My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 259 Shuo Yue: I’m coming in, Saber

Chapter 259 Shuo Yue: I’m coming in, Saber~
Fight against the legendary shadow from thousands of years ago and win.

This is a record that any magician can boast about, and a medal that any warrior can be proud of.

After confirming this great achievement, no matter who you are, you will let out a sigh of relief and feel relaxed from the bottom of your heart, right?
But the jet-black sword energy flew by, shattering all their illusions.

"Hey, is this guy okay?"

"Brother Shuoyue!"

Exclamations rang out, but this time, the priest, who was unharmed in the rain of magic bullets, fell to the ground and lost his movement.

Miyu clenched the staff tightly and subconsciously blocked it in front of everyone: "Sapphire, strengthen."

"Yes, Master Miyu's vision has been enhanced."

The girl looked around cautiously, and soon discovered the slowly emerging figure.

"... Found it, standing on the bridge!"

Wearing black and red armor that looked like dragon scales covering his body, the swordsman with golden vertical eyes cast a predatory look at them.

There is no doubt that this is another heroic spirit that appears based on the class card.

"What...what's going on, Ruby?"

"The worst has happened." Ruby Cane's voice trembled for the first time.

"It was completely unexpected, but the fact is that it really happened." Sapphire said with his usual calmness, "This is the second enemy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the swordsman in the distance held his sword upside down and slashed out two interlaced black sword energies from bottom to top.

Rin and Luvia could tell at a glance that this was not a long-charged blow that could not be blocked by the A-level magic barrier.


"Get out of the way!"

The two magicians subconsciously pushed the children around them away, but the gem barrier they had constructed collapsed at the first touch, and they were instantly knocked to the ground.

"Sister Rin, sister Luvia!" Illya, who was pushed to a safe area, subconsciously turned around, but her arm was tightly held by Miyu.

"Wait a minute, Illyasviel, you can't be too impulsive!"

"But Sister Rin and Sister Luvia..."

"Please calm down, Illya." Ruby also spoke at this time, "A life reaction has been detected, and it's okay for the time being. They are both still alive."

"Then we should go rescue them quickly!"

"Because of this! We should be calmer and act cautiously."


While the two magical girls were arguing, a black-armored swordsman appeared beside Rin and Luvia, holding an inverted holy sword engraved with patterns.

His hair flowed slowly like silvery moonlight.


[Killed the class card Saber]

[Current charging progress: 4/7]

"Mission accomplished." The fantasy horse beneath him neighed with satisfaction and disappeared.

The long hair that was tied up spread out in the collision of the noble phantoms. The cold-faced girl took the class card suspended in the air and turned her head, with waves in her golden pupils.

In her sight, the priest on the other end twisted his gun, pulled the trigger, and shot Caster through the heart.

"Master..." After whispering like this, Kato Danzo's eyes showed a hint of worry.She had just returned from her mission to protect Kallen when she was called by Shuo Yue to assist her. She had no time to explain to him what happened.

Although she is a doll, the basis for her judgment is always instructions, but even so, a certain feeling still tells her what kind of disaster will happen to her master after learning about the situation.

Will she be judged as having failed in her work and be disbanded?

No, if you act according to the instructions, this is the best choice.


"What's wrong with me? Now is not the time to talk about this." Shaking his head, Danzo eliminated unnecessary parts of the thinking module and focused on what he had to do at the moment.

Putting the Saber card into the magic device, an inverted holy sword composed of spirit particles appeared and was held by Kato Danzo.

"...Gu." As if he had caught the unruly evil dragon, Kato Danzo gritted his teeth, tried hard to control the rioting magic, and swung a sword at his master.

The black sword energy roared and hit the priest on the back in an instant.


The flame wave exploded, covering up the light of the replacement space. Shuo Yue suddenly appeared next to Duan Zang. Just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly stunned.

Under the city lights that are brighter than the stars, the young ninja from the Heian era tilts her head slightly, her long black hair flowing like a waterfall, flowing with a dreamy hazy beauty.

What a beautiful month.

The throbbing in her heart made Sakuyue blurt out: "It's very beautiful, Danzo."

"...Yes." As if he didn't expect the master to suddenly say something off-topic, Duan Zang blinked, lowered his head and said humbly.

Seeing that Miss Doll was not shy at all, Sakuyue curled her lips boredly and took Saber's class card from her hand: "I will transfer you there later, remember to use illusion to cover it up."

"Well, Danzo still has some experience in disguise."

The replacement magic was launched, and the ninjas around him disappeared. Sakuyue weighed the class card in his hand and let out a malicious laugh:
"Hey hey hey, I'm in, Saber~~"

If the class card had any sense, it would definitely struggle and scream, right?

But Shuo Yue held it ruthlessly and issued an order:

"Dream Call (Install)."

Then the spirit son rose up again and covered the boy who was growing rapidly. The dragon's scales turned into armor, and the mask that concealed his face covered his face.

The reversed Star Sword was easily held in his hand.

A reformer who uses dragon heart, a Knight of the Round Table who has been canonized by King Arthur himself.

With these two elements, Sakutsu's compatibility with the King of Knights is far beyond imagination.

"Hmm, it's quite heavy." After transforming into Saber for the first time, Shuo Yue moved her body and quickly adapted to the heavy sword and heavy armor. She even used "Magic Release" skillfully to jump up and jump to the top of the bridge.

"This is what it feels like to release magic power, hmm, hmm, speaking of which, have I also gained the skill adaptability of 'mana release'?"

Thinking like this, his movements were not slow. His heart, comparable to that of a fantasy species, outputted a massive amount of magic power and poured it into the holy sword in his hand.

The moment Miyu found him, Sakuyue grinned and slashed at them with his dark sword energy without mercy!
As he expected, Rin and Luvia decisively sacrificed themselves to protect the two magical girls after judging that it was impossible to do anything.

So the plot repeats itself. Although Caster is defeated, Illya and Miyu still have to fight against Saber without guidance, trying to rescue Rin and Luvia.

Oh, and there is also Shota Priest, disguised as Kato Danzo, lying on the side with his body stretched out.

With the help of the magic released, Sakuyue easily jumped over the bridge and appeared next to Rin and Luvia, quietly looking at the two magical girls with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Then, let me see your consciousness, my lovely sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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