Chapter 30 Good Dreams

Perhaps because of the rewards she received from Sakura, when Shuoyue released the imaginary number magic, the chant was also related to her.

What are imaginary numbers?
It is an existence that cannot be materialized although it is possible.

In the HF line of "Fate/stay night", Sakura is transformed by Matou Zouyan, combined with the Holy Grail, can manipulate the shadow made of black mud, and even manifest to the extent of "Giant of Shadows".

As for Shuoyue, although it does not have the power of the Black Holy Grail, its intangible and intangible deep consciousness, such as negative emotions, is also one of the energy sources of imaginary number magic.

Emiya Shirou's endless unwillingness and obsession with struggling before his death are still echoing in Shuoyue's memory.

Huge, invisible phantoms are generated, like splashed ink on the canvas, flowing towards the golden touch in the dark night.

"It's just a clown's trick!" The arrogant Wang gave an order, and the sixteen rounds of treasures around him fired together, piercing the black shadow's body like bullets, and exploding on the bridge.

When the light faded away, the shadow followed like tarsal maggots, touching the place where Gilgamesh was standing.

The shadow of the imaginary number, the existence of the unknown body, the impression like a mirage that has risen to the land, usually all attacks are useless, and there is only waiting before the shadow disappears——Gilgamesh in the HF line is attracted by this little trick devour.

Even if Shuoyue's Shadow of Imaginary Number doesn't have the black holy grail's dimensionality reduction blow, it's still enough to deal with King's Treasure's attack.

"What...!" The sound of astonishment dissipated the moment it came out, Gilgamesh drew back and retreated, looking at the steel frame that was swallowed up in an instant, he turned his head suddenly, his fierce eyes pierced Shuoyue like a sharp sword, The handsome beauty was frozen by the cold killing intent.

For this king, whether he loses his composure because of a trivial trick, or is forced to retreat in front of the clown's tricks, it is unforgivable.

"Do you really want to die that much, miscellaneous cultivator!"

Facing the bone-chilling chill that would overwhelm ordinary people, Shuoyue responded with a smile like a breeze blowing on her face. She touched her chest with her left hand, raised her toes, and exaggeratedly stretched her right hand towards the sky.

"Then, this is the end of my performance tonight, please let Wang enjoy a magician's 'little trick',"

The space was replaced, and the diamond-shaped door pierced through the figure of the young man, disappearing together.

And the flames soared into the sky for a moment, and then on the Fuyuki Bridge that dissipated, the roar of the King of Heroes echoed for a long time:
"Don't let me find you, magician!"


Confirm the anchor.

Replacement succeeded.

The diamond-shaped door opened up and down, and the figure of the young man with golden eyes emerged from it, standing still like a sculpture.

After a long time, there was a long sigh of relief, and Shuoyue fell directly on the bed as if her energy and spirit had been emptied, her chest rose and fell slightly, obviously she was still in fear.

In the battle with the hero king Gilgamesh, it seemed that he had the upper hand, and retreated after a wave of ridicule, but in fact, when the ancient king was completely angry, Shuoyue realized that Angelica The difference between Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh.

A lifeless one, just a thug of the Ainsworth family, a killing machine, cold and dull.

A man who has gone through the glory of the age of gods, bound the bull of heaven, and seized the elixir of immortality, is the king of a country.

The difference between the two is like clouds and mud.

The reason why Shuoyue turned around and left without hesitation was, on the one hand, that all imaginary number magic had been tested, and she had to guard against prying eyes of some guys; on the other hand, it was also because Gilgamesh's aura was too strong , Let him have some fighting spirit.

And once I was stimulated——

Before pulling out the Deviant Sword, Jin Shining was either dead or disabled.

Considering the few lives she has left and her careful plan ahead, Shuoyue chooses to leave the shadow of imaginary number behind and retreat.

As for whether the shadow of imaginary numbers will cause harm to Gilgamesh?

This kind of thing can only be YY.

It can be seen from the fact that Jin Shining interfered with Shuoyue's shadow border (imaginary number submersion), he definitely has a treasure that restrains the imaginary number attribute, and the attack of the shadow of imaginary number almost hurt Jin Shining. Committed the old problem of underestimating the enemy.

"Sure enough, as an opponent, Jin Xianshan is much easier to deal with than Xian Wang Shan." Shuo Yue sighed, turned over like a dried salted fish, put her arms on her forehead, and planned to take a nap.

Anyway, the imaginary number magic experiment is over, and the masters of the Holy Grail War have not yet arrived. A few days before the war begins, he should enjoy this last good time with Miyu and Sakura.

"Dong dong dong." The door was knocked cautiously, and the girl's cautious voice came from outside the door.

"Oni-chan, are you asleep?"

A carp jumped up from the bed, Shuoyue took a deep breath, deep breath, deep breath...then pretending to be very calm, opened the door.

The moonlight shines on the aisle through the glass window, and Miyu, who is wearing Matou Sakura's bear pajamas, adds a bit of cuteness, standing in front of Sakuyue, her cheeks are slightly red.

She didn't say anything, but Shuo Yue already understood something.

"I remember Miyu that you prefer to stay in the Japanese room, right? Is it because you are not used to the room that you can't sleep?"

The Japanese room is a unique room in traditional Japanese houses. Walking barefoot on the mat made of natural material rushes is like wandering in nature.

In the world line of "Fate kaleid liner", both the Sakuzuki House and the Emiya House are traditional Japanese-style buildings. For Miyu, this is the first time she has experienced such a magnificent and bright Chinese-style room.

"Yes... yes, the room is too big." She seemed ashamed to still be afraid of sleeping alone, the girl lowered her head and rubbed her legs unconsciously, "When the lights are turned off at night... it's a bit scary."

At this, Shuo Yue couldn't help laughing in a low voice, before the girl ran away out of shame, he stretched his arms and picked up the little moon.Amidst the exclamation, the elder brother and his younger sister lay on the bed:
"Then sleep with me tonight, and I will protect you."

"...Mmm." Miyu pressed her cheek against the young man's chest, and after a long while, there was an inaudible response.

The familiar, reassuring breath enveloped her gently again.

There are still many things to say, many questions to ask, but in the end, Miyu closed her eyes and fell into a hazy dream.

Beside her, the once red-haired, now gray-haired young man leaned slightly against the head of the bed, his golden eyes lowered, looking at the girl with tenderness and pampering.

As for the fact that a follower can transform into a spirit body... he has already ignored it.

As Shilang, as Shuoyue, as an older brother.

Sweet dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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