My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 233 Miyu who came to Fuyuki

Chapter 233 Miyu who came to Fuyuki

The night is already deep.

In Enzo Mountain in Fuyuki City, a figure slowly walked out of the large hollow.

It was a girl with short black hair and a black dress dragging on the ground like a wedding dress.

The color of her clothing almost merged with the night, only her pale skin and those amber eyes were shining faintly under the moonlight.

Holding on to the mountain wall, she slowly walked out of the hollow. The girl gazed at the sight of Fuyuki City, her eyes widened in obsession for a moment.

The lights of human civilization are shining on the earth. With the Fuyuki Bridge as the boundary, the old city of Miyama Town and the new city of Shinto are shining orange and cool white light respectively.

The stars in the sky are blinking, the lights of the cities on the ground are bright and dim, that is the rhythm of life, that is the breathing of the world.

This is Fuyuki City, not that Fuyuki.

Like the end of the world, the deserted city with a huge pothole in the center has been abandoned in another world. Her brother sacrificed his life and sent her to Fuyuki City, which is more peaceful and worth living in.

The girl looked at the warm lights of Wanjia, and subconsciously took a step forward.

There was pain in the soles of my feet.

Backing away, the girl lowered her head, a few stones blocked the road, obviously something that could be kicked away at will, but she didn't even have a pair of shoes, and her bare feet had no protection at all.

She came to this world as a sacrificial offering, and she had nothing but this long skirt that barely covered her body.

Carefully groping, like a baby just learning to walk, the girl supported the mountain wall, enduring the pain of walking, all the way to the foot of the mountain, and finally stood on the asphalt road.

Thanks to the country's good cleaning habits, the girl finally didn't have to endure the loose gravel on the mountain road, and the pain on the soles of her feet was slightly relieved, but what followed was a cold wind.

In early spring, it turns warm and cold.

Although there were few pedestrians passing by, most of them wore long-sleeved jackets and stared at the girl walking in the middle of the main road with strange expressions.

The car lights in the distance came suddenly with the horn, scaring the girl to stagger to the side of the road.

She had been under the protection of her brother before, and had hardly ever left the house, so she naturally didn't know the difference between the road and the sidewalk.

But now she and her brother are far apart, and the girl must use her own hands and feet to touch and measure the world.

So the first step is to have a set of warm clothes.

It seems that the power of the Holy Grail still remains in her body. In the corner in front of the girl, there is a bag of clothes that seem to be discarded by someone else's house.

There was a red streamer and a blue streamer interlaced behind her, the girl didn't realize it, she just walked forward step by step and stretched out her hand.

The palm of your hand is held by someone, and the warmth spreads along your arm and throughout your body.

"A dress like that doesn't suit you."

Trembling, she raised her head like a panicked little animal, and the girl saw a white-haired boy with a complex complexion for some reason.

Yes, the boy is exactly Shuoyue.

Ever since Meiyou walked out of Yuanzang Mountain, he has been silently watching this nominal 'sister', watching her bear the pain all the way to come here.

Shuoyue didn't think about standing up, hugging her like in the Fourth Holy Grail War, telling her in a gentle voice, "This is my brother, it doesn't matter anymore", and then guarding her for the rest of her life, watching her grow up.

But it's impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Why, Master?" While hiding in the dark to protect Miyu, Kato Danzo couldn't hide his doubts as he looked at Sakuzuki who tried to reach out several times, but finally retracted his hand.

At that time, Shuo Yue, who had transformed into a boy, closed her eyes and sighed helplessly:
"I am not qualified to adopt this child. I am a wanderer, a ray of wind that cannot be kept, and it is impossible to be tied down."

Just like Emiya Kiritsugu shed tears in Winter Castle and said, "I am not qualified to hold this child," Sakutsu also felt Kiritsugu's sadness and helplessness at that time.

After all, he is not a giant, he has his own life.

Yes, adopting Meiyu is very simple. There are only a handful of people in this world who can defeat Shuoyue. If Meiyou is willing, Shuoyue can even pick off the moon for her.

However, as omnipotent as the new moon, there is one thing that cannot be given to Meiyou no matter what.

That is companionship.

Regardless of whether there is a mandatory skill of 'Endless Sad Wish', Shuo Yue is destined not to stay in one world for too long.

