My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 330 Matou Sakura, Shuo Yue

Chapter 330 Matou Sakura, Shuo Yue
Escape from the dangerous thunderstorm and use Bajiquan to defeat Beatrix.

In the blink of an eye, a puppet with the power of a top servant but no combat experience was eliminated.

It seems that the killing is decisive and devastating, but only Shuo Yue himself knows the damage.

Is the so-called thunder something that can be easily resisted?

When she passed through the thunder formation, her chest was hurt by the angry thunder, and when she attacked Beatrix, her hands were numb by the protective lightning.

Not to mention the legs that were sore and even aching due to the continuous burst of activity in order to get close to Beatrix.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that every part of my body hurt.

But so what?
Shuo Yue looked at the expressionless Niang Xingxing, her golden eyes shining, and her boiling fighting spirit burning like fire.

He never considered the possibility of failure.

This is the self-confidence of a strong person that he has developed after traveling through several worlds and going through countless hardships.

Even if he had to face Angelica, who had forced him to flee in embarrassment!
His heart was beating violently, but his spirit was always calm and thorough. Shuo Yue stared at Angelica's movements. Even though her fingers were just trembling slightly, she jumped up without thinking and dodged the flying Noble Phantasm.

The chains in the sky were like soaring snakes riding on the mist, but the space around Shuo Yue rippled, and the chains that were originally directed straight away suddenly turned around and hit the ground.

"Distorting the surrounding space..." Angelica naturally understood the wonderful effect of displacement magic. She snorted coldly and began to use her magic knowledge to deconstruct Shuo Yue's space field.

And this is the delay Shuo Yue wants!

"So I say, compared to those guys who have experienced hundreds of battles, you are still far behind!"

The sound was like an erratic figure, and when it reappeared, the red spear in Shuo Yue's hand dragged a red shadow, piercing the indomitable spear light in the thunderstorm and golden light!
"The winner is martial arts!" Angelica retreated subconsciously, but suddenly, her heart trembled violently, and the irregular beating caused her to stop and lose the chance to dodge.

In front of her, the young man charged with a gun in his right hand, while his left hand moved rhythmically, as if he was playing some kind of piano music.

Compound Magic·Tune.

Even if the shadow of the imaginary number has escaped, as long as Shuo Yue stirs up the 'spider thread', it can still affect the 'prey' in the web!
Everything was going according to plan. Compared to the fight with Beatrix, or the fight with Hercules Manny, the fight with Niang Shining was actually simpler.

In other words, Angelica, who can only use the King's Treasure, is easier to defeat than Manny, the Herculean man who can defeat skill with force!

This is a matter of compatibility between Sakutsu and Angelica, and also a matter of combat experience.

Shuo Yue has dealt with this type of heroic spirit too many times!

Under the tuning magic, Angelica's last chance has been lost, and the red rose that breaks the devil has pierced her neck!

At the critical moment, she did not use the King's Treasure, but instead mobilized the magic power in her body to unfold the diamond-shaped light curtain.

She trusts Endsworth's replacement magic more than the ability of the class card!

The head of the gun penetrated the diamond-shaped space, and the space immediately closed. If Shuo Yue had not stopped in time, his right arm would have been cut off along with the red rose.

"You are really conscientious." Shuo Yue sighed with a sense of ridicule, but with just one look, Shuo Yue cracked Angelica's replacement magic!
Under the Destiny Illustration, Shuo Yue, who has the blessing of the Magic Workshop, understands the true meaning of replacement better than Angelica!
The red rose broke, but the yellow rose that must be destroyed appeared in Shuo Yue's left hand, stabbed out with a spear, and drew a deep blood groove on Angelica's flank!
There was no cry of pain, the blonde woman just covered her flanks, golden ripples appeared around her, and countless weapons violently smashed at Shuo Yue, forcing her back, but Angelica frowned.

With Gilgamesh's demigod physique, the wound was still bleeding profusely, barely oozing.

"Curse." After seeing Huang Qiangwei's true nature at a glance, Angelica subconsciously wanted to get healing supplies from the King's Treasure, but how could Shuo Yue give her a chance?
"Let me see how much blood a demigod can bleed!" The two spears that are good at rushing turned into two swords, one black and one white, lingering around Angelica like a yin and yang fish. Shuo Yue stepped rhythmically, The tuning magic interfered with Angelica's movements, while the double swords attacked her vital parts mercilessly.

