Chapter 27 Reunion After One Year
【011: Iskandar (Rider)】

[Role Information]: Famous military strategists and politicians in the ancient history of the world. Inherited the throne at the age of 20, unified the entire territory of Greece, and then marched eastward, creating one of the few great empires in the history of pan-humanity, which has profoundly affected the history of mankind.The dream is to see the sea at the end.Because of this persistent dream, the warriors will still faithfully guard Iskandar after death.

[Hidden Information]: Insufficient conditions
[Recording conditions (3/4)]:
1. Approved by the King of Conquerors
2. Defeat/Kill Iskandar

3. Defeat the Noble Phantasm "Army of the King" without using the Anti-World Noble Phantasm

【012: Weber Velvet (Youth)】

[Character Information]: A young student originally from the Clock Tower, who was full of self-confidence in his youth, and submitted a paper criticizing blood theory to Kenneth, the leader of aristocraticism, but was humiliated in public. In order to prove himself, he stole Kenneth's holy relic, secretly came to Fuyuki City to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

【Hidden information】:
【Recording conditions (0/1)】

"Oni sauce, is that red-haired uncle really the legendary Alexander the Great?"

The silver-green locomotive has driven out of the forest, and now it is slowing down, moving forward on the street with few lights. Meiyu sat sideways on the seat, looked up, and seemed to be able to see the battleship shining with thunder from the starry sky. car.

In front of her, Shuoyue was blowing the cool night breeze, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, doesn't it feel like it?"

"Yeah~" Miyu who was dressed in what appeared to be an elementary school uniform blushed slightly and shook her head after removing her formal attire, "I just's weird."

"Really?" The young man's laughter passed in the wind, "Those twinkling stars in history, the originally irrelevant trajectories converge in this small city. Going up to sing about our own life, to spend our short second life heartily, and we little human beings bathed under the starry sky can also stand side by side with them and fight with them... This feeling is really amazing. .”

"The night is still long, Miyu." On this quiet night before the storm, the most special master in this war expressed his wish to the equally special servant, his sister.

"With anticipation and joy, enjoy this dream journey with me."

"En." After a soft reply, Meiyou turned around and put her arms around Shuoyue's waist, feeling the reassuring breath on his body.

Is it Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly, or is it a butterfly recalling Zhuang Zhou?
Which is true and which is false, is it Ye Fei Ye?
Even though the memory of the past is blurred, the girl still clearly knows who the person she wants to protect is.

"Look at that, Miyu." Her brother's call brought her back to her senses.

Looking in the direction of Shuo Yue's finger, Mei You suddenly opened her eyes wide and let out a small exclamation.


Kawasaki has been driving forward, the buildings on both sides of the road have disappeared, and the moist sea breeze gently brushes his cheeks.

They were driving on the Fuyuki Bridge. The bridge spanning the entire Mion River was located not far from the mouth of the sea. If you stood on the bridge and looked out, you could have a panoramic view of the magnificent scenery of the water and the sky.

And the Weiyuan River under the bridge is full of dreamy brilliance under the bright starry sky.

"If it's in the daytime, this place will have another flavor." The young man turned his head slightly, looked at his younger sister with shining eyes, and then smiled contentedly, "If you have time tomorrow, go to a further place and bring You go to see the real sea."

From the beginning to the end, Shuo Yue never forgot the last wish of the man who did everything for his sister before his consciousness dissipated.

He said he wanted Meiyou to go to see the sea, so Shuoyue would take her to see the sea.

Even if this war is full of cruelty and blood, even if Meiyou loses the memory of the past, she is an anomaly summoned by Shuoyue.

In the following time, the two brothers and sisters didn't speak any more, but the gentle sound of Kawasaki's engine led them across the Fuyuki Bridge, and finally stopped in front of a Chinese-style mansion.

"Get out of the car, Meiyu." Holding her sister's hand, Shuoyue snapped her fingers, and the silver-green motorcycle dissipated bit by bit, turning into the initial magic particles and merging into the earth veins.

"Where is this place, brother?" Miyu looked curiously at the doors that were different from the surrounding architectural styles. After canceling the transformation of the magical girl, her aura was almost the same as that of ordinary people. "Is this our home?"

"Family...well, that counts?" Shuoyue thought for a while, but she didn't deny it, "But there are other people living in the house, besides an uncle, there is also a little girl I rescued, Meiyou, can you help me?" Be ready to make friends."

"Eh?" Miyu froze in place, and soon became panicked again, "But, but, I..."

Without waiting for Meiyou's response, Shuoyue took a step forward, knocked on the door symbolically, then directly opened the magic lock, pushed the door open and entered.

What greeted him was an extremely enthusiastic slash!
"Zheng!" The pair of knives were stretched out, collided with the kitchen knife filled with black air, and both of them were broken. Congealed, turned into a ferocious feathered sword with scales, staggered and slashed towards the black knight.

"Boom!" The narrow porch was shaken by the air waves caused by the confrontation. The Yin-Yang giant sword screamed and slashed at the knight, and then was blocked by the knight's gauntlet, and he grabbed it hard.

Sensing that the control of the weapon was gradually falling into the opponent's hands, Shuo Yue stepped forward, let go of the sword, and didn't care that the two swords fell into the opponent's hands. With his shoulders and body together, he hit the knight's abdomen heavily.

Amidst the trembling sound of the armor, the black knight took a few steps back, without even making a muffled grunt, he twisted his body, and slashed at Shuo Yue's neck and chest with both swords!
"Stop it, Berserker!"

The man's yelling came long after, and after hearing the master's voice, the black knight's eyes burning like flames were red, and finally he obediently lowered his hands, and the general Mo Xie, who was stained with red lines, also jingled It fell to the ground and turned into magic power and dissipated.

"Brother!" Until then, Meiyou came back to her senses, and hurriedly ran behind Shuoyue, clutching the corner of his clothes tightly.

She had no idea that her brother was not only so good at magic, he could even fight with the servants hand-to-hand, and once suppressed the other party!

Shuo Yue patted Mei You's head, then looked past the black knight, and looked at two figures, one big and one small behind him.

There are three lines on his left hand, Matou Kariya with a complex complexion, and Matou Sakura who hides timidly behind him.

After a year, the two big men reunited in the entrance with the girl they each wanted to protect.

And the first sentence of the reunion is...

"Yo, isn't this Kariya? I haven't seen you for a few days, so why?"


(End of this chapter)

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