My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 245 Cutting, encirclement and suppression, the end of the first wave

Chapter 245 Cutting, encirclement and suppression, the end of the wave

Like a speeding meteor.

It was like being bathed in blood and fire.

The knights who brought the apocalypse were so close. The horses kicked violently and trampled on the human-supported battle shield. It was as deafening as the impact of a siege ram. The bloody light on the four hooves easily broke through the wooden shield. , just as the Celtic long sword easily chopped off the arm from the human body. When the sword flashed with blood, the person's shoulders, limbs or head were separated from the body, the neck was stabbed to a bloody pulp, and the internal organs were scattered on the ground.

The seemingly impregnable shield array collapsed the moment it came into contact with the knights. The screams of their companions dying shocked their minds. The soldiers from the United Empire looked at the knights charging ahead and saw their deep-eyed pupils. His body was red, and his hands and feet could not stop shaking.

Those are not soldiers of the living, because they come covered in mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They come with the will of Mors to cut off the hair of the living and take away their souls!

At the moment they realized this, the messenger of death came on horseback and sent them to Hades in a more direct way.

The brutal contact battle came to an end in an instant. To outsiders, it seemed that the white-haired general just led his soldiers in a charge, destroyed the shield line of defense, dropped the body and walked away.

The fiasco of the patrol made the centurion furious. He cursed loudly, abandoned the slow-moving troops, and ordered the cavalry to charge after him, chasing the retreating enemy figure.

After breaking through the shield formation, Shuo Yue's front was unimpeded. He turned his head slightly and roughly glanced at his knights, with a gloomy expression on his brows.

Even though he tried his best to protect them with blood demons, two cavalrymen still fell behind and were killed by the patrol soldiers.

Even though Shuo Yue was mentally prepared, it was still hard for him to accept it as he always pursued perfect clearance.

Of course, as long as the war continues, such feelings will become numb sooner or later.

Thinking like this, the young man looked away and caught the enemy officer, whose face turned red with anger and came with a small team.

"It's not a good thing if your opponent is too stupid, so let's stop him."

Hearing this, the cavalrymen took out their spare light spears one after another. They didn't need to calibrate them deliberately. They only needed to throw them away from the distance with their hands, and dozens of spears fell like rain.

"Attention——!" The pursuers in the rear had already noticed this attack. Although they were frightened, they all stopped and used various means to resist.

Except for a few unlucky ones who were injured and fell off their horses, the others quickly escaped the impact, but their speed inevitably slowed down. The angry centurion yelled and cursed, but to no avail.

At this time, not only the pursuing team, but also the large enemy army chased out of the camp and poured into the forest path, intending to catch all the "scouts".

"It's time." Shuo Yue always paid attention to her surroundings. After hearing the sudden sharp call of birds in the forest, she pulled the horse's head and raised the bronze sword in her hand high.

The scarlet blood soared into the sky and turned into a dazzling signal, catching everyone's eyes.

Before the enemy could react, the sound of charging and killing suddenly rang out from both sides of the woods. Under the leadership of a group of generals, the two armies inserted themselves into the chasing army like sharp knives, smashing the formation into pieces.

"Oops, it's an ambush! Withdraw, retreat quickly!"

The officer who led the pursuit finally realized the crisis. He shouted loudly, but it was too late.

The number of enemies hiding on the hills is far beyond imagination, as if they are not ambushes but the main force of the enemy.At the same time, they had premeditatedly cut off the battlefield, and any soldiers who looked like the leaders were immediately set on fire and surrounded and killed in the chaos.

Soldiers who lost the command of their superiors were just a bunch of scattered sand, unable to organize an effective defense at all. However, the Roman Empire's army was ready to attack. First they threw a wave of javelins, and then the young soldiers moved forward with swords and took advantage of the chaos to fight. , after the enemy reacted, the young soldiers had already retreated into the second formation. The strong young soldiers stood in front and dealt heavy blows to the enemy. The young soldiers behind them and the mercenaries from other areas were behind them to finish the damage, with the help of Throw arrows and rocks to kill dangerous enemies first.Even if some enemies managed to escape and gathered together, they would be further divided by well-trained teams and defeated one by one.

The dying cry echoed in the forest, and the splattered blood dyed the leaves red, and was greedily absorbed by the soil.

It was obviously an evenly matched battle, but now it turned into an outright massacre.

First, they showed their weakness by using blitzkrieg tactics to break into enemy strongholds, destroying gates and burning camps; then they used intelligence information as a threat to force the United Empire Army to dispatch to pursue and kill them; then they used the terrain to ambush the enemy in reverse, and the army broke in, cut, and encircled and suppressed them. , the wave is over.

The big picture is set.

While the generals were directing their men to advance, they could not help but look at their governor, the young man with white hair and bloody eyes, with admiration.

While waiting for the order, they also discussed the battle plan. If they had the same strength, they could only think of leading the army to break through the checkpoint, and before the enemy's camp was set up, invade the village as quickly as possible and attack the enemy. The city battle turned into an encounter, and pairs began to be consumed.

As the saying goes, miracles come from great strength. They only need to be powerful and leave the rest to miracles.

As long as they attack the enemy unprepared and attack them head-on before they can react, they have a high chance of victory.

But in that case, many soldiers are destined to be lost. It will never be like the current situation. The enemy has no resistance at all, and the entire forest has become their hunting ground.

Such feats were all made by the newly appointed governor.

And Shuo Yue, who had already gained the loyalty of the generals, when his own troops that had been lying in wait for a long time broke out, he led dozens of light cavalry under his command to kill them with carbine, and rushed towards the officers who were chasing them just seconds ago. .

At this time, the fighting in the forest has begun. Whether they are prey or hunters, injured or dead, their blood and resentment are all absorbed by Shuo Yue's spiritual base, so——

"This, what the hell is this!"

The officers were stunned as they looked at the cavalry who turned back and charged towards them, the bloody heavy armor gradually outlined on their bodies, and the increasingly sharp and terrifying weapons in their hands.

This is not the so-called scout team, it is clearly a bloody pagoda wearing heavy armor!
The bloody evil spirit condensed with resentment rushed towards the face, the war horses began to fear, the soldiers began to commotion, the officer tightly held the dagger in his hand, opening his mouth to speak, but there was nothing to say.

escape?The water behind him was already in dire straits, and countless enemies were concerned about the little battle merit on his neck.

rush?They came in a hurry, and some of them didn't even wear armor. How could they compete with this group of heavy cavalry?
It didn't take long for the officer to stop thinking anymore, because Shuo Yue came with a sword and skillfully cut off his head.

It was like a blood-colored heavy horse galloping from hell, crushing the officer and hundreds of cavalry behind him. Then he drove straight in, transformed into a tiger and wolf, and rushed into the flock of lambs. Killing gods when he saw them, killing Buddhas when he saw them, as if they were in the presence of no one. situation, further disintegrating the enemy's will to fight.

Subsequently, the armies of the Roman Empire merged together. After leaving some troops to guard the prisoners, the rest of the soldiers filed out and swarmed towards the broken camp that had no cover. They took control of the soldiers inside and completely cut off everything in the United Empire. Resistance is possible.

The ambush battle of 2000 people against 2000 people ended with Shuo Yue's side winning a resounding victory.

 …Should I ask for some recommendation votes?

(End of this chapter)

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