My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 23 Heroic Spirit Summoning

Chapter 23 Heroic Spirit Summoning
It was 1994, an unforgettable year.

Fuyuki City was on fire.

The Fuyuki Civic Hall, with a total investment of more than 80 billion yen, collapsed overnight, and a black torrent of destruction fell from the sky, pouring over it like a waterfall.

The killing ensues.

At this time people are enjoying the moment of peaceful sleep.The black mud of death smelled their life and turned into a scorching curse to attack them.

Burn down houses, burn down gardens.Whether it was those who were sleeping or those who woke up and tried to escape, they were all burned to the ground.

More than 500 people died and 130 buildings were burned down.

The feast of death dyed the night sky fiery red for a long time.

Under this unparalleled destruction, the only survivor fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and the tragedy in front of him was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Although he is a survivor, he knows in his heart that this description will soon become a thing of the past.

Next, I will be burned to death by the flames, drowned in black mud, or choked to death in the thick smoke?

It was unimaginably painful, even being alive was a kind of torture, and I even felt that it would be easier to simply die.

However, a man who looks like a walking dead found me.

...I still remember that person's expression.

There were tears in his eyes, and he felt happy from the bottom of his heart because he found a living person.

——Because his expression was so joyful.

It wasn't me who made me think I was saved, but the man.

But that emotion, that touch, was extremely real and passed on to me.


It's decided, I want to shoulder the expectations of this man, and live as a survivor instead of the victims.

My life is dedicated, lived for others.

The red figure kept flashing in the white-golden light, and it was hard to tell whether it was the memory of the traveler or some fragments from the distant time.

Only that obsession is incomparably real, imprinted in the depths of that young man's mind.

If it is possible, if we can go back to before that disaster——

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely... absolutely stop it!

Magic, that is, something beyond common sense, refers to the phenomenon of achieving things that can be done under common sense in a non-sensical way.

But magic does not include "things that humans cannot achieve", and the ability to do such things becomes "magic".

At the end of the day.

Magic is both human intelligence and the world.

Magic is not included in it, but a solitude hanging from the sky.

The first start changed everything.

The second acknowledgment that followed was numerous.

The third in succession shows the future.

The fourth after Kai hides his figure.

And then the fifth one that ends has long since lost its meaning (seat).

The only remaining magic in the world, except for the second and fifth, is still like the fruit of Eden, waiting to be harvested by humans.

The third method is the materialization of the soul, based on the infinite energy of the eternal soul, and using the immortal soul as a template to create a perfect body commensurate with it.

What it depicts is a new possibility for the future of mankind.

During the time of deep sleep, Shuoyue gradually absorbed the fragments of the third method, and finally saw part of its essence clearly.

As long as the soul is immortal, the energy it possesses is infinite, and the so-called immortal soul is supported by emotions—emotions turn into motivation, and the soul creates miracles. People who have lost their emotions and desires are not qualified to complete the third stage. The Walking Dead of Law.

It is precisely because of this that the Winter Maiden, who is an artificial human, cannot master the third method at all, and it is impossible for Einzbern, who is blocked in the snowstorm, to realize her long-cherished wish.

Even with the Great Holy Grail.

" have a familiar aura about you."

The black silt surged up, outlining a curvaceous figure, leaning over beside the sleeping man and exhaling:

"Empty, nothing, people who don't belong to this world, people who hate and love humans deeply."

"If you want to be redeemed, fill me up."

As a result, the sleeping person woke up from the bizarre dream.


[Consciousness is awakening, existence is being reshaped]

【Remodeling success】

[Estimated activity time: [-] hours]

Platinum particles converged to reshape a long body. The naked young man stood in the center of the big void, closed his eyes and stretched out his hand, took out the clothes from the diamond-shaped space and put them on neatly, then opened his golden eyes. eye.

The long-lost magic power filled his body, accelerating Shuo Yue's return of consciousness, and the activity of the spiritual veins around him was also imperceptibly heralding the arrival of a certain moment.

It is now a year later.

The seemingly peaceful Fuyuki City has gathered wind and clouds, welcoming challengers who are desperate for their wishes.

"So that's how it is... it's about to start." Lightly flicking his sleeves, the handsome young man smiled. It seemed that a year had no effect on him, and even the elegant kimono on his body was brand new.

But now he is ready for the Holy Grail War.

Now—— is the time to summon the Heroic Spirits.

Spreading his hands, his fingers moved rhythmically, as if connecting two places outside the radius, from which molten iron that had been sealed away flowed out.

For Shuoyue whose attribute is "sword", molten iron melted by borrowing a ritual sword is his best summoning material.

The molten iron draws the pattern of the magic circle on the ground, draws four receding circles and then surrounds them with the summoning circle. The order cannot be changed.

Obviously, she memorized the memorized knowledge at Einzbern's house, but Shuoyue still recalled it repeatedly to avoid any possibility of omissions.

Taking a deep breath, the young man closed his eyes, and said loudly as if he was feeling something:

"Full, full, full, full, full!"

"It goes back and forth five times, but it is discarded when it is full."

With the sound of the syllable, a certain switch between visible and invisible in Shuoyue's body was turned on.

From this moment on, the existence of Shuo Yue removed her human part and turned it into a mysterious part just to complete it.