The second singularity, the Holy Grail War of the Moon, Fate/Apocrypha, the crown designation of fate... There are too many adventures waiting for him, and it is impossible for him to stop.

Then follow the original destiny, drifting to the park, meeting Sapphire, meeting Luvia, meeting Illya, meeting Rin, meeting precious little friends... And the crisis lurking in the distance and staring at tigers is caused by Shuoyue. Reverse it yourself.

Meiyou just needs to live in this world with peace of mind - in this case, Shuoyue can be regarded as fulfilling the wish entrusted by Juxia.

Yes, he thought so.

But seeing Meiyou wandering helplessly in the huge world, and even going to pick up other people's clothes, he still couldn't help it.

Is this the influence of the giant, or is it his own pity at work?
Shuoyue no longer thinks about this question, because his instinct has already taken a step forward and held Meiyou's hand.

In a daze, Sakuzuki seemed to have returned to the beginning of the Fourth Holy Grail War, but now Miyu is not a Servant, but a living human being.

[What a wonderful journey, brother, in that world, we will meet eventually. 】

The beryl-colored magical girl overlapped with the timid girl in front of him, the boy blinked, and simply opened his arms, hugging Miyu:

"You are welcome here."

As if the past was repeating itself, Miyu who wanted to push Shuoyue away once again felt that sense of peace of mind, as if her brother had come across the world to meet her again.

"Brother..." The girl gripped the corner of Shuo Yue's clothes tightly, sobbing in a low voice.

"No, I'm not your brother." There was a bit of bitterness on the corner of the young man's mouth, which quickly dissipated, "It's just that as a priest, I can't bear to see lost lambs wandering in the world, yes, that's how it is."

Continuing to hold Miyu in a princess hug, feeling the uneasy movements of the girl in his arms, Sakuzuki said, "Duanzo."

"Yes, master." Kato Danzou appeared in front of Sakuyue, holding a clothing bag in his left hand.

Knowing that Miyu will come to Fuyuki tonight, how could Satsuki be unprepared?

He keeps saying that he won't care about it, but in the end it's just a dislike of integrity.

"I'll leave it to you." Shuo Yue handed Mei You to Duan Zang, while she turned around consciously.

"Yes." Duan Zang took the confused Miyu and turned around to hide in the shadows. Soon there was a rustling sound and the girl's exclamation.

"Wait a minute, Miss Danzo, it can't work here...ah!"

"Well, don't you need this one? Hey! I'll do it myself! I can do it myself!"

"Wear it, wear it backwards... woohoo."

Sakuyue's lips twitched when he heard this, but fortunately Danzo didn't embarrass him for too long, and soon he led Miyu out who was wearing cute children's clothes and the blush on her face had not dissipated.

Compared with the pale beauty in a long skirt before, the current Miyu is obviously more energetic and lovable.

"Good job." The young priest clapped his hands and said with satisfaction, "Let's go to dinner next."

"Eat?" Miyu raised her head subconsciously, and the sound of 'gurgling' came out of her stomach in cooperation, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Seeing Meiyou's shy look, Shuoyue smiled slightly, holding her hand softly in her eyes: "Let's go."


He didn't go to any big hotels or high-end restaurants. Sakuzuki just took Miyu to find a roadside izakaya. With the joint persuasion of Fukuzawa Yukichi and the young priest, the shop owner willingly gave up his seat. Shuo Yue cooked in person and made a bowl of steaming rice porridge.

Porridge and side dishes are more soothing.

Silently waiting for Meiyou to finish eating voraciously, Shuoyue estimated that the time was almost up, she stood up and said, "Duan Zang, send Meiyou to the park and wait there later, that's where she will go."

After swallowing the food, Meiyu hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

I don't know why the young man has a sense of security, I don't understand why he knows his name, and I don't know why he is so kind to me all of a sudden... But Shuo Yue left as soon as he said it, which still made Miyu panic.

"Don't worry, Miyu." Hearing this, the young man turned around, his golden eyes filled with undisguised pampering, "Just like your brother wished, he wished you happiness, hoped that you would be able to live happily ever after in this world. Friends—then I wish you the same."

As he spoke, the boy's figure disappeared like a shadow, as if he had never appeared.

"Go and meet your life, my...friend."

"Let's go, Miss Meiyu." Duan Zang stood beside her when Meiyou was in a daze, and said silently.

(End of this chapter)

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