My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 321 I have to leave early today!

Chapter 321 I have to leave early today!

In the morning, the dawn is full.

[So, the most unlucky thing today is...]

[I’m very sorry, you’re a Cancer, maybe you don’t go well with anything you do?If there is nothing important, try to stay at home and do not go out. The lucky color is sky blue, and the lucky prop is the red wand...]


The remote control shutdown button was pressed, and the darkened LCD screen reflected the girl's face with her teeth brushing and her hair blowing up.


After washing up and having breakfast, Ilia was walking on her way to elementary school today.

"How should I put it? No one asked her, so she had to make nonsense early in the morning and say that I am the unluckiest today. Don't you think that is very rude?"

On the way, Illya complained about the divination she saw on the morning channel.

"Uh-huh, well, there's no need to believe in that kind of divination." Ruby got out of her schoolbag, "Illya, let me give you a more effective oracle!"

As the two antennas unfolded, two imperial coins popped up on Ruby's forehead, swaying in the wind.

"Secret Instrument No. 18! Simple prediction of future events!"

"Modifying the changes in the situation and using statistical information to predict what will happen in the near future, the accuracy is beyond what TV divination can match~"

Without realizing at all the profound magic and scientific theory contained in this sentence, Illya felt that the ruby ​​in front of her was becoming more and more unworthy.

" this really a magic wand?"

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming, the first forecast!"

Ignoring the owner's words, the two antennas mounted by Ruby suddenly moved. Amidst the strange sound effects, it spit out a note, which was taken by Illya.

"[Be careful with your head]..."

She felt a bad wind blowing against her face. Just as Ilya read the sentence on the note, a potted plant fell in front of her, so close that it even blew the ends of her hair.

"Hey! What happened to this flower pot? Where did it fall from?"

She was walking on the avenue now, and the houses next to her were all courtyard-style, so there was no such thing as throwing an object from a high altitude.

But if Illya didn't stop to read the note, but just took a step forward, this potted plant that was as big as a rock would definitely hit her in the head!

"Hmm, this is the so-called [Miracle of Unidentified Objects Falling from the Sky] phenomenon~"

"Stop... stop talking. I always think it's scary. You didn't do it on purpose to scare me, right?"

"No, no, how could I do that?"

Ruby, who had a bad personality, was still making sarcastic remarks, and Illya was quarreling with it while speeding up her pace, but at this moment, the demonic sound effects sounded again.

"Ah, the next forecast is out."


"[Beware of vehicles]." Ruby read the content on the note.

Like a spirit of speech, as soon as Ruby finished speaking, a heavy truck that was specifically attacking the time travelers rushed out of the fork in the road and hit the wall straight up.

The majestic momentum made Illya fall to the spot, staring at the massive heavy truck in stunned silence.

"Ah... driverless dump truck..." Ruby continued to complain, but this time, Illya stopped working completely and started running.

What is worth complaining about is that even though he was aware of the crisis, this neon primary school student still left on his way to school and never returned.

"What, what, what! What is going on!!!"

"The next forecast is coming." Ruby didn't wait for Illya's reaction and read out the new forecast, "[Beware of the fierce dog]."

At some point, several hungry vicious dogs appeared next to Illya, their eyes glowing green, chasing after the 'food' with tender skin and tender meat in their eyes.

When did it appear?Why didn't I see it?

"Isn't this too fantastical? By the way, why hasn't the alarm stopped since just now!?"

"Well, that's what this machine is for."


With Illya's wails, her journey to hell began.

"Well, the next one is - [Beware of Fireworks]."

"Yeah!" The warehouse exploded, and flames shot into the sky.

"[Be careful to get wet]." "Uh-huh!" Groundwater spurted out from the manhole cover, drenching Illya.

"【Caution Electricity】."

"Eaaah!" The water element and the thunder element mix to form an electric shock, causing chain damage!




At the entrance of the private Huiqunyuan Primary School, Meiyou bowed silently and watched Edfeldt's old housekeeper drive away.

"Mei... Miyu." A weak call sounded. Miyou subconsciously turned her head and saw her good friend holding a mop, with tattered clothes and tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I...Illya! What happened?"

"Good morning, and... GoodBye."

Having said that, Ilya, who fought against the fierce dogs, escaped from time-traveling, and was invulnerable to water, fire and bullets, fell to the ground seriously injured and closed her eyes peacefully.

"Illya? Illya!"


Health room

"The injury is not serious, just a scratch."

Illya opened her eyes and saw a woman with long silver hair and a white coat with a ruffled lace collar, who barely looked like a doctor, talking to Miyu.

"It's so boring. The next time I come here, I'm not going to die, or I have to come back with half my life. For example, my arm fell off, or my neck was twisted twice."

"Ha ha?"

"There's nothing surprising. This woman is just like this. Instead of looking for her, it's better to ask for the medical kit."

Turning his head, what he saw was a familiar face that he hadn't seen for a long time.

The boy with white broken hair, golden eyes, and a boring robe sat aside, holding an unknown book in his hand.

"Brother Shuo Yue! Wait, if you are here, then the person next to you is..."

"She is Brother Sakuyue's assistant." Miyu explained in a low voice, "I have met her before."

In other words, there is no doctor in the health room, right?
Illya frowned, but fortunately, there were all acquaintances here, so she was able to talk to Miyu openly.

"Illya, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter, those are minor injuries, nothing to worry about."

"Ah, I'm not referring to that. What happened yesterday, was there anything strange about your body?"

After saying this, Illya also reacted.

"Ah...then what's going on? It shouldn't be an illusion."

The one who suddenly appeared and ran away suddenly was her 'twin sister'.

"I can't make a conclusion yet. Although her appearance is exactly the same as yours, as for her inside..." Miyu said, unable to help but recall the original situation.

Why did this happen after Archer's class card hit Illya's chest?
What kind of secret does Illya hide?
After thinking hard to no avail, Miyu turned back to look at the two people in the church.

"Brother Shuo Yue, Miss Kallen, what do you two think?"

"Although I know the situation, this kind of thing is really strange." Kallen did not answer, while Shuo·Yue, the mastermind behind the scenes, smiled and said, "But we have to find a way to break the status quo first, right? One and Yi Is there a cosplay girl who looks exactly like Liya and is still walking around without any control?"

Hearing this, Illya's eyes suddenly widened and she held her head in fear.

"Really!!! If anyone sees it, I can't even wash it off even if I jump into the Yellow River!"

After a moment of frenzy, Illya suddenly thought of something and stood up suddenly: "By the way, let's just ask Brother Shuo Yue to help find..."

A chill came from behind, and Illya's words stopped abruptly. She turned her head stiffly, and found that a football had hit her pillow like a mortar shell, still spinning with all its strength, and was still spinning. It exploded suddenly at the last moment, and a piece of ball skin was stuck on her face.

Illya, whose entire face could not be seen clearly, was completely stunned. Her arms dropped and she sat on the bed in a daze.

My hands and feet are cold in broad daylight. How can this world be better? Hell is empty... Shuo Yue snickered and punched Ilia in her heart.

"I...Illya?" Miyu looked at her with worry.

“I’m going to stay up late today (I have to leave early today)!”

(End of this chapter)

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