The consciousness of being human conveys pain, and hates Shuoyue who abandons the attribute of "human".

And such pain happened at the same time in the hidden corners of different places.


"The foundation is silver and iron, the foundation is stone and the contract, my patriarch Shubein Aogu. Use the iron wall to block the falling wind, close the four doors, and go out from the crown to the kingdom. The three-pronged road circulates endlessly."

Under Tohsaka's mansion in Miyama Town, Tohsaka Tokiomi chanted loudly while drawing a magic circle.The material used to draw the magic circle is not the blood of the living sacrifice, but the molten gemstones.For this day, Tokiomi had accumulated a lot of gems infused with magic power for a long time, and today he used all these gems in the ceremony, even if he had to bear a huge debt.

Kotomine Kirei, who was standing beside his mentor, stared straight at the holy relic placed on the altar.

It is said that it is the first snake skin fossil to shed its skin in the world.

Thinking of the heroic spirits that this holy relic would summon, even Kirei couldn't help feeling afraid.

Now he finally understands the reason for Tokiomi's self-confidence, as long as he is a Servant, there is no one who can win the Heroic Spirit chosen by Tokiomi.


"Is it enough to use such a simple ceremony?"

In the snowy Winter City, Alice Viel was a little surprised when she saw the plain and crude summoning circle on the ground.

"Maybe you're going to be disappointed, but the summoning of the servants doesn't need such a fanfare of the spiritual seance ceremony."

Emiya Kiritsugu carefully checked whether the pattern drawn with mercury was distorted or mottled, and explained:

"This is because it is not the magician who actually summons the servants, but the Holy Grail. As the master, I only need to anchor the servants who appear to this world and provide magic power to make them materialize."

As if satisfied with the completion of the magic circle, the man stood up and glanced at the altar in the center, on which was placed the catalyst for summoning.

It was a golden-backed scabbard with blue lines, and the inscriptions on the scabbard were reflected by the slight smoothness.

Emiya Kiritsugu stared at this significant holy relic, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

If his conjecture is correct, then this Holy Grail War may be more difficult than he imagined.

"It's starting, Ellie." He said in a low voice.


"Let's go, Sakura, stand a little farther away."

In the hidden basement, Matou Kariya drew a magic circle and signaled the purple-haired girl to stay away.

Seeing the girl's worried expression, Kariya couldn't help laughing: "If Shuoyue came back and saw you like this, I might be shocked."

"Isn't it time to talk about this, Uncle Kariya?" Sakura reminded, "If you want to restrain the berserk Heroic Spirit, you must be serious."

"Well, that's what I said." Matou Kariya patted his cheek, and refocused himself, "Come on, let me see who will answer my call."


Located in a corner of Shenshan Town, in the depths of the miscellaneous woods, the dripping blood draws an extremely precise magic circle. At first glance, it looks like a cult scene, but the chicken corpse thrown aside shows the source of the blood.

"Very good, that's it." The boy who came from the foreign clock tower wiped the sweat off his face, and began to chant the mysterious mantra with his passion for magic and the willpower to move forward towards his goal.

The boy named "Weber Velvet" wants to prove to his lecturer and the decaying clock tower that even without noble blood, he can still make great achievements!


With the spirit and recklessness of a boy, Waver started singing.

"Your body listens to my orders, and my life depends on your sword!"

"If you wish to dwell in the Holy Grail, follow this will, follow this principle, then you shall do so!"

The feeling of magical power surrounding the whole body, as long as a magician cannot escape, the chills and pain caused by the circulation and peristalsis of the magic circuit in the body.

However, in Emiya Kiritsugu's view, this kind of pain is just a necessary means to achieve the goal.

Come on, speak out his true inner thoughts!
"I swear here, I will accomplish all good deeds in the world, and I will suppress all evil deeds in the world!"

Gritting his teeth, Matou Kariya's low roar echoed in the basement:

"But you should blindfold yourself with chaos and serve me!"

Compared with others, Kariya's chant was two verses longer, and the pain he endured doubled accordingly—but this time, it was Matou Kariya's own choice.

In order to defeat that person, he was willing.

Under Sakura's worried gaze, the man with black hair and black pupils gritted his teeth and spoke with infinite determination:
"You are the one in the cage of madness, I am the one in chains!"

Come on, Berserker who can crush that guy!
Derailed from reality, farewell to common sense, Shuoyue was fascinated by the charm of the magician. During the heart-pounding chant, he didn't realize that the corner of his mouth evoked an excited smile:
"You are the seven heavens wrapped around the three spirits of words, and you come from the wheel of restraint——the guardian of the balance!"

Coincidentally enough to be called a miracle, different figures came to the world in dazzling light.

Some are shining with golden light, some are clear and awe-inspiring, some are tall and bold, and some are filled with black air.

And the one standing in front of the golden-eyed young man is like the new moon of the earth shining on the stars——

Bright, beautiful, and extremely familiar.


At this time, the chilling inquiries resounded throughout the forest at night, in the deep basement, in the deep auditorium and in the large hollow.

"Answer me, are you the Master who called me?"

 Come on, guess, whose girl is this? (Although it has already been revealed)

  Thanks to book friend Huai Liu for the [-] recommendation tickets, the boss is so proud!

(End of this chapter)

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