My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 247 Flower of Rome, Love of Rome

Chapter 247 Flower of Rome, Love of Rome

Many soldiers in the camp, including prisoners and surrendered soldiers, all saw a strange scene.

The white-haired governor who led them and captured the enemy's garrison with perfect command was avoiding his eyes at this time, looking a little well-behaved, while their emperor, a petite blond girl, was using an almost torturous expression. She pressed her head against the Governor's body in an aggressive posture, staring up at him, with 'I'm very curious' written all over his emerald pupils.

"So, what does the kid mean by 'digging a hole'?"

"...You heard wrong, Your Majesty."

"Um, although I have had more frequent headaches recently, I am usually not stupid enough to hear the wrong words! So - tell me, Governor!"

At the end of the sentence, Nero simply hugged Shuo Yue's arm and started acting coquettishly.

The face that was comparable to the beauty goddess Venus slowly came closer, and the rather bold clothing seemed to carry a scorching temperature. Shuo Yue just glanced at the ravine on her chest, and then subconsciously turned his gaze, but the translucent The hem of her skirt came into view again.

It is simply painful and happy.

From Nero's perspective, she might simply think that this approach would make it easier for Shuo Yue to let go.

But in the eyes of others, this was a sign of the Roman emperor's love for their commander-in-chief.

A group of rough guys who were suffocating in the barracks exchanged glances and snickered in a way that all men knew.

After all, this is the only reason why His Majesty the Emperor, who is sitting in the center and has everything to do with everything, comes to Pisa. It is also the only reason that can make this noble rose girl take the initiative to throw herself into his arms and act like a baby in front of everyone without restraint.

Even Shuo Yue couldn't help but have the idea of ​​'three major illusions in life', but considering the emperor's personality, he finally suppressed the flutter in his heart and said calmly:
"I refuse. This is what people in the military have to face. As the emperor, you only need to sit in front of the hall, and someone will lead his troops to fight in all directions and bring you victory. There is some cold wind, frost and snow, but you still don't want it. It’s better to get dirty.”


Nero pursed his red lips, almost showing his dissatisfaction in front of Shuo Yue.

"I order you to tell me the answer to this question!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shuo Yue subconsciously looked at the back of Nero's hand, only to find that the command spell still existed.

Isn't this kind of thing enough to inspire Nero (Master) to use the Command Seal?
But he couldn't refuse, and he couldn't let Nero develop the psychological inertia that "even orders have no effect."

While thinking, Shuo Yue sighed helplessly, and finally gave the answer:

"It's for burying corpses, Your Majesty."

How can anyone not die in a war?And the corpses cannot be discarded at will. Usually, the victorious side will bury their own soldiers in separate graves, so that they can be buried in peace.

As for the enemy's corpses, they are not treated so well. They are usually buried intensively and digging holes is a normal thing.

"That's it..." Nero could tell that this was the truth, but she still instinctively felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a moment, she decisively decided to forget about it.

All she wanted was an attitude. Now that Shuo Yue had already answered, she would not continue to ask further questions.

As for Shuo Yue, her eyes flickered slightly, still avoiding Nero's passionate and hearty eyes.

It is true that corpses are buried, but is it digging a pit for the dead, or is it a torture device for those who are about to die——

The truth of the matter is still buried in the iceberg by Shuo Yue. "Okay, Your Majesty, I have finished answering your questions. Now please go back to your camp and rest."

"Governor, I am the emperor, right? I am free to go wherever I want!" The more Shuo Yue wanted Nero to go back, the more Nero refused to give in easily, "Who are these people? They are our enemies, The poor guy who failed in the end?"

The white-haired young man had empty eyes and was completely at a loss for this indulgent emperor: "Yes, these are the stupid people who would rather die than be loyal to the United Roman Empire."

"Boom, they are all loyal people." Nero thought thoughtfully.

"...Wait a minute, you don't want to forgive them, do you?" Hearing something wrong from the complimentary description, Shuo Yue suddenly realized a possibility.

When Nero heard this, he looked up at Shuo Yue in confusion: "Boom, why not? Rome should be open to all rivers and tolerant of all things!"

This is true, both history and Rome itself bear it out.

In many ancient civilizations, whether it is Babylon, Egypt, India or even China, there has been a certain degree of xenophobia.

Only in Rome, although slavery existed, as long as you were a citizen of Rome, you would be treated equally regardless of your nationality or creed.

Macrinus, who once sat on the Amyrlin Throne, was even a black man from the province of Nubia.

In the vast history, it may be difficult to find a civilization as open and inclusive as ancient Rome. As the saying goes, 'all roads lead to Rome', as long as you are willing to be Rome, then you are Rome.

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But only on this matter, Shuo Yue disagreed with Nero's approach.

"Where does your tolerance come from, Your Majesty?" The white-haired young man stopped the emperor, with unknown emotions hidden in his blood-red eyes, "What are you going to use to accept all this?"

"It is the unwillingness of the enemy to be killed, the resentment of the sacrifice of his comrades, and the chain of hatred of killing each other and endless grudges."

"Are you ready to accept all this?"

Forgiving these soldiers means forgiving the crimes they committed before, which also means that the soldiers have lost the target of revenge. The sacrifice of Shuoyue's entire army has completely become a fact, which cannot be reversed, and cannot even be paid tribute with blood.

Will people agree with this?
Soldiers who have lost their limbs because of the battle, soldiers who have lost their comrades because of the confrontation, citizens who have lost their loved ones because of the war...

Will they forgive like Nero?
"What are you talking about, Governor?" Faced with Shuo Yue's question, Nero's eyes widened in surprise and he answered naturally.

"Of course it's because of love! Yu Ke deeply loves every plant and tree in Rome, and anyone who wants to become a Roman!"

The emperor as beautiful as a rose said with a smile.

"..." The white-haired young man was completely speechless, and seeing Shuo Yue speechless, Nero stood up like a victorious general and stepped onto the stage in Shuo Yue's place.

Although she is such a petite figure, no one can take their eyes away from her.

"I am the Emperor Nero Claudius! You are specially allowed to listen to my words!"

 …I will never admit that the Flower of Rome is Caesar’s fat uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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