My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 264 Chaldea arrives

Chapter 264 Chaldea arrives

There are no touching stories or tragic sacrifices.

It's just that the person in charge of the church asked the nun to perform a task of detecting demons, and the nun completed it seriously and diligently.

The serious injuries on her body looked shocking, but they were also "work-related injuries" that Kallen had experienced countless times and had become accustomed to.

Aren’t the disadvantages of the so-called masochistic psychic medium clearly stated?
"At least thanks to Duanzo, I have kept the chastity you care about most. Hum, as a man, you should be happy."

The nun silently accepted the bandage from the ninja, her words as unforgiving as ever.

"Is this what I care about?" Shuo Yue replied angrily, leaning against the wall, feeling that it was a good time to take a cigarette to calm down.

But unfortunately, he has quit smoking, and he can't calm down at all:

"Are you a pussy? Do you have to hurt yourself like this to feel pleasure?"

It's always easier to question than to care. The moment he blurted out his words, Shuo Yue realized that he couldn't stop.

"What did I tell you before? Since you're injured, you should take good care of yourself! There's no point in working with an injury. The church won't give you an annual salary increase, so you can't just carry it with you. How can you repair it? !”

"What's the point of me bringing you here from the church? Don't you have any idea in your mind? You're just wagging your tail and you're the one to blame for running out with others? You're very confident, Kallen Ordesia, and you don't even want to hear what your boss says. Listen!"

Those legitimate anger and empathic concern finally turned into resentment that seemed to be blame - did the nun notice this subtle change?
The silver-haired nun just lowered her eyes and spoke in a light and pleasant tone.

"I am a believer in the Lord, and my whole life should be dedicated to God. This is the meaning of my existence."

As if her throat was being strangled, Shuo Yue could no longer make a sound.

Like Kotomine Kirei, his daughter Kallen is also a person who is completely broken inside and cannot feel the pain of life. She has honestly endured her life of abuse.It could be argued that her life goal was to help others at all costs, and she pursued this goal to the point of causing self-harm and placing any blame on demonic influence.

Does a certain time traveler who used his authority to bring Kallen here have the ridiculous idea of ​​"saving everything" in his heart?
Finally, the priest looked away in disappointment, turned around and walked out.

"Duanzo, come out."

Kallen clearly felt that the puppet that was wrapping her bandages suddenly trembled, and then she stood up, silently saluted, and walked out the door.

This was not her fault. It was because she was too willful that she accepted the mission assigned to her by the church. She came back with injuries all over her body and was caught by Shuo Yue.

The nun naturally knew this, and at the same time she firmly believed that the priest was not an unreasonable person.

She just didn't know why, but she suddenly felt uneasy. The wound on her back came into contact with the bandage, and a feeling of coolness and burning pain came together, which made Kallen frown in discomfort.

After hesitating for a moment, she put on her coat, put on her shoes, and stumbled toward the door.


At the door, Sakatsuki looked at Kato Danzo who lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at him.

...No, the word 'dare not look directly' is too emotional. It's just a puppet program, a way to express respect.

It was he who ordered Kato Danzo to regard Kallen as his second master. If Kallen insisted on going, Danzo had no ability or reason to stop her.

Everything is just wishful thinking on his part.

After realizing this, Shuo Yue's unknown fire finally vented. He squeezed his temples and said calmly:

"It's okay, Danzo, this is not your fault, go back."


Just as Shuo Yue thought, the puppet just responded calmly, then turned around and wanted to leave.There is no guilt or self-blame. The root of the creation of such artificial objects is human beings' utilitarianism or tragic wishes. How can Shuo Yue expect them to experience more romantic 'feelings' from pure interests and purposes?
What's even more ridiculous is that even people can't understand each other. What can Shuo Yue expect from a doll born to complete a task?

"...Pursuing the third method has damaged your own brain. No, this is not the path to pursue 'soul materialization'."

After muttering something that no one could understand, Shuo Yue slightly raised her voice and spoke to the puppet lady who was walking away:
"Remember, the moment you were given life, you had the right and obligation to think, Miss Danzo."

The solemn address made the doll stiffen and stop pushing the door open. Her master sighed and continued:
"In addition, I may need to be alone for a while, so Kallen will leave it to you. I hope you won't do anything to disappoint me again... Humph, forget it, just don't let her die. The rest is up to you. Convenience."

So, when Kallen walked out of the door and bumped into Danzo, the priest with white hair and golden eyes had disappeared.

Only the grand, dark night that would dissipate suddenly suddenly blocked Kallen's vision.

It was as if she had driven the young man away personally.


Holy Church, Tokyo Branch
Late at night, evil guests came to the door.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Three explosions followed a small mushroom cloud. The priest who woke up from his dream hurriedly ran out of the church, only to see a man wearing a black robe and holding two knives standing at the door, with a pile of dead dogs lying at his feet. Demon Hunter.

These demon hunters would never have imagined that a few minutes ago they were drinking to celebrate the defeat of the demon, maliciously discussing the beautiful body of a certain silver-haired nun, and imagining how coquettish her expression would be in bed. However, the next moment they were suddenly The man who appeared was knocked to the ground like he was chopping melons and vegetables, and was even used as a stepping stone in humiliation.

As for their captain, the agent responsible for cleaning up the demons had been stabbed through the chest because of his resistance, and he was still lying on the ground half-dead.

"As a team that cleans up demons, but because of incompetence, we order other branches to help?"

The man calmly expressed their incompetence and made comments at the same time.

"A bunch of trash."

"As for the owner of this group of trash—" The uninvited guest with golden eyes raised his head and locked onto the trembling fat priest.

"You are the one who forced me to name Karen Ordesia to assist? The reason is that she is the best demon radar?"

"I, I...ugh!"

"Idiot, hand over your head... No, I will give you a more dignified death." The man narrowed his eyes and smiled more happily than with murderous intent.

"Like, on a social level."

The next morning, passers-by passing by the Tokyo Holy Church were shocked to see not only the "corpse" lying on the ground at the door of the church, but also the fat bishop who was always squinting. His clothes were also stripped off and he was raped like a fat pig. The cross hung on the top of the church looks like a penitent sinner.

On the wooden sign on his chest, the four characters "I am trash" are really pleasing to the eye.


[Has entered the second singularity point, allowed return time: one day! 】

Returning to the fighting battlefield as if fleeing, it didn't take long for Shuo Yue to receive a message from the messenger from the capital.

"You said that a foreign organization called 'Chaldea' came to Rome, and the emperor asked me to go back immediately?"

After being silent for a long time, the commander-in-chief, who was sitting in the camp, nodded slowly, with complex emotions in his blood-red eyes.

"I understand, let's go now."

 Uh-huh, Chaldea from this time and space has finally made her appearance. I’ll mark the key point on the blackboard, it’s “this time and space”~~
(End of this chapter)

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