My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 261 The Heart Lock is Broken

Chapter 261 The Heart Lock is Broken

That's a very, very powerful enemy.

Magic bullets and magic will only be deflected by the thick fog beside him, and he can handle them easily at both short and long ranges.

All the strengths of magical girls are surpassed by her.

That is truly the strongest enemy in history.

Both Miyu and Illya had this understanding. After realizing that it was impossible to defeat the swordsman no matter what, they decisively threw out their wands and entrusted their hopes to the first-generation magical girls who had more experience and stronger abilities. ——Rin and Luvia.

Then, a new transformation light rose up.

"They are really a bunch of guys who like to make people worry, but I can't bear to leave you alone, so I will make a special case for you this time."

"You really know how to say, this should have been done from the beginning."

"I temporarily logged in anonymously to obtain the license, although this was not my intention."

"What are you talking about? This is the way it should be, okay?"

The white-haired swordsman slowly turned around. Standing on the other side of him were the first-generation magical girls who had recovered from their injuries and reached their peak strength, namely Rin and Luvia after their transformation.

Tohsaka Rin, who looked more like a sword on his shoulder than a magic wand, said with a smile: "Then, let's start the real duel."

"Yeah~ By the way, you are still the same as before. You are a big boy and a big boy. Aren't you ashamed to still wear this outfit?"

The cool atmosphere that Tohsaka Rin had just created was completely destroyed by the ruby ​​​​in an instant. Her eyebrows jumped, and the next moment she grabbed the wand with both hands regardless of the appearance, and smashed it to the ground:
"Isn't this what you put on me?"

"... From the perspective of others, magical girls are really embarrassing to say." In the distance, Illya, wearing regular clothes, showed a helpless smile.

With Rin and Luvia around, the atmosphere is always tense.

"Really? I don't think so."


Illya subconsciously turned to look at Miyu, but soon realized that this was a male voice that did not belong to anyone present.

In the distance, the priest is still lying on the ground, his life and death unknown. Then, putting aside all disbelief, there is only one answer left.

"The servant transformed by the class card is talking...!"

Not only Illya and Miyu, but also Rin and Luvia felt like they were in danger, and the coldness climbed up their backs.Spreading towards the whole body.

They have always believed that class card servants only have the lowest level of intelligence, like ferocious beasts entrenched in their own lairs, only attacking invading enemies.

But the swordsman in front of them overturned their understanding.

"Is that weird, ladies?"

The inverted Holy Sword began to roar, and even though his face was covered by a visor, the girls really felt it.

——This Servant is laughing now.

Together with Illya and Miyu behind him, the swordsman's slash traced an arc and exploded.There is no more apt description than this word. The storm and magic were stirred up, and the surrounding street lamps and benches were turned into dust just by the aftermath.

Rin and Luvia, who were hiding sideways, and Illya, who was pulled to the ground by Miyu to avoid the attack, all held their breath.

"It's really, really ridiculous."

Luvia forced these words out of her mouth, and everyone present agreed with them from the bottom of their hearts.It wasn't because of such a terrifying blow.What's even more terrifying is that the swordsman showed them some reason.

This is a very, very powerful enemy. All the strengths of magical girls are surpassed by her.

And now, one more word needs to be added to the strongest, and that is "danger".

This is truly the strongest and most dangerous enemy in history.He will not restrain his strength because he follows instinct, nor will he blindly swing his sword because he senses the enemy's weakness.

After realizing the danger of the enemy, as a Servant, the swordsman can only do one thing -!
"Retreat, now!" Luvia fired several light bombs and rushed towards Miyu and Illya without looking back, while Rin flew towards the priest in black who fell on the river bank.


"It's useless." He declared in a calm tone. The magic light bullet was bounced away by the thick fog without getting close. At some point, the black holy sword in the hand of the white-haired swordsman was already full.

The purple-red sword shape that expanded several times was raised high, and without hesitation, the King of Wild Hunt released the true name of this sword:
"Ex——calibur (Sword of Promised Victory)!!!"

There is no suspense, the light of miracle is swallowed by darkness.

Illya and Miyu watched helplessly as Luvia, who was shouting and reaching out to them in front of them, was swallowed up by the black light stream. Tohsaka Rin, who was heading towards the priest, turned back in horror and was also bitten by the jet-black dragon. After swallowing, even the priest on the river bank quietly disappeared from sight.

The steel bones were twisted, and the bridge was held tightly by invisible hands; the torrent was surging into the sky, and it was hanging upside down as if the heaven and earth had been reversed.

Not only was the straight line flowed by the swordsman, but the entire world was wailing and shaking due to the pressure of the sword. For the two girls, their psychological defenses were also shattered by this blow.


The ultimate weapon of the Servant, a material miracle, and the hero's certificate held by the Servant.

Yes, as long as the servant of the class card is rational, he will definitely release the Noble Phantasm, right?
Class card servants who are connected to the earth veins have unlimited demonic offerings. In this case, releasing the Noble Phantasm is a harmless act. Being slowly boiled to death by the heated warm water is the reason why beasts become beasts. madness.

In this case, let's cut off all the enemy's hopes from the very beginning.

This is the cruelest and most reasonable killing that only intelligent beings can do.

Pattering rain fell from the sky, which was the cry after the Weiyuanchuan river was blasted high into the sky and smashed to pieces by the magic.

The world fell silent, and the two girls sat on their knees, the despair lingering in their eyes.

Before Luvia disappeared, she extended a helping hand to them.

But now, they have completely lost their family and predecessors.

Only the sound of heavy armor clashing echoed through the rain.

"Click, click, click..."

The white-haired swordsman held the flipping holy sword, and the golden eyes under his visor locked onto the two girls who were defenseless.

Rin and Luvia were never the purpose of his trip, and even Miyu was not the reason for his trip.

"Ilyasphil von Einzbern."

"Illyasviel?" Hearing the swordsman's whisper, Miyu raised her head in surprise and looked at her companions beside her.

However, the silver-haired girl seemed to have heard nothing and just hugged her shoulders, her spirit on the verge of collapse.

The oppression of the swordsmen, the sacrifices of the adults, the despair of not being able to go back... countless emotions surged in, impacting Illya's shaky heart.

From Miyu's point of view, Illya next to her looked strange. Her actions at the moment were not so much out of fear, but more about trying to suppress something.

No one saw that deep in Illya's heart, a tightly closed lock was quietly broken.

The spiral beams of light intertwined and rose up, turning into giant trees that grew in the wind. At a certain moment, they turned into angel wings and danced, plundering the magic power floating in the atmosphere.

"Are you here?" Shuo Yue raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Facing the white-haired swordsman, Illya opened her lips and revealed her heart.

"He must... be defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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