My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 254 What follows the incident in the bathroom?

Chapter 254 What follows the incident in the bathroom is...


"I see—I see—"

The first thing I feel is hearing, as birds and cicadas weave the rhythm of summer together.

The world reflected in the eyes was white at first, and then gradually became clear as if it was in focus.

Vision returns, and the heat of the midday air is felt by both smell and touch.

So it proved successful, and Shuo Yue existed in this world again.

After staring at this gentle world for a long time, the boy spread his hands.

Left hand projection, right hand imaginary number.

The iron light condensed from the left hand and turned into a sharp spear and sword; the purple light fell on the palm of the right hand, outlining the shape of the door in the void.

The "reality" that people perceive and the mystery are intertwined, just like the new moon traveling between two worlds, which is exciting and novel.

Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Shuo Yue took steps and walked out of the church.

Kato Danzo did not respond immediately, indicating that she was faithfully fulfilling Sakutsu's order and following Kallen out.

And Shuo Yue was not in a hurry to replace his capable subordinates. After returning from the battlefield, he tried to adjust his mood, hummed a little tune, and walked towards Illya's home with a leisurely pace.

I don’t know where the magical girl’s happy journey is now?

I didn’t use any means of transportation, just relied on my own legs, and walked slowly on the streets in the afternoon. I also bought some drinks and popsicles at the roadside grocery store, opened the unfamiliar wrapping paper, and experienced the novel taste. In this way, he gradually reached his nominal "home".

"I'm back~"

"Welcome back, ah, it's Shuo Yue!" Sera, the maid with a wife's hairstyle and a gentle personality (for the most part), walked out of the living room and was surprised to see Shota Shuo Yue, who had not returned for a day, "Ms. Sister of the Church I called you. Did you spend the night at the church last night? I didn’t expect that even the church work would be so busy.”

Because of the 'beautiful boy' and the magic of suggestion, Sera would not realize that Sakutue could not become a priest at his age, or that the church was employing child labor. She would just naturally care about Sakutue, who seemed to be about the same age as Illya. , "How do you feel? Are you tired? Do you need a rest? I just cleaned your bedroom..."

"No, thank you, Sera." Shuo Yue smiled and picked up the bag in her hand, "Where is Illya? I bought some food on the way."

"Ah, what a coincidence. Miss Illya just went out not long ago. She said she wanted to go out for fun or something. She was so mysterious."

"Is that so?" Shuo Yue thought thoughtfully, then smiled and handed the bag in his hand to Sera, "There are also those for you and Liz, and as for Illya and Shirou's, just put them in the refrigerator and wait for them. Come back. Oh, and by the way, let me use the kitchen."

"Ah, oh, okay..." Sera took the plastic bag in a daze, and immediately fell into the struggle of losing weight and eating. Shuo Yue dove into the kitchen, and after a while she shouted, "I'm going out." "He picked up another bag and walked out of the house.

"Wait, eh!" Sera hurriedly left Liz, who was eating ice cream with her, and ran to the entrance. However, she only heard the door click lightly, and Shuo Yue slipped away again not long after returning.


Carrying the bag again, strolling on the street.

"Rider has been defeated. Sera said that I stayed out for a day, which means that the time should be when I was brutally taught by Caster. In order to deal with Mother C, when the magical girls began to practice flying, no wonder Illya went out in the afternoon. It seemed that she was going Practiced in the countryside."

"Use the positioning magic attached to the ruby ​​to find it." In this regard, Shuo Yue never makes any mistakes.

The magic unfolded, and Shuo Yue took steps in the direction he was looking for. The imaginary magic power flowed under his feet, causing him to flicker on the road like a ghost. He was trying to remember the next plot.

"If there is no accident, Illya and the others will play Caster tonight for the second time. After winning, they will be attacked by Saber who is also in the mirror world." "The key point is the job introduction cards of Caster and Saber, and the most important point is that Xiao Black (Chloe) shows up.”

In the battle with Saber, Illya could not bear the pressure and awakened the sealed personality, which was Xiao Hei, and used the job introduction card Dream Summon (Install) to defeat Saber.

In the process of Illya and Miyu collecting career cards, Shuo Yue has nothing to interfere with, because the story of this chapter has a rare happy ending and is also the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the two magical girls.

All he has to do is to make the whole story controllable while collecting career cards, so as not to cause something bad to happen because of his butterfly.

Thinking like this, Shuo Yue has arrived at the outskirts, and following the trajectory, she found the figure of a girl wearing a pink magic dress who was practicing flying.

"Hey, Illya..." The moment he took a step, Shuo Yue's reason issued a warning, urging this overly relaxed guy to come back to his senses, but it was too late.

The moment she called out her name, Illya subconsciously looked at Shuo Yue.

A silver-haired girl wearing a magical girl costume, who looked like a suspicious cosplayer but was actually floating in the air, looked at each other from a distance with Father Shota who looked up without any shock. The scene suddenly fell into a non-static scene.

"...I always feel that this plot is a bit familiar." Shuo Yue couldn't help but recall that night, the soft body bathed in the moonlight.

For Ilya, the shame of having her secret revealed may be no different than running naked without any clothes on.

and so.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Illya's panicked scream resounded through the sky. If Shuoyue hadn't covered her ears in advance and used soundproofing magic, I'm afraid the police from thousands of miles away would have heard the news and come to give him free police station tickets. A private room with food and accommodation included.

A moment later, Illya, who had released her transformation, hid behind a big tree. Her face turned red, like an angry frog, and she stared at Shuo Yue who was smiling helplessly.

"……Did you see it."

“What if I say I didn’t see it???”

Huh - like a deflated rubber ball, Illya's bulging cheeks suddenly deflated. She let out a small scream and subconsciously wanted to escape from the crime scene, but Shuo Yueyi flashed behind her. He held his arm.

"Don't worry, I'll show you something good."


As she spoke, Illya saw Shuo Yue turn his hand and magically pull out four sword hilts. With a flash of cold light, the magic blades shone brightly.

"This is……"

"It's the black key, the universal ceremonial dress for the Church's agent." The ruby ​​cane intervened at the right time, with a solemn tone, "So that's it, you are also a person on the 'inside'. Illya, this person is very dangerous, you must be more vigilant."

For the ruby, the church's supreme ceremonial, involving the second method that can be called a miracle, its existence itself is a kind of blasphemy to the church, and one can imagine the tension between the two.

"Hey, but brother Shuo Yue is..."

"Don't worry, Illya, I'm not a bad person." Shuo Yue threw the black key casually and spread his hands, "Just like the Magic Association discovered anomalies in the earth's veins, our Holy Church has naturally detected a problem. If If you are the ones who solve the abnormalities in the earth's veins, then I will be your supervisor."

"As long as you don't do anything harmful, I won't do anything unnecessary."


Looking at Priest Shota with a harmless smile on his face and maxing out his 'Beautiful Boy' ability, who would have imagined that he was the mysterious man who disguised himself as Rin Tohsaka and took away the Rider class card?

(End of this chapter)

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