Chapter 38
"Let's talk about it after you block my next attack."

Saber showed no sign of weakness.

For her, there is a big difference between wearing armor and going into battle lightly.

After losing her solid defense, what Saber gained was more sensitive mobility and enhanced ability to release magic power.

The so-called "magic power release" is a powerful skill that uses high pressure to store magic power in the weapon in the hand or one's own limbs, and radiates it in any direction instantly, so as to greatly improve the athletic ability.

In terms of physique, Saber is just a petite girl. The reason why she can easily swing the big sword and display the fighting style of a powerful warrior is also the secret.

Saber can convert all the excess mana into maneuvers for melee combat. With the release of level A mana, even a mere short stick.It will also become a very powerful weapon. If even the magic power required to maintain the armor is used in the "magic power release", its power and speed can be increased by at least [-]%... The destructive power is already enough for her to use One hit kill attack.

Make up for the disadvantage of deprived of defense with the advantage gained by giving up defense.This is the answer Saber came up with in order to deal with Lancer's "Demon-Breaking Spear".


The scene fell silent for a moment, and the stalemate between the two servants seemed to freeze the air.

Both of them are masters, and both have the ability to judge the next move through the changes of the opponent's magic power and muscles. Therefore, although the two made a declaration of victory, they still maintained a confrontational situation and did not easily make a move.

Until—Lancer's right foot stepped into a patch of sand.

The fierce struggle between the two had already lifted the asphalt on the road surface, exposing the soft sand and gravel layer under the asphalt.

Lancer's legs were unsteady, and his movements froze for a moment.

Saber didn't intend to give Lancer a chance to regroup, a violent explosion shook the air, and the originally invisible golden sword was now shining in the night sky.

The Wind King Barrier was actively dispelled,

This is another tactic of Saber. The moment the Wind King barrier is released, the bound atmosphere will be released at once like a weapon, propelling her to approach the enemy as quickly as a cannonball.

This is Saber's plan, with the help of physical fitness, magic power release and wind king barrier, to break Lancer's prediction at three times the speed, and swing a sword that will win.

The sprint that was several times faster than the speed of sound broke through the atmosphere, and the shock wave blew up the surrounding ruins like leaves.

Saber in this state had no chance of stopping, even