My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 32 The Knight and the Princess

Chapter 32 The Knight and the Princess

Especially for the magicians gathered in Fuyuki City, there are two places that are the focus of their attention, namely the two mansions of the Matou family and the Tohsaka family that stand tall on the hills of Miyama Town.

It is well known that the Master who wants to obtain the Holy Grail lives in these two houses.So recently there are often low-level familiars who come and go here day and night for the purpose of surveillance.Of course, the owner of the bungalow had already anticipated this situation, and had already set up more than ten or twenty layers of barriers for detection and defense in the courtyard of the mansion.From the point of view of magic, they transformed the bungalow into a military fortress.

Of course, the Matou family has become an empty shell within a year, and the real master of the Matou family and his allies are hiding in another place in Miyama Town, and are also monitoring the rival Tohsaka family.

Do you feel that the actions of the masters are too cautious, and it can even be said to be cowardly?
Regarding this point, apart from Shuo Yue, who was originally a different kind, I am afraid that other magicians will not be ashamed, but proud of it.

Although magicians possess mysterious powers, they are still human beings in essence, and their bodies are not much stronger. They will bleed when their skin is cut, and they will die if they are killed.

Servants are not the case. Even the weakest Servants have power far beyond human beings. In today's mysterious world, there are no more than double digits of confrontation between Servants.

Therefore, the primary task of the Holy Grail War is not to win, but to preserve oneself—if you die, you will have nothing.

Just like the previous battle between the Rider team and Sakuzuki, wasn't Iskandar forced into such a mess by a simple magic ball attack just to protect his master?

Before they are sure of protecting themselves, the masters will naturally hide in the dark carefully and use various methods to collect information.

Tohsaka Tokiomi through the channel of his disciple Kotomine Kirei and the Seido Church, Kariya through the influence of the Matou family and the monitoring familiar, Kenneth and Weber through their own familiar, Sakuzuki... well, Shuoyue basically didn't need information, after all, it was already in her head.

But out of caution, he still has to confirm—whether this little butterfly of his own will flap its wings and cause a tornado in this war?

"Let's see what happened last night." Saying this, Sakuzuki signaled Kariya to communicate with the familiar, and played the saved video from last night.


The tragedy happened in an instant.

It was a black shadow with no visible shape. When it was reflected in the demon's eyes, the black shadow had already thrown several stones that it picked up at random, breaking the interconnected barrier of the Tohsaka family, and broke into the courtyard.

But at the moment when the black shadow was trying to shake the cornerstone of the barrier, a bright spear flew like lightning from directly above, piercing the back of his hand.

Because of the help of Sakuzuki, a great magician who has inherited magic knowledge for thousands of years, their familiar who monitored the Tohsaka family was unexpectedly superb, and even the shock and disbelief of the black shadow were clearly reflected In the eyes of the familiar.

A majestic golden figure stood upright on the triangular gable roof of Tohsaka's house.That person looks majestic, his whole body is shining, even the light of the stars and the bright white moon are dimmed.

"You ants crawling on the ground, who allows you to look up?"

The golden figure asked coldly, his eyes that were as bright as fire were staring down at Assassin who was lying on the ground, there was no contempt in his tone, only incomparable indifference.

"How can you, an ant, look directly at this king. The generation of ant will be like an ant, staring at the ground to die."

Countless shining weapons made a sound of piercing wind and fell towards Assassin.

Those familiars who were watching outside Tohsaka's house just watched helplessly as the first loser in the Fourth Holy Grail War, a servant who didn't even have a chance to fight back, was so tragically defeated.

Image so far.



After Jiantong Yanye finished watching the massacre, he fell into a long silence.

He asked himself, if it was him, his Berserker, could he kill Assassin so easily?

In any case, it is also the carrier of the heroic spirit (Servant), an existence that ordinary magicians cannot resist at all.

Can he and his followers defeat Tohsaka Tokiomi and that Jin Shining?
"Yan Ye, what do you think?" At this moment, Shuo Yue's tone resembled Di Mou very much.

"Just tell me what you think, little bastard." Kariya glared at him angrily.

"Then I'll just say the conclusion." Shuo Yue laughed, "This battle is fake, it was staged for us to watch."

"Because I have fought against that golden servant before, I know that that guy is not a master who likes to be honest."

Shuoyue walked up to the crowd, moved her fingers, and replayed the video from Assassin's appearance to the golden figure's appearance. This time, Meiyou also saw the problem:
"time is too short."

"Yes, the interval from Assassin's appearance to Tohsaka's servants attacking is too short, as if preparing in advance and waiting for the opponent to come." Sakuya patted Miyu's head and said with a smile , "Don't forget that Assassin has a professional skill called 'breath blocking', how can it be so easy to be discovered."

"And if what Sakuzuki said is correct, then there is only one reason why Tosaka Tokiomi's servants came so quickly." Kariya, who gradually calmed down, also noticed that the scene was full of loopholes, "That is this Everything was prepared long ago.”

"I heard that the master of Assassin has taken refuge in the Holy Church, and the supervisor has announced that he will be included for protection."

"Hmph, that's really a good idea." Kariya snorted coldly, after a year of hell-style training, he is no novice in magic, "Although I don't know how he made Assassin survive, but in this case, other The Master will definitely take it lightly, and then they will easily steal the information."

You know, the Holy Grail War was an intelligence war, and the advantage that Assassin, who is best at collecting intelligence, has turned from light to dark, can be imagined.

What bothered Kariya even more was that since Tohsaka Tokiomi would allow Assassin to perform such a play in his courtyard, it meant that he and Assassin's master, Kotomine Kirei, were allies.

In this way, it will be more difficult for him to defeat Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"Kotomine Kirei...?" Reminiscing about the distressed man in the magic robe with fists like mountains, Shuoyue twitched the corners of his mouth, not hiding his killing intent.

Before that priest completely degenerates, Shuo Yue will definitely send him to hell with his own hands.

Just when the two men were thinking about each other, Xiao Ying, who had been quietly beside her, raised her hand and said weakly, "That, that, brother Shuoyue."

"The flight you were waiting for has arrived."

The golden eyes lit up in an instant, and even other people could clearly feel the anticipation. Shuoyue smiled, hugged Sakura around, and then walked out the door impatiently: "Let's go, Meiyu, let's go shopping today!"

"Yeah." Miyu nodded, and although Sakura at the side was a little envious, she was sensible and didn't say anything.

After all, Shuo Yue has been with her for the past few days, and she is already very satisfied.

"So there is no connection between flights and shopping." Although he knew about it a long time ago, Kariya couldn't help complaining, and then shouted loudly, "Be careful! Also, come back early!"

"Understood! Dinner is indispensable for you!"

When Sakuzuki and Miyu departed, a Volare Alitalia charter plane from Germany landed on the runway at F Airport, which is the closest to Fuyuki City.

A princess from Winter City and a handsome knight visit this ill-fated little city.

(End of this chapter)

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