My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 304 Resurrection, Mine

Chapter 304 Resurrection, My...

second singularity

While Sakuzuki was playing a 1V1 real man duel with the old man in the mountains, Fujimaru and others were running desperately, competing with the God of Death.

Behind Gein, the beast's followers are chasing after him!
The dragon-like and worm-like monster roared, spitting out blazing light, and cut through the sky towards the crowd, but was blocked by the burning black holy sword.

But behind Lieguang, there were countless magic light bullets following him, falling down like mortars, roaring together, setting off clusters of flame flowers on the ground.

The last hope from the whole village is howling like ghosts and wolves in this bombing zone.

"Hey! I can't stand it anymore. When can I fight back?"

The red dress almost blended into the background. Nero shot away a magic ball, and his hands were numb from the shock: "Aren't you here yet, Kong Mingqing!"

"That's your capital, Your Majesty!" Weber stepped on Bagua and led Fujimaru forward at high speed in the strong wind. "If you ask me to describe the time, there are still five..."

"Five minutes? Five kilometers?"

"Four...three...two..." Ignoring Nero's words, Weber quickly calculated the extreme distance, "Now, please, King Arthur!"

Hearing this, Fujimaru raised the back of his hand without hesitation. One of the three strokes of the command spell dimmed, turning into the purest magic power. It poured into the black swordsman's spiritual core along the passage, making her silently raise the sword. , the magic light shines on the sword blade.

"The Sword of Promised Victory—!"

The power of the Noble Phantasm blessed by the Command Seal was far beyond imagination. The dark reverse magic beam surged, and even the deep night was swallowed up and turned into nothingness.The beast relatives behind him were caught off guard, and their bodies were immediately engulfed by the light cannon.

At the same time, Weber gritted his teeth and unfolded the Innate Bagua, wrapping up a group of four people and disappearing.

When he reappeared, he was already in a quiet room, with the lit oil lamp flickering on and off, outlining the scattered chairs, piles of official documents, and...a big bed?
"Ah, this is Yu's bedroom!"

Even though the room was clean and there were no taboo books under the bed, Nero's cheeks still turned red. He walked forward quickly, grabbed the paper on the table before anyone could react, and hid it haphazardly behind his back.

Fujimaru was surprised. Weber was struggling on the verge of death from overwork. Only Heida could clearly see the handsome and heroic image of the general on the drawing, and his expression suddenly turned cold.

"How is this going?"

"No time to explain! Come on...ah no, I mean, act on my orders!"

Breathing gracelessly, Weber untied Shuo Yue's kit and scanned the contents at a glance. Before admiration appeared on his face, he started to whisper:
"Turn over the bed!"

"What? Yu's bed!" Amidst Nero's screams, Heidai raised his hand, and the soft big bed was washed away by the torrent of magic power, leaving no ash behind.

"Push the tables, chairs, etc. away in the room to leave enough space!"

Afraid that Heida would get jealous, Nero hurriedly cleared the furnishings with Fujimaru to leave a huge space.

The roar of the beast's descendants could be heard in the distance, and the empty room buzzed like fear.

"What's next? What's next?"

"That guy Shuo Yue seemed to have anticipated what would happen to him." Weber moved his fingers slightly, and familiar lines were engraved on the ground. "In this regard, he also took full precautions to ensure that he could return to life again after death. come over."

Resurrection from the dead is impossible for ordinary people.

But for a servant, what kind of tool person is he if he can’t recycle it?
"In other words, heroic spirits are summoned!" The doctor on the other end of the bracelet said in surprise, "But we don't have a suitable catalyst..." "No, we do." Fujimaru interrupted the doctor's words and took out one from his hand. Small card box.

A stream of light like hope flows on the box.

The third method trial type gift that Sakusuki gave to Fujimaru.

What else could better represent the candidate for the third magician than this kind of costume?
Even so, the doctor did not give in. He cared more about Fujimaru's safety and future than the thrilling resurrection drama.

"Even if Wu Anjun is summoned, or the young man named Shuo Yue, can the situation get better? You must know that once human evil escapes from the fetal membrane, even if it is a larvae, it must be defeated by the crown. The existence of... Wu Anjun is a top servant, but it takes time to accumulate strength. As for Shuo Yue, I'm sorry for my presumption, but modern magicians..."

"Don't underestimate him."

"That guy is much stronger than you think, Mr. Roman."

Unexpectedly, the reversed King Arthur and the Lord of the Clock Tower refuted the doctor's remarks one after another. The two looked at each other, and Heidi was the first to speak: "He is me...I personally before the reverse." Canonized knight.”

Knights? !
A modern magician has become a knight recognized by King Arthur?

What the hell kind of joke is this!
Before Roman could react, Weber followed closely: "If you have no idea about the Knights of the Round Table, then let's use the most dazzling record to explain - there was the oldest king and the most domineering conqueror in that battle. , the strongest Knight of the Round Table, and the most glorious Holy King in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the modern magician you call him single-handedly won the final victory."

Holy Grail War.

After the term was mentioned, neither Roman, Fujimaru, nor the staff who knew the meaning behind it could help but hold their breath.

Under the phantom of hope, there is a killing field where pursuers kill each other and heroes devour each other.

That man turned out to be the final winner on this bloody road?
"Please believe him, Lord Roman." Weber finished the last stroke of the magic circle and stood up, "I don't believe the person who arranged all this is just a little kid who doesn't want to admit defeat honestly."

If he was just beaten to death, how could he take away the Holy Grail in advance?
Weber's sharp words became the last straw for the doctor.

"Okay, okay, I agree with what you're doing - but hurry up!"

The voice suddenly rose an octave, and at the same time, Heidi and Webb also noticed the sudden ominous aura rising in the distance.

Such evil, such blasphemy, such depravity... The power of Warcraft He was like an abyss compared to her!

"Draco, the fallen beast, will arrive here in ten seconds!"

Amidst the rapid shouting, Fujimaru subconsciously wanted to step forward, but someone stretched out his hand and took off the third ritual attire in Fujimaru's arms.

A red shadow fluttered. He still held the portrait in his left hand, and tightly grasped the card box with his right hand. With some kind of secret possessiveness, the emperor of the Roman Empire stood in the center of the magic circle.

"We want to call the governor back, right? Well, let Yu Lai help!"

Before anyone could react, Nero closed his eyes and read out the words of the secret ritual without a teacher:
"Be full, be full, be full, be full, be full!"

"Five times in a week, but discarded when it is full!"

The magic circle began to light up, and at that moment, Fujimaru felt not anticipation, but panic.

Stop it, Your Majesty!This is not a normal summoning method at all!
You are also standing on the magic circle!

(End of this chapter)

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