My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 314 The meeting between Kallen and Miyu

Chapter 314 The meeting between Kallen and Miyu
Just as someone expected, the next day was indeed a rare good weather. After a long rain, it cleared up, making the world feel as clean as being washed away.

However, for Sakuyue, who has completed the renewal process and is determined to be lazy and fish out, the magical girls who are still fighting on the front line are not so happy.

Even though Sakuyue was beaten to death in the second singularity, and even defeated a disobedient Beast, the story of Illya and Miyu continued steadily.

Then, after the battle against the class card servant Assassin, things took a turn for the worse.

In ruby ​​terms it is:
"For the first time, I got the magic wand I dreamed of and a lifelong best friend. The two joys overlapped each other. This double joy brought more and more joy. I should have had a dream-like happy time. , However, why does it become like this..."

Not to mention this stomach-churning line, in fact, the experiences of magical girls are also very simple——

When facing Assassin's sneak attack, Illya was accidentally hit by a poisoned dagger, and was subsequently attacked by countless Hassan's based on Baimei. In desperation, the power in her body lost control again, resulting in a huge The magic vortex not only tore Assassin apart in an instant, but also almost pushed the teammates who followed him into a place of eternal destruction.

Facing Illya who was out of control again, Miyou said the words "I don't want to fight you anymore", which finally made Illya collapse emotionally and take the lead in escaping from the mirror world.

Miyu and Illya had just agreed to become friends, but their friendship was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Not to mention Illya who cried herself to sleep at home, there was another girl who did not sleep peacefully that night.

There is no doubt that it is Meiyou.

After calmly dealing with the mess left by Illya and recovering her class card, she refused Luvia's company, changed her clothes, and walked alone on the street for the first time.

It was already dark at this time, and there were few pedestrians on the streets, but the lights of civilization remained on the land. With Fuyuki Bridge as the boundary, the old city and the new city were shining with orange and cold white light. The beauty that only humans can achieve today is Still shining proudly tonight.

At that time, the girl, who was helpless and without any underwear, somehow integrated into it and became a part of this grandeur.

"Ha..." He let out a breath of cold air. The coolness of the night made Miyu wrap up her clothes tightly. She hid her little face in the collar, lowered her head, and walked casually.

She didn't know why she ran out, she just felt very uneasy, as if her wandering soul had suddenly lost its way, unable to see clearly the lighthouse on the other side, and even the harbor to look back was lost.

This familiar feeling, the loneliness of being alone in the whole world, was really familiar...

Suddenly, I had the urge to drink millet porridge.

"...Ah." When he looked up as if feeling something, he was surprised to find that he had arrived at a church.

There is no one in the square at the entrance, and the House of God stands without anyone visiting.

Of course, Meiyou knows what a church is. It is a gathering place for believers to preach, and it is also a place where prayers and confessions are used to comfort the soul and confess confusion.

I don't know what kind of mood she was carrying, but Meiyou knocked on the door of the church.

"excuse me……"

"Please come in, girl, the church is open to visitors who are confused."

Even though the tone of her voice was a little startled at first, she soon regained her unique calmness. In the clear voice like a lark made of glass, the girl curiously looked at the statue with pity and lowered eyes, because it was much lighter, but still He frowned at the pungent smell of disinfectant, but still walked in slowly.

Standing in front of the hall, a woman with long silver-white hair and slightly unreal golden eyes also looked at this too young girl. After a moment, she suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Ah, it turns out it's you. If Shuo Yue...if the priest is right, you are the one responsible for recovering the class cards. Um, one of the magical girls?"

Father Shuoyue?

Miyu was stunned for a moment, then realized belatedly that she had found this place inexplicably, perhaps because she was subconsciously longing to find comfort from someone.

It was not Luvia who provided her with food, clothing and shelter, but Father Shuoyue whom she had only met a few times.

Just why?
"Yes, my name is Miyu Edelfeldt. I am a magician who assists the Magic Association in recovering class cards... Girl, um, who are you?"

"I am Kallen Ordesia, the assistant of Father Shuoyue." She replied in a nice and cold voice. Kallen had no sense of being a priest. She just leaned on the table and said calmly, "Say in advance. Okay, the priest has something to do and he has to go out, so if you come here now, do you have anything else?"

