My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 256 Shuo Yue’s Notice Letter

Chapter 256 Shuo Yue’s Notice Letter
"Shuo Yue Shao Lao, five urns and four gui." - "Book of Rites Tamamo"

But the name that this young man took on a whim and continues to use to this day is not simply a moon phase.

That is the name of a long-standing family that has taken root in the land of Fuyuki since the Tensho era. It is said that girls born in this family have a pair of red eyes and have extraordinary abilities to receive people's thoughts and realize them unconsciously. The child of transformation...or the child of God.

However, while this characteristic was like a blessing from God, it also turned into a curse - the first girl, who saved Fuyuki from famine, died when she was only 2 years old.The second girl's spirit was worn out before her life, and she became a machine that could only accept and process wishes.

Therefore, starting from the third one, the births of the 'Shuoyues' were hidden, and they were always kept in the barrier and raised away from the public.The moons and moons of all ages, without exception, abandoned their selfish desires and always purely prayed for the happiness of their children.The fact that as a human being, as a parent, the natural behavior has continued for 500 years, it can be said to be a miracle that surpasses the child of God.

And the end of that family is also Miyu's past.

The girl was considered a childish child, but before her birthday when she turned seven and her nature disappeared, she was implicated in an unknown [erosion accident] that occurred in Fuyuki City, and the Sakuzuki family fell apart.

Miyu, who was left alone in the ruins, was eventually protected by Kiritsugu of that world, and entrusted her to Shirou, the giant Emiya, after his death.

——Although the past before the age of seven has become blurry, Miyu can still clearly perceive that the "new moon" that the priest calls himself in front of him is not describing the bright moon, but pointing to another world. , an ancient family that has completely disappeared.

"...You can't have that name."

All the family members who inherited this surname have been wiped out. Even she abandoned her previous surname and chose to become someone's sister.

Facing Miyou's questioning, the boy dressed as a priest looked confused:
"What are you talking about? Of course my name is fake."

"Yes, yes, there is nothing wrong with the name Brother Shuoyue... eh eh eh eh!" Illya wanted to help, but she realized something was wrong halfway through.She looked at Shuo Yue in astonishment.


"Well, it's fake, Illya." Shuo Yue, or the young man from another world further away, smiled and nodded, "When walking in the mysterious world, it is natural to hide your real name as deeply as possible. I don’t want to be controlled by someone who has mastered black magic.”

What's more, running around in various studios of Xingyue, it would be too abrupt to use Hua Xia's name, right?

"Okay, ladies, don't worry about my problem." Shuo Yue clapped her hands, opened the bag she brought along, and took out two lunch boxes, "You must be hungry after a busy afternoon. ? I simply made some snacks, so I’ll end the practice and take a rest.”

"Okay!" Illya cheered immediately, fell from the sky, and ran to Shuo Yue. As if she thought of something, she turned to explain to another magical girl, "By the way, Miyu, Shuo Yue ...Well, let’s call it that, Brother Shuo Yue is the supervisor of the church, and he knows our situation.”

"Ok, I know."

"Eh? Is it so plain!"

Miyu did not answer. Perhaps in her opinion, people with this name are destined to have nothing to do with mystery.

Following Illya's example, Miyu clasped her hands together and took the glutinous rice dumplings Sakuyue handed her and took a small bite.

Then, his eyes widened.

This taste...

The girl suddenly turned her head to look at Shuo Yue and opened her mouth to speak, but her emotions quickly cooled down.

The moment she entered her mouth, the taste was very similar to the porridge that a certain boy cooked for her on the first night she came into this world.

But then, the taste is just the taste. There is no emotion in it, it is just the exquisite combination of different ingredients and the arrangement of the food.

It's not that the glutinous rice dumplings are not delicious, but compared with the porridge cooked by the boy himself, there is a certain key element missing here.

So, is it just an illusion?
In the end, Miyou said nothing and just ate the food in her hands silently without saying a word.

"By the way, Illya." Sakuyue also retracted his gaze from looking at Miyu and said with a smile.

"Huh?" Illya, who was quite happy with her meal, raised her head and heard Shuo Yue continue.

"Say hello to the magicians of the association, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, for me. I will also enter the venue tonight to defeat the [-]st Cavalry Servant." Hearing this, the two magic girls are also combatants. The girl looked over immediately.

"Brother Shuo Yue also wants to collect the class cards?"

"……which one?"

Shuo Yue did not answer immediately, but laughed evilly: "I remember that you practiced flying because you were beaten badly by Caster, right?"

"The church seems to have the idea of ​​competing with the Magic Association, so the class card it ordered me to receive - unfortunately, it is Caster."

It was precisely because he knew the competitiveness of the two girls that Shuo Yue was able to fabricate such a lie without changing his face.

"If Caster is defeated by me, then the church will definitely use this basis to attack the Magic Association for its ineffectiveness, right?"

Ah, the adult world is really dangerous.

Illya looked at Shuo Yue, who was smiling happily, and this thought suddenly came to her mind.

As for Miyu, I have already begun to imagine the violent scene of anti-gravity twintails and golden drill heads.


night, 11:30
Underneath the Fuyuki Bridge, beside the Miyon River

Illya, who had transformed into a magical girl, turned her head and looked at Miyu, who had also transformed, with no emotion on her face.

Meyou, can you fly?
In the afternoon, Sakuyue packed up the lunch box and left. After Sakuyue's earlier prompting, she took the initiative and invited Miyu to practice flying together. Although the latter looked a little surprised, she still happily agreed. .

Ah, of course, in the end, the unimaginative Miyu couldn't learn it... Although she even recited the awkward aerospace mechanics formula at Illya's house and it sounded like Morse code to Illya General various machine damage equations.

But obviously, scientific knowledge cannot save the problem of imagination.

"Don't be distracted, Illya." Tohsaka Rin on the side reminded him with a serious face, "The time is almost up."

"Yes, this time is the most suitable to enter the mirror world." Luvia nodded in agreement, "Only here can you connect to the mirror world where the class card is."

"Having said that..." Illya muttered quietly, looking at the posture of their group at this time.

Rin and Luvia, who were supposed to be the leaders, one stuck their buttocks out and the other lay on the ground, using the cover of the bushes to look at the deserted road.

She and Miyu were hiding in another place, holding their canes as if they were carrying guns, and they formed a strict formation like a Vietnamese guerrilla war.

"Why don't we recycle the class cards!"

"No, I have to see that guy make a fool of himself tonight!" Rin refused, her blue gem-like eyes burning with a fire that refused to admit defeat.

"You actually said that we were not doing things well! Damn it, that's a Servant. Even if it's weakened, it's not something that ordinary modern magicians can defeat!"

Luvia's face was also full of resentment: It is a big mistake to try to trample on the dignity of the Magic Association. I want to see if that guy will be pierced by thousands of arrows, or will he cry and shout Evaporated by the magic cannon! "

"No, it's not so cruel..." Illya cried sadly.

After she conveyed Shuo Yue's words, the two competitive magicians immediately entered a state of war, full of hostility towards the priest who had never met anyone before.

For Rin and Luvia, this is the only opportunity to learn from the Gem Master. How could the church block it...!
At this moment, a figure finally appeared in front of the hidden team of magical girls.

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(End of this chapter)

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