready!"

[Received the order to start connecting to the World·Moon Holy Grail War. 】

[20%, 30%...60%...99%...]

【Connection failed】


Just as Shuo Yue had time to utter a tone word, news from the Destiny Illustrated Book began to pop up frantically.

[The call of fate is detected, and the inherent skill Endless Sad Wish is forcibly activated! 】


[Prayer has been received, drawn by myself, processed, and the job title of the servant is determined to be——Avenger! 】

"Avenger? What did I do to me!"

[Start building servant information, invest in the skill column, confirm the message resonance, and start filling the container! 】

"Container? Me? Wait...give me an explanation, Destiny Illustrated Book!"

However, the Destiny Illustrated Book completely ignored the host's orders, it was just a ruthless reporting machine.

[Infusion is complete, the transfer of ownership is confirmed, and the individual name is updated! 】

[Avenger Shuoyue, start launching! 】

Accompanied by the instant dizziness, Shuo Yue suddenly felt her soul leave her body, broke through the barrier of parallel worlds, and galloped towards somewhere.

Under a series of accidents, what kind of world will be waiting for him?
(End of this chapter)

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