My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 294 The Beast of Apocalypse, Draco

Chapter 294 The Beast of Apocalypse, Draco

Even though the man's figure cannot be called burly, and can even be said to be a little thin, the girl can still curl up in his arms like a little bird, which shows how petite she is.

...Anyway, it's not something that some idiot emperor can do.

Facing the young girl who put on such a seductive posture, Shuo Yue blinked blankly and uttered a sentence.

"You are too heavy. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Come down here."

(Note: When talking about Earthquake's body, Draco's height and weight are 135cm and 100kg respectively, which means the body is 35kg and the tail is 65kg.)
The front is neither convex nor the back is raised, and the small A-cup is ridiculous.

Is he, Shuo Yue, someone who covets such a body?

As if she didn't expect Shuo Yue to react like this, the blond girl's expression froze and she snorted coldly. The beast's tail suddenly exerted force, trying to smash the man's thigh into pieces.

But sparks suddenly spattered out, and the severe pain made her face ache. At some point, Shuo Yue's legs were covered with a layer of blood crystals, like sharp metal pieces, which almost covered the scales of the beast's tail. Cut it off!

Didn't this man let down his guard even at this time?
"No, or maybe it's hard to relax after such a poor performance, right?"

Lifting up the unhappy 'Nero', he placed it on the other side of the bed. Shuo Yue rubbed his thighs that were a little sore from the interaction and complained: "I just wanted to check the situation and you dragged me violently." Get on the bed, and then clumsily press down on it in an attempt to seduce you. It’s really like a weight..."

"You, shut up!" The blond girl was so angry that she picked up the pillow and threw it at it. Then she grabbed the quilt and buried herself in it like an ostrich, revealing only a small face that seemed angry. They appear to be well-behaved and harmless to humans and animals.

But, are 'human beings and animals harmless'...

Shuo Yue squinted her eyes, put the pillow back on the bed, pulled up a chair and sat down:
"At this point, it's time to confess each other's identities, right? The guest who was sealed by Wu Ming and has been staying in my shadow for so long?"

"I am Shuo Yue, and now I have reached the second singularity in the state of a pseudo-server of Avenger. The real name of the heroic spirit inhabiting me is Bai Qi, the famous general of Great Qin."

The white-haired man frankly revealed his identity, then extended his hand to the blond girl with a sincere smile.

"So, what's your name?"

"...Hmph." The young girl who used to be 'Nero' but now has another existence turned her head, as if she didn't want to speak, but a faint voice sounded again.

"My name is Draco, the Beast of Sodom, Draco. Um...ah, of course, my true identity is - Beast."

While making this declaration, she turned her head, with a clearly excited smile on her face, and she also let out a triumphant laugh:

"Haha...hahahaha! This is really a masterpiece! You didn't expect it, but this is the bomb that Wuming entrusted to you. How about it? It's a pretty incredible card!"

Before Shuo Yue could speak, the door of the palace burst open with a bang. The servants who were eavesdropping at the door poured out like sardine cans and fell to the ground one by one. Among them, a certain doctor was almost sharp. The cry echoed through the sky.

"Wait wait...what did you say? Beast!"

Inside Chaldea, not only the doctor who was shouting and frightened, but also the woman who claimed to be the Almighty appeared behind him at some point, staring solemnly at Draco who was sneering on the screen.

"The huge disasters that endanger our primate world are not intended to destroy this planet, but are intended to eliminate human beings and destroy the ultimate incarnation of the civilization built by mankind——"

Behind the doctor, the staff were shouting and yelling, but he ignored it and continued:
"Its existence is born from civilization and devours civilization. It is the cause of self-destruction!"

No one cared about why a Chaldean doctor knew such secrets. Fujimaru's pupils shrank violently, and he stared at the blond girl on the bed with a horrified expression, completely unable to imagine the devouring things hidden in her little body. Threat to the world.However, the moment he made the declaration, Fujimaru clearly felt the chill coming from the depths of the meme, gurgling out like blood pouring from the ground, almost drowning his rationality.

"This is Beast (human evil)..."

"That's right, Fujimaru." Now that everyone had appeared, Sakuzuki simply stopped hiding it and just sighed.

"This is the reason why I have deliberately kept a distance from you all this time, Master from Chaldea."

"The so-called human evil, literally, is the stain of human beings, which refers to the various disasters that destroy human beings. The more developed human beings are, the stronger they will be, just like cancer that eats away at the body from the inside of society. In other words, they are deposited in human history. The mud in it.”

With a "pop" sound, the pillow innocently flew up again and hit Shuo Yue in the face.

"Change the modifier to Yu. Yu doesn't like this unpleasant description." Draco frowned and complained.

But this time, no one thought of her as cute.

"The seven disasters born from human animal nature - these are Beasts." The doctor's tone was full of solemnity, "Fujimaru, no matter what, we must destroy Beasts at this singular point, because once they grow up, they are destined to It would have a devastating impact on humanity.”

"At that time, even if we save humanity, what we will get will be a destroyed world!"

Hearing this, Fujimaru raised his right arm without hesitation, and when he was about to call his servant, he suddenly couldn't move.


"I told you a long time ago, Fujimaru Ritsuka." The white-haired man raised his index finger and used the blood evil to firmly control the followers, including Fujimaru, with a smile on his face.

"If the hero of this drama is me, then the heroine is her - this is a battle between me and her. This unique point is a one-on-one killing field, and there is no room for other people to dictate. "

The one who drew him into this world was none other than Draco, the Beast of the Apocalypse, who resided in his shadow.

This was her little challenge before Shuo Yue ascended to the position of the moon, and Shuo Yue accepted it without hesitation.

In this case, the other actors who are preparing to go on stage have no room for change. They only need to go on stage to receive a lunch box, and then obediently become a melon-eater, watching the drama grow upwards or downwards.

"How do you feel after feasting on the fall of the Roman Empire?" Ignoring the others who were unable to move, Shuo Yue sat next to the ferocious beast and asked with a smile.

The latter, as always, responded with contempt.

"If you are referring to a country that could not even conquer the United Roman Empire, even allowed the Qin Dynasty to be established, and was eventually destroyed... haha, it is not even enough to make Yu's teeth crack."

Having said words that Nero would never say, Draco snorted coldly: "Let Yu eat half-finished prosperity and ruin in a hurry, isn't this exactly what you want, cunning human being?"

Facing the beast's dissatisfaction, the man just smiled and nodded politely.

"It seems that I got to the next city first." He said.

(End of this chapter)

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