My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 291 Da Qin fights on two fronts

Chapter 291 Da Qin fights on two fronts

Soon another night passed, and the sleeping beauty took the initiative to get up from the bed even without the prince's kiss.

It's just that a key step is missing, which makes it somewhat... annoying.

"Your Majesty!" Boudicca raised his head and looked at Nero who was sitting upright in disbelief, "Do you really want the entire army to retreat and give up the Gallic defense line?"

"Our current combat strength is not enough to consume him, so we should retreat to the capital and make a final decision."

The girl in the red dress leaned back on the chair, sitting lazily, with a charming smile on her lips, as if she was not the one who had been worried about someone and even fainted.


"It's nothing, Boudica. I've made up my mind. Let's send a message to the generals."

"...As ordered." Boudica didn't say much in the end, but when she walked out of the camp, she looked back at a figure on the throne.

I wonder if it was her imagination. Has His Majesty Nero...become more petite?

After Boudica left, Nero was still leaning forward, but his eyes were shining.

She was probing to see if Shuo Yue had left any means last night.

But no matter how many times she tried, the result was the same - the man didn't leave any traces on her body, he just came to see her, and then left without any nostalgia.

How can this be?

No one understands Shuo Yue's caution better than her. Even acquaintances have to put them in eighteen different postures secretly before they give up. Not to mention that it's almost clear now, how could he not take any precautions?

Subconsciously, Nero's eyes fell on the last command spell on the back of his hand, and he curled his lips.


Things happened too fast. Before she could even complete the transfer, the idiot emperor wasted two command spells. This last one was just a decoration. It would never be used until the last moment, and it might not be effective if used.

After all, the Holy Grail had fallen into that man's hands, and it couldn't be easier to resist the effect of the command spell.

Playing with the strand of blond hair hanging from her forehead, the girl's face was smiling like a mask, but her eyes flashed with solemnity.

As the source of the curse, she couldn't be more aware of the danger of that man. The possession of the top Chinese military general really made Shuo Yue feel at home in this unique point.

However, once the spiritual base covering the surface is torn off, even she, the culprit, has difficulty grasping the revealed essence.

But for such a fearful guy, her actions at the moment made her increasingly confused.

"What on earth do you want to do..."

A slightly melancholy sigh echoed in the empty camp.

After a while, the main force of the imperial army began to pack up their luggage and get ready for departure under the emperor's order.

Begin to retreat.

"They're gone. Do we need to pursue them?"

Naturally, the movements of the imperial army could not be hidden from Shuo Yue who was very close at hand. Weber on the side shook his feather fan lightly, half-smiling.

"No need." The white-haired general turned to glance at him, "Can't you see that this is a tacit understanding between us?"

Taking the initiative to cede large tracts of land in exchange for breathing time is like a gambler who puts all his chips on the gambling table, preparing for the final battle in the future.

Since 'she' has intentions, Shuo Yue will naturally not give up on her good intentions.

"It's time for you to get going, right? In terms of speed, you're definitely not as fast as me, right?"

"Of course, I've been ready to leave a long time ago. I just came to say goodbye to you for the last time." Weber and Shuo Yue smiled at each other. One continued to watch the retreating Imperial Army, while the other turned and left, also mobilizing all the troops. Raise troops and horses.

Then the war that swept through the entire singularity began.

【Battle Report of the First Day】

Marquis Wu led his army across Gaul and reached Massilia. One of the beast's descendants, Warcraft He, was surrounded and killed. The soldiers suffered very little damage.

Lord Wu An stood still.

[Battle Report of the Second Day]

On the way forward, Wu Hou was surrounded and suppressed by three magical beasts. The monsters were forced into the eight formations of stone soldiers. He escaped safely and retreated to Massilia.

Lord Wu An set out to pursue the imperial army, and encountered two generals, Lu Bu and Jing Ke, at Mediolan, and surrendered victoriously.

[Battle Report of the Third Day]

Marquis Wu once again led his army forward, and the demon beast He also appeared. He sacrificed one of the stone soldiers to activate the eight formations in advance, and the remaining three fought with the army in the wilderness. Jing Ke and Lu Bu made a surprise attack, taking one away and restraining the other two. The Warcraft He within the Eighth Formation of the Stone Soldiers was wiped out. Marquis Wu forced the two Warcraft He to the gates of the capital of the United Empire and camped on the spot.

Lord Wu An alone broke through Germania and Florence, and also arrived at the Roman Empire.

In just three days, Wolong and Killer from China forced the two Romans into a decisive battle. Although they took advantage of the situation, both sides suffered losses, but their results were shocking enough.

But the challenge that belongs to the two of them has truly arrived.

【Fourth Day Battle Report】

When Wuhou attacked the city, Romulus, the ancestor of the Roman god, appeared and counterattacked with the demon beast He, defeating eight formations of stone soldiers, killing Jing Ke and seriously injuring Lu Bu. Wuhou's army retreated hundreds of miles, and was sniped by Leif, who claimed to be the Demon God Pillar. He barely escaped, but his vitality was severely damaged.

Wu Yasu-kun attacked the city and was restrained by many servants. Fujimaru personally set up an ambush, but still killed the servant Spartacus. The latter took the initiative to self-destruct. While Wu Yasu-kun was distracted, the black swordsman released the Noble Phantasm. After seriously wounding him, Boudica led his army to pursue him until he was hundreds of miles away before withdrawing his troops and returning to the camp.

[Battle report on the fifth and sixth days]

Marquis Wu stood still and his general disappeared.

Lord Wu An stood still and did not know where he was.

That night, Boudicca, the general of the Roman Empire, was also missing.

【Seventh Day Battle Report】

When Wu Hou's army appeared, Romulus fought and fell into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

Formations suddenly appeared around the United Roman Empire, and stone pillars stood up. Marquis Wu used power beyond his own spiritual base to seal the entire capital of the United Empire into the Eight Stone Soldier Formations!

At the same time, Lord Wu An liberated the Noble Phantasm and led the army to storm the capital of the Roman Empire again!

The flames of war are flying.

For some reason, the capital wall that once shut out Shuo Yue after receiving the bonus of Stheno's magic was easily destroyed by the blood fiend warriors this time. Da Qin soldiers filled with murderous intent filed in, and immediately took control of the Seven Kingdoms. Everywhere in the streets of Hill City.

What puzzled the Roman people was that after controlling them, this group of soldiers did not follow the Roman tradition and start burning, killing and looting. Instead, they guarded each pass, standing still, like statues without blood and tears.

But if someone ignores the prohibition and has the courage to leave, his head will be chopped off neatly and cast into a Jingguan.

Under the order forged with blood and iron law, both civilians and nobles were terrified. They could only watch helplessly as the man with white hair like snow and deep eyes stepped into the royal palace step by step.

But this time, it was as the invader.

"The general of the Qin State has risen and came to ask for advice."

(End of this chapter)

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