The king's treasure spit out the giant slashing sword, opened up the green horizon of thousands of mountains, and flew out, forcibly ending Shuo Yue's offensive. Angelica took the opportunity to take out the healing elixir, drank it in one gulp, and then her ears twitched slightly. Without saying a word, he picked up the unconscious Beatrix and tried to evacuate.

But how could Shuo Yue be willing to let them go?

"Stay!" Stepping on the sword of the Shanzan Sword, Shuo Yue raised his bow and sword, and shot out an arrow that looked like an iron caltrop.

The Akhara hound pursues blood and never stops dying!

Facing the tracking attack, Angelica did not look back, just because a purple figure appeared.

"This is not okay, senior~"

The purple-black imaginary number belt flew out and caught up with the Akhara Hound.

so soft.

But the moment he was touched by the ribbon, he no longer belonged to Shuo Yue!
Such a title!Such usurping ability!

Shuo Yue's expression changed suddenly, and she pulled away without hesitation. She didn't stop until she thought it was safe, and she felt pain in her heart.

Looking up, the person standing in front of him instead of Angelica was a woman with flying purple hair and a mask covering the upper half of her face.

The heroic armor was stained with resentment, spreading ominous purple and red.

Just like the cry from the depths of Shuo Yue's soul.

"Matou...Sakura." Sakuyue squeezed out the name with some dryness, and raised the knife in silence, but closed his eyes again.

When manpower runs out.

There are always mistakes that are too late to correct, and there are always sufferings that are too late to repay.

Long before Sakusuki arrived, Matou Sakura was already dead, dying of a broken heart.

The woman in front of her was just a replacement doll made by the Endsworth family. It only retained Matou Sakura's memory and was a specious combat weapon.

Opening his eyes, anger made the golden light in his vertical pupils shine brighter.

"I'm only going to say this once, don't stop me, Sakura."

"This is not possible, senior~" Matou Sakura seemed to want to say something else, but the sharp sword light had already cut down.

The imaginary number particles flowed and twisted, but were reversely controlled by the young man, and the purple-black ribbon dissipated on its own.

And without the magic of imaginary numbers, the so-called 'Matou Sakura' is just a servant of Berserker Lancelot summoned by a dream.

The two knives came out, and Matou Sakura used "Knights Will Not Die with Unarmed Hands" to reverse control. However, Sakuyue had already given up the weapon, and a spiral dagger appeared in her hand, and one of them was inserted into her chest.

"My smelting iron is collapsing and twisting, detonate it, spiral sword!"

The spell was released, and a violent explosion sounded!
When the smoke dissipated, the purple-haired doll had fallen to the ground, and Shuo Yue held the light ball in his expressionless hand and pressed it towards her forehead.

That is unformed magic. Once it comes into contact with the human body, the projected weapon will break out of the body and penetrate the skull!

Even though she was seriously injured, the girl was still murmuring.

Shuo Yue's palms were still, and the light ball in his palms flickered, but his expression was still as cold and ruthless as a soldier.

"She is no longer Matou Sakura, and this world is not worthy of her staying."

I don't know who she was explaining to, but Shuo Yue finally moved her palm forward and placed it on the doll's forehead.

The long sword is cold and takes away all the struggle and movement of the doll.

The past is cut off with one sword.


Picking up the class card attached to the chest of the white doll, Sakuyue looked at the big pit in Fuyuki City, his eyes shining with golden light.

Under his targeted attack, Matou Sakura, who was regarded as a trump card by the Ensworth family, was completely killed in less than a moment.

The young man obviously didn't want it to end here. At this point, he no longer wanted to delay it any longer.

The Matou Sakura sent by Endsworth not only failed to make any achievements, but instead pushed his fighting spirit and murderous intention to an unprecedented level.

No matter what kind of justice you uphold.

No matter how firm your obsession is.

Endsworth shouldn't have let 'Sakura Matou' appear in front of 'him' and let Shuo Yue kill her with his own hands!

Taking steps forward, Sakuzuki walked toward the center of Fuyuki City, the scar of this dead city.

Taking advantage of all the enemy's main combat forces being injured, he would completely eradicate the Ensworth family!
(End of this chapter)

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