My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 285 The King's Iron Hammer, Reversing Xuguang

Chapter 285 The humble king’s iron hammer reverses the rising light——

In Gaul, the front line between the two countries, the sound of fighting resounded again.

Fighting, stalemate, retreat... This is a process that the Imperial Army soldiers must be accustomed to, but this time, the battle situation has undergone unexpected changes.

The enemy's combat power suddenly became much stronger!
Within a hundred miles, the golden-red plague spread, and the clash of weapons mixed into a high and sharp sound, playing the prelude to a chapter of chaos.

The soldiers of the United Empire squeezed out broken sounds from their mouths, and all their degraded language skills turned into anger and strength. The weapons in their hands were smashed down hard, and even the soldiers holding up their shields were knocked away!

There was no formation, let alone coordination. The wild beasts who had been hungry for several days came out of the cage collectively. The completely unhuman fighting style left the imperial army at a loss. The overly violent attitude also greatly reduced the morale of the soldiers. It didn't take long before the war started. The trend of collapse!
Among the rebellious troops, a wealthy-looking swordsman wearing a tribune uniform took the lead. The 'Huang Death' in his hand exploded with strange light regardless of the enemy or friend. All the soldiers who could not dodge were killed by this sharp slash. They were chopped into pieces, and were immediately trampled by the rest of the people, becoming numerous bones in the war.

Caesar, whose arms were covered with scales, had already charged towards Boudica in front of the formation.

"Leave Caesar to me and Spartacus! Fujimaru, please help the soldiers together!"

Boudica shouted the order, and the muscular man beside her laughed heroically.

"Hahahahahaha. It's great, there is everything here! Hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of enemy soldiers who have turned into the tyrant's demonic hands can be said to be singing a song of victory! This is not a disadvantage, but an advantage. From now on Finally, my shouts are equivalent to the prediction of victory!"

"It's not over there, it's over here! Ah, Spartacus, you really are!" Boudica hurriedly patted Spartacus's back, as if trying to hold a mad cow's nose pincers. Get him back on track.

However, Boudica's little hand seemed to be slapping against the rock, and Spartacus showed a scary smile, ignoring the shouts behind him, and raised his arms high.

"Hahahahaha, the Rebellious Queen is on my side, which means this is the day to achieve victory and defeat the strong!"

"Well said, meow!" The Tamamo cat, who belonged to the same job agency as the Gladiator, jumped up, climbed on Spartacus's head, and raised its paws high.

"Hey, you two, enough is enough!" Dragon Lady Elizabeth jumped angrily, but that was definitely not because of how weird their behavior was. "Only idols deserve to have a superior stage! Manager, please stop this offense." the behavior of!"

"Okay, let me tell you, this is on the battlefield!" Fujimaru had no choice but to soothe his tense face and comfort the restless servants like children, "Compared with these, killing the enemy is the priority. Matters?"

Under the Max-level affinity of the Master, Dragon Lady, Tamamo Cat and Spartacus finally settled down and became the main combat force honestly, fighting against the Black Saber who was already killing everyone in the crowd on the battlefield. Kill everywhere.

At this moment, exclamations came from the distance, and with the roar of the explosion, the shadow of the Noble Phantasm exploded. Boudicca, who was covering his left arm, fell out and fell heavily into the soil. He hurriedly With a roll, Caesar's long sword fell from the sky in the next second, piercing the place where she originally fell to the ground!
"No, General Boudica is at a disadvantage!" Fujimaru, who had been observing the battle situation, realized the crisis, "Goddess Steno, can you help her?"

"No, Master, although I can charm the opposite sex, I can't do anything about the 'alien'?" Stheno sat on the heavily guarded chair, showing a reserved smile.

"This..." Fujimaru followed her gaze and was speechless.

The Caesar who shouted "I come, I see, I conquer" has now changed his appearance. The scales all over his body are spreading with his breathing, spreading with ripples that almost make cryptophobic patients collapse. He is quite rich. The body also reflects the cold light of a demon that has been tempered with poison, and no human element can be found anymore.

That can't be called Caesar at all, it can only be called a monster in human skin.

"In that case..." Fujimaru quickly recovered from his shock and shouted towards the battlefield, "Please, Saber!"

"I know, then give me your magic power!" The swordsman who rushed into the enemy's heartland whispered, the golden eyes under the mask flashed with cold light, the dragon's heart suddenly stirred, and the purple-black torrent turned into a big river. The river flowed through the limbs and bones. The black-armored swordsman bowed slightly and turned into a loaded bullet, and the hammer hit the detonator at this moment.

"The magic is released—!"

Flying out from the gun body along the rifling, the purple-black meteor broke through the crowd, aimed at the target, and flew away accurately. Along with the surrounding enemies, Saber's slashing attack that traced an arc trajectory exploded.

There is no more appropriate description than this word. This slash stirred up storm wind and demonic energy, and the surrounding enemies were only caught in the aftermath and turned into dust.

"Goooooh!" Huang Zhishui raised the sword, and 'Caesar' raised his sword, barely blocking the blow. But then, the dragon's intimidation came down heavily, and when he recovered from the oppression , the black-armored swordsman raised his holy sword high, with purple-black flames burning in his eyes.

Fujimaru Ritsuka knelt down on one knee in an instant, because Saber released her killer weapon without hesitation at this moment.

"Iron hammer of the humble king, reverse the rising light - swallow the light, the sword that promises victory!"

"It turned out to be the liberation of the real name!" Boudica's eyes widened in shock, and her pupils reflected the purple-black magic light rising into the sky.

Under the power of the Holy Sword of Reversal, the fanatical light of destruction illuminated the chaotic battlefield. Even the darkness was torn apart, leaving only nothingness in its path.

The battlefield fell silent for an instant. Everyone was shocked by the destructive power and froze in place.

"Is it over..." Fujimaru asked in a deep voice, resisting the fatigue after having his life force squeezed out.

The black-armored swordsman was speechless, but silently raised his holy sword in a defensive posture.

In the thick fog that rose after burning everything, the beast's family appeared.

"Hoo ho ho ho!"

The human skin and the imprisonment of the heroic spirit were torn apart. The monster born from arrogance roared, and the 'Devil's Spear' on its body turned into spikes and fired in all directions. The moment it landed, it radiated to the surroundings, killing seven demons. Mortal sin spreads to every living creature.

"This is... what kind of monster!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's pupils shrank suddenly. Although he didn't know what was in front of him, the surging magic tide after it appeared reminded Fujimaru how terrifying the monster in front of him was.

"Is this... your reason?" Saber in black armor also noticed the unusual pressure. She clenched the holy sword in her hand and murmured in her mouth.

"In that case, let me carry it on my back as well."

The next moment, the light-devouring darkness bloomed.

(End of this chapter)

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