Of course, Miyou didn't hear Kallen's intention of expelling guests. She was silent for a moment and said seriously: "I have a friend..."

"Pfft." Kallen made a suspicious sound and turned away. Seeing her actions, Miyu tilted her head in confusion.


"It's okay, please continue." Miyu nodded and continued: "She is just a very ordinary little girl, but she was accidentally involved in a dispute and was semi-forced to do some dangerous things..."

In this way, Miyu recounted her experience with Illya without any personal emotion.

Anyone else might have just listened to a story and had no idea what Miyu was talking about, but Kallen somehow caught her question.

"You want to ask whether your choice is the right one, right?" Still with the same casual attitude, the silver-haired nun nodded in agreement, "Indeed, instead of letting your friends continue to suffer, it is better to take the initiative to stand up. , bear all this for her, even if it temporarily forces her friend away."

"This was clearly a praiseworthy act and a holy act of self-sacrifice."

"Rather than causing trouble to my friends, I would rather put myself through more pain... Ah, I know this kind of thing."

"Then -" Miyu raised her eyes in search of approval, only to find that those emotionless eyes were staring at her, trying to pry open the gaps in her soul, cut open people's hearts, and use suppressive words to silence her. Step into the deepest part without hesitation.

"But does your friend agree?" The nun clasped her hands together and whispered with the piety of saving the world, "If she is really your best friend, then why would she leave you alone? Even if you are indifferent to each other. If there are thorns planted between them, she will be bleeding because she tries hard to touch them..."

After thinking about it, Kallen added thoughtfully.

"Or, just burn the thorns with a fire and stand in front of you."

Even though her mind was shaken, Miyu still shook her head subconsciously, "...I won't let her do this."

"The question is not whether she will do it." Miss Sister's smile did not change, "but whether she will be willing to let you do it."

The words were like a riddle, but they made Miyu thoughtful. After a while, he bowed and left without a word.

It wasn't until long after the unexpected visitor left that Kallen removed the smile from her face, rubbed her sore cheeks, and sighed.

She had forgotten when she had laughed.

Footsteps sounded, and Kato Danzo, who had been hiding in the darkness, walked out, holding a bowl of small porridge steadily in his hand.

... People are like rice and steel, but no matter what, it is not good for guests to see a priest eating in a sacred place.

"You talked for a long time, Miss Kallen." Miss Doll was as upright as Miyu, "Is it because I saw my own shadow in her?"

In order to prevent Illya from forcing herself, she did not hesitate to force her Miyu away.

Kallen accepted the task silently in order not to cause trouble to Sakuyue.

"These words are not just for her, but also for yourself, right?" Duan Zang twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a natural smile.

"Sa, who knows?" Karen picked up the small bowl noncommittally, "But you, the original kimono has been replaced by a combat uniform. What are you doing?"

"Although I'm sorry, according to my judgment, Miss Karen does not need protection at the moment." After a pause, Kato Danzo continued, "That girl might do something stupid. Considering her relationship with her master, I Decide……"

"You don't need to report to me. That girl was brought back to Fuyuki by Shuo Yue herself, right?" Kallen waved her hand half-heartedly and said goodbye to her 'best friend' whom she had been with for several days. "Go slowly without seeing her off. Don't come." Bother me."

"Then, goodbye, Kallen-dono." Duan Zang was also used to Kallen's way of speaking, so he bowed to himself and disappeared.

After Duan Zang left, the church became quiet again, even a bit eerie at first glance.

Kallen sipped her porridge with a peaceful look on her face.

"We are all trying to change, really, like grass growing towards the sun..."

But when will the sun come back?
The nun expressed her longing for her lightly, but little did she know that a few hours later in the morning, the young man would already know all this by activating the familiar in the church.

"The progress has been pushed to Berserker. It seems that I can't be lazy anymore. Ah, my brain is trembling."

When thinking of the next action, Shuo Yue licked the corners of her mouth, unable to suppress the fighting spirit in her heart.

"Ah, by the way, before that, let me send a message to my wife. My daughter has been wronged. She should come back no matter what, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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