My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 36 The Spearman and the Knight King

Chapter 36 The Spearman and the Knight King

Under the Fuyuki Ohashi Bridge

Under the magic of the idlers dispersing, no one noticed that there were four figures at the bottom of the bridge. One of them was a giant red-haired man with good wine beside him, having a good conversation with the young man with golden eyes and white hair.The girl in kimono was staring at the image light curtain in mid-air. Behind her, a thin young man was holding sake and was vomiting his soul.

They are the masters and servants of the Caster and Rider teams.

And the image light curtain in mid-air is presenting an anxious battle situation somewhere.

It was the Warehouse Street next to the Seaside Park. In the row after row of combined warehouses, the violent wind caused by the confrontation of two figures destroyed the nearby cargo boxes to pieces.

Two figures, one with a gun and one with a sword.

The gun-wielding man has a good appearance, with a high nose bridge, awe-inspiring eyebrows, a sharp facial contour, and exquisite lips that make people feel strict and abstinent, but his gentle and melancholy eyes make people feel his masculine charm strongly, especially It was the tear mole under the left eye that made his eyes look more charming.

His weapons are quite eye-catching, with a long gun about two meters in his right hand, and a short gun about one-third the length of the other in his left hand.

"Servant Lancer, is it a dual-spearman?" The red-haired man rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "The two spears are all wrapped in a kind of cloth that looks like a charm, from the handle to the blade. I don't know what I really look like."

"There are not many dual-spear fighters in history." Shuoyue has the advantage of foresight, but she doesn't intend to tell the whole story. She just said, "But since you dare to take the initiative to leak your breath and invite a fight, you must have two things."

"Since you say that, isn't the Heroic Spirit who responded to his provocation and chose to fight against him also a strong man?" Iskandar raised his glass and turned his eyes to Saber who was confronting Lancer, with a look of amazement on his face. color.

The skin is soft and snow-white, and the blond-haired, green-eyed girl knight is holding an invisible sword. The hair on the top of her head is raised high, and the armor is shining with silver and blue light.

"I didn't expect it to be a beautiful little girl."

"Indeed." Looking at that person, Shuo Yue's eyes lightened slightly, and she nodded deeply, "It's as beautiful as an elf."

"It's just what kind of weapon is she holding in her hand? It looks like a sword in the way she holds it, but why can't she see the blade clearly?"

"Just like Lancer wrapped his own guns, Saber must have done this for the purpose of concealing his identity." Shuo Yue smiled and clinked glasses with Iskandar.

"If you don't know what the weapon looks like, it will be very bad for Lancer."

"That's something warriors have to consider, we just need to look down with peace of mind."

"Exactly, come, drink!"

And under the moonlight, after Saber talked to Lancer for a while, he fought without hesitation.

"Oh, it's started." Iskandar's eyes widened, and Shuoyue also held his breath.

This is a cruel duel that has disappeared in modern times, and only happened in that distant era where myths have not completely disappeared.

Knights in armor and warriors holding double guns are fighting each other with all their might amidst sharp edges and splashing sparks.

Although it is the interlacing of cold weapons, the magic power of the collision and the powerful airflow that seems to destroy everything are not lost to modern hot weapons at all.

It seemed that the two servants were not holding guns and swords at all, but some more violent weapons.

The foot that stepped on the ground smashed the ground.

The air pressure brought by the weapon was swung, and the street lamp was cut off.

Even the magic-enhanced dynamic vision can hardly keep up with the movements of the two, and they can only judge the intensity of the battle from the occasional aftermath.

The iron sheet on the outer wall of the warehouse couldn't bear the ravages, peeled off, and twisted, like tin foil being blown away by air waves.

The wind whined.

Facing the space that was completely opposed to the laws of physics in the world, the surrounding air let out a nervous wailing.

A wild storm raged on the deserted warehouse street, destroying and trampling everything.

Just a hand-to-hand fight between two people will destroy the entire street.

Seeing such a dizzying scene, the King of Conquerors forgot to drink, the white-haired and golden-eyed young man was boiling with fighting spirit, the girl who came with the role of Caster had a dignified complexion, and the emaciated Royal Master had a big mouth, shocked and lost his composure.

This is the Holy Grail War, the great cause of recreating the world of myths and legends.

Thunder tore the sky, stormy waves shattered the earth, and the fantasy world miraculously became reality.

This is the battle between servants.

There was movement from a certain object in her arms, which brought Shuoyue back to her senses from the fierce battle and aroused the magic of communication.

"Suoyue, I've arrived at Warehouse Street, and I'm hiding under the warehouse now."

"Did you pretend?"

"Of course, according to what you said, it not only conceals the breath, but also eliminates the thermal induction...But Sakuzuki, will the servants of Tohsaka Tokiomi come here? Why did I see Saber and Lancer fighting? .”

"Shallow, too shallow, Kariya."


Sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the Fuyuki Bridge, Shuo Yue smiled, and different scenes appeared in his eyes, which were the surveillance he had already arranged.

How could he not prepare for coming here a year in advance?

"Above your head, Lancer's master is observing the entire battlefield; on the crane, there are shadow servants who are feigning death watching, as for the magician killer who is ready to snipe, and now squatting on the Fuyuki Bridge In the end, me and Rider's team... Do the math, how many people are here tonight?"

"I..." Kariya was dumbfounded, and it took a long time for him to swear, "Fuck (Chinese-Japanese bilingual)."

"And since Assassin, who is an ally, has arrived, will Tokiomi and his servants be far behind?"

"Understood, Sakuzuki, I'll be ready, as long as Tokiomi's servants come..." Kariya pulled down the hood of his tracksuit, his eyes burning with the flame of revenge.

"It's up to me to defeat him!"

"No, Kariya." Shuo Yue smiled, with deep golden eyes, "Before that, please do me a favor..."

But on the battlefield where the two servants confronted each other, the situation of the battle quietly changed.


"Game over here, Lancer."

A cold voice from nowhere resounded all around, as if dissatisfied with the stalemate, Lancer's master ordered,

"Don't let this battle drag on any longer. That Saber is a formidable enemy, get rid of her as soon as possible——I allow you to use the Noble Phantasm."

The words of the invisible magician made Saber's expression terrified.

Noble Phantasm - Lancer's master finally urged him to reveal the servant's true weapon.

"I see, my lord."

Lancer changed his previous elegant demeanor, his tone became serious and low, and he changed his posture of holding a gun.

Without hesitation, he threw the short gun held in his left hand at his feet.

"So...that spear belongs to Lancer...!?"

Under Saber's watchful eyes, the tightly bound spell was loosened from the spear in Lancer's right hand and fell.

It was a deep red spear.The powerful magic power is completely different from before, emanating faintly from the tip of the gun, like an ominous mirage.

"—You heard it too, I'm going to kill first."

Lancer finally grasped the sure-kill weapon that showed his true face with both hands, and said in a low voice.

Saber also lowered the long sword in her hand, and calculated the distance with Lancer more carefully than before.

With the advantage of the Invisible Sword, she has repeatedly gained the upper hand in previous battles, but Lancer's ultimate moves were deftly resolved by Lancer, so she understands how superb her opponent's skills are.

This man is very smart!

And Lancer also bent down, like a hunting eagle, with excitement in his eyes.

Only he himself remembers how much painstaking effort he has put into the cultivation of the two guns, but from the very first attack until now, he has done his best just to force Saber back and be careful not to let her bully him, and he can't turn around at all. Defense is offense.

Whether it was the sword that couldn't see the real thing, or the man with superb martial arts skills, they all brought unprecedented pressure to Lancer.

This woman is amazing!

But both Saber and Lancer knew that such a deadlocked atmosphere would surely burst like soap bubbles under the power of the Noble Phantasm.

There are roughly two types of effects that can be exerted by a treasure phantasm: one is to release a certain killing power while calling out the real name; the other is to use the attributes already possessed by the weapon as a treasure.

Lancer's red gun is—

Saber intuited that it should belong to the latter.Judging from Lancer's posture, he intends to continue to fight Saber, and currently he doesn't feel the oppressive feeling that the next move will be a showdown.


There was still silence between the two, but the atmosphere was even more tense.The two sides moved their feet little by little to shorten the distance.

——Lancer was the first to strike.

Compared with the previous spear dance that was as magical as it was changing freely, this time's straight thrusts seemed much more dull. Lancer seems to have no longer estimated how to keep a distance from Saber's long sword hidden under the "Wind King Barrier".No, he didn't even seem to have given up on his own defenses.

Of course Saber responded with the most common method, she easily blocked Lancer's spear with the sword in her hand. Lancer's shot wasn't particularly heavy, nor was it particularly fast, just a very ordinary thrust.but……

The vision began with a strong wind.

With the spear and sword biting each other at the center, a whirlwind swept up for no reason.


In the golden light that suddenly appeared, Saber's exclamation and Lancer's triumphant announcement resounded together:
"Your hidden sword has been exposed, Saber!"

 I have received the site short, don't worry about chasing up votes.

(End of this chapter)

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