My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 337: Pandora, the Core of the Machine God, and the Transformation of the Beast

Chapter 337 The core of the machine god·Pandora and the transformation of the beast
There were struggles.

Pandora's box contains darkness that is enough to destroy the whole world. It is a sediment that is absolutely not inferior to 'all the evil in this world', or even worse.

The swirling currents, sin and the evil in this world are constantly flowing, increasing, chaining, and transforming, forming countless reefs and storms.

The whirlpool of cursed sounds is rolling. If it is discovered that there is a foreign object in it, a discordant voice in the negation that destroys everything, all the power will be mobilized to eliminate it.

Replace his soul with despair, fill his will with murderous intent, and penetrate his body with greed.

The malice and temptation of the Gods of the Age of Gods gather here, which is a fall that no great hero can resist. It is precisely because of their brilliance and their standing proudly that the shadow left behind them is so profound and difficult to get rid of.

However, no matter how much wear and tear we encounter, there is a voice that still sings 'affirmation'.

!! ?
There are so many things in this world, and evil and ugly things abound. It is impossible to remain normal, unable to accept, and unable to endure its heaviness——

Exactly, this is the case in this world, why should we lament in the face of such common things?Why be surprised?

A clay doll that was too beautiful to look like a human appeared and asked questions in the darkness that was deprived of its five senses.

"Why do you think so?"

"Who agrees? Who allows it? Who bears this evil?"

That is not the self-disciplined torture of Pandora's Box, but the cry of every twisted and corrupted soul, caught between life and death.

Faced with this heavy question, a clear laugh answered:
What nonsense is this?
There is no need to worry about things that have nothing to do with me, and things that are related to me should be cut off immediately!

The young man never thinks that he has to bear the burden of people and the world, but once he is involved, he is not willing to use iron and blood to eliminate obstacles.

He is neither a saint nor a devil. He is clearly just one of all living beings, but he is able to make Pandora's box recognize the existence of others in itself in a place where "individuals" are absolutely not allowed to exist.

So after reading all the thousands of sails, the fires of thousands of eons rose and fell, revealing a single and bright thing.

A delicate core jumped up, with red divine patterns like a coat, and there was endless divine light hidden inside.

This is a story that everyone is familiar with - when all the suffering in Pandora's box is released, the hope hidden in the goddess of wisdom will burst out with a glimmer of light that transcends disasters.

The darkness shattered, scattering black droplets.Even with all his own malice, he still couldn't completely digest this foreign object, so he had no choice but to dedicate his most precious treasure to his absolute self.

Mecha Core·Pandora.

The white glow that lasted for thousands of years merged into the young man's chest. At the moment of contact, he was grabbed by the young man and pulled away.

"...Hmph." A low-pitched sneer came from somewhere. As soon as the palm of the hand was exerted, the core made by the joint efforts of the gods shattered like a bubble. The seven-color brilliance bloomed and fell away, turning into a mournful rain of withering, filling the sky. The light fragments burned, and a bloody fire rose in the darkness.

Gather, gather, gather——

This time, the young man accepted it completely with his own will.

As a Contractor of the Beast, he accepted the power of disaster from Pandora's Box and rejected redemption.

Raising his head, the young man who transformed into the Red Dragon of Disaster spread his wings and soared. The sharp devil wings cut through the black sky, projecting a shadow with seven heads and ten horns on the ground.


In the hinterland of Endsworth, the head of the family, Darius, was still laughing wildly at the success of his conspiracy, but he saw that Pandora's box suddenly opened, disasters emerged like a tide, and the real devil came across the sea, its long dragon tail swaying, its bone wings Opened up, covering the big sun in the sky.

"Hello, see you again, Mr. Darius."

The golden pupils were stained with blood, and his face had the same lines as Draco. The handsome and evil young man bent down and bowed, seemingly polite, but in fact, the next moment, a sharp beast appeared behind Darius. The claw suddenly pierced his chest!

The afterimage of the bow was shattered. Darius's eyes bulged and he vomited blood. A diamond-shaped replacement space emerged around him, but it was burned and sealed by the blood flames burning on Shuo Yue's body. "You, how could you come from that place..."

"Inside Pandora's Box? The sea of ​​disaster left by the gods?" Even with the double roar of a wild beast, Shuo Yue's tone was still full of disdain and laughter.

"I've experienced this kind of thing a long time ago."

Compared to Pandora's Box, how inferior is the Great Holy Grail, which is contaminated by the evil of this world?

The third method can even purify the evil in this world, not to mention that with the contract protection with Draco, ordinary evil thoughts will not affect Shuo Yue at all.

[Rejected 'Machine Core·Pandora', obtained temporary skill: 'Beast Transformation·Fallen']

Beast Transformation: EX
The highest level of transformation skills, miracles/disasters achieved by many coincidences, and proof of the contract to briefly control original sin as a human being.

Abnormal heat was boiling, and with his breathing, it flowed to his limbs and bones like magma. With the help of the properties of Pandora's Box, he briefly gained Draco's power.While feeling this strange form, Shuo Yue cut off Darius's escape path, analyzed it with the help of his knowledge of displacement magic, and captured Darius hiding in Julian's body, which had long been turned into a spiritual concept.

Then, ignoring his pleas for mercy, he crushed him into pieces.

"I know your determination, your obsession and your wishes." Looking at Julian, who was kneeling on the ground and gradually changed back to his original appearance while wailing, Shuo Yue calmly retracted the beast's claws, and the red lines on his body began to flow like a tide. Then he dispersed, "But I'm not going to help."

The reason for rejecting Pandora's core is also very simple. Once Shuo Yue takes away the 'hope' in the box, Pandora's box will open uncontrollably, and the disaster released cannot be resisted by this world with exhausted spiritual veins. of.

And Shuo Yue came here not just to deal with Endsworth.

"Take me to the dungeon, where I escaped from before." Picking up the unconscious Julian, Shuo Yue turned to look at Angelica, who was running towards her at a fast speed. The threat was self-evident.

"Oh, and prepare the materials for making dolls for me."

"...Yes." Angelica finally nodded in agreement.

Darius's act of throwing Shuo Yue into Pandora's Box was Endsworth's last resort. Once he failed, Endsworth would no longer be able to resist him.

Surrender and ensure the continuation of Ainsworth, this is the conclusion Angelica made.

"By the way, give me your and Beatrix's class cards. I don't need to tell you how to do it, right?"


With the help of Niang Shining, Shuo Yue's recruitment process was extremely smooth. Beatrix guarded Julian wholeheartedly and handed over the class card without much resistance, while Angelica handed over the class card from Ensworth City. After the leadership was handed over to Shuo Yue, Pandora, or Alija, who gradually recovered her memory, stayed in the room, very honest.

And Shuoyue, after accepting everything from Endsworth, hid in the dungeon to complete his work behind Miyu, Illya, and even Draco.

The magic light shone, and the young man who had finished the beast transformation stood up, looked at the puppet he had made, hesitated for a moment, and finally closed his eyes.

"A puppet is better than nothing..."

With such a whisper, a ray of light flew out from the center of Shuo Yue's forehead and merged into the body of the doll.

That was the pseudo-personality that Sakutue finally formed after making a wish on the Holy Grail at the second singularity, through contact with familiar people, collecting data, and combining it with his original memories.

The next moment, the doll opened his amber pupils, his red hair burning like a flame, and scars that appeared after burning his life force naturally appeared on his face.

Shuo Yue and the puppet looked at each other, nodded in unison, and then walked out of the cell together, one to the left and the other to the right.

Moving in their own directions.

(End of this chapter)

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