My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 229 Skill Extractor?No, it's a Noble Phantasm Upgrader!

Chapter 229 Skill Extractor?No, it's a Noble Phantasm Upgrader!

White snow fell from the sky, and the clean blue sky reflected the ice crystals on the ground.

The silver-haired nun exhaled a breath of white mist, but surprisingly she didn't feel cold.

She just stared obsessively at the front, using her right eye with perfect eyesight, staring at the glass-like mental landscape——

In Kallen's eyes, this place is not a common snowfield.

Every piece of snow here, every sword, even the sun hanging in the sky, is the embodiment of the soul.

Because of her physique, Karen has seen too many people who sold their souls to demons, those who indulged in murder, those who indulged in lust, those who indulged in utilitarianism, and those who betrayed their relatives and friends... Countless dark torments She stretched out her tentacles, and walking among the filth, she was also stained with a blackness that was so thick that it could not be melted away.

But under this sky, my heart seems to be washed clean, and I don't see any serious illness anymore.

The mental landscape itself is the embodiment of the inner heart of the performer, and it is precisely because of this that it can reflect the dignity and nobility of a person.

Kallen watched with ecstasy, the dying roar of the sea monster, the sound of the blade piercing the wind, the dull pain in the body, and the angry shout of the class Kayingling all became indistinct and invisible.

She just wanted to take one more look at such a clean world.


In the endless sword rain, the sea monsters known for their numbers were instantly wiped out. Even the sea monster hiding Caster was pierced by thousands of swords and turned into a floating job card, which was taken away by Shuoyue .

"It's over." Just as the class card was collected, the Destiny Illustrated Book, which I hadn't seen for a long time, suddenly spoke.

[The analysis of the new world is completed, and the task panel is updated! 】

[Get props: Skill Extractor (0/3)! 】

[Additional Explanation Skill Extractor: This item can extract any inherent skill of a defeated follower, store it, and use it at any time! 】

[Additional Explanation · Obtaining method: For every seven servants killed, one more chance to use it! 】

[Current charging progress: 1/7]

In the platinum light, the boy's figure gradually shrunk, Shuoyue re-projected the ordinary priest's clothes and put them on, looking at the newly added prop descriptions, thoughtfully.

It seems that he also noticed that there are a lot of followers in this world. The Destiny Illustrated Book did not stupidly record one by one and give generous rewards, but directly calculated by the number of people and distributed rewards uniformly.

Skill extractor.

When Shuo Yue talked about skills, he subconsciously thought of a precious phantom that he had been thinking about for a long time.

"Summon, the sword in the stone."

With the reunion of the spirits, the handsome locomotive appeared in front of the owner, and the Noble Phantasm panel popped out.

【Sword in the Stone】

【Level: D】

【Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm】

[The prototype is the future locomotive "Kawasaki Ninja H2R". Through the release of the real name, it can break through the original speed threshold. In theory, as long as the supply of magic power continues, the speed will increase until the treasure itself collapses. 】

Caressing the streamlined body, Shuo Yue retrieved the previous news log.

[Certificate of Rider Career: Attaching this certificate to the controlled riding object will give the object primary treasure attributes and three skill slots as the vehicle certificate of Rider career. 】

[Additional Explanation Skill Slot: Improve the quality and ability of the mount by filling in different skill items]

"Sure enough, this is not a skill extractor, it's clearly a treasure upgrader." Shuo Yue said to herself, showing a slightly excited smile.

Kawasaki Ninja H2R, which is a technological creation and more than one "ground-sticking aircraft" in the world, is not qualified to be a Noble Phantasm. The reason why it can become a D-rank Noble Phantasm, and has the ability to release its real name It is the result of relying on the "Certificate of Rider's Employment Agency" and turning it into a token of Rider's employment.

The D-level Noble Phantasm is not the limit of the sword in the stone - as Rider's employment certificate said, by filling different skill items, the Noble Phantasm will also grow accordingly.Breakthrough level.

If the Rider job agency certificate has such a growth potential, is it the same for other job agency certificates?
If this is the case, then this prop is far more precious than imagined.

Shuo Yue's strength at this time has reached a stable period. Instead of blindly improving herself and stacking quantitative changes, it is better to directly strengthen the treasure to form a qualitative change.

Not to mention, the weakened class card heroic spirit is also included in the recipe of the skill extractor!
"How long will you stay in a daze, this world will soon collapse."

Kallen's cold voice sounded, Shuoyue regained consciousness, and with a wave of her hand, a blue replacement space appeared, leading them to disappear into the mirror world.


Walking out of the diamond-shaped space, the starry sky is bright, and the Weiyuan River is still flowing quietly.

It seems that nothing has changed, and it seems that something has changed.

"Fortunately, I solved this problem in advance, otherwise the magical girl plus tentacle monsters and the like would be really exciting. No, I'd be worried."

Shuo Yue was joking, but she skillfully performed magic tricks on her hands. After engraving the runes to disperse others, she patted the back seat of the car and signaled her little follower to get on the car.

There was no response for a long time, but when I turned around, I found that Karen was looking at him with a strange look.

"what happened?"

"...It's nothing." The silver-haired nun withdrew her gaze, and sat in the back seat of the car as if nothing had happened, "Let's go, I'm a little tired."

Shuo Yue raised her eyebrows in confusion, without saying anything else, she also got into her car and started the engine.

Along the way, Karen seemed unusually silent, frequently looking at Shuo Yue, who was concentrating on driving, wondering what she was thinking.

Arriving at the church, Shuo Yue strode into the church, then turned her head as if remembering something: "By the way, Karen, report the incident of the H anomaly to the headquarters as soon as possible. I am somewhat interested in these class cards."


After receiving a positive reply, Shuo Yue nodded with satisfaction, said "Go to bed early" and went back to the room.

Karen stared deeply at Shuoyue's leaving back, and after a while, she suddenly recited the Lord's Prayer she was used to praying every day.

"...Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

If Sakusuki had been present, he would have recognized that such a prayer had once come from the mouth of a hopeless priest, Kallen's father, Kotomine Kirei.

"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors...lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil...Amen."

The melodious hollow voice fell silent in the church.

What is she chanting?Who are you looking to for sustenance?
What is she suppressing?What kind of precariousness do we have to guard against?
Only the angel of the Lord on the mural watched with pity as the silver-haired nun lowered her eyes, avoided the moonlight, and walked back into the darkness.

A dull and mechanical sending sound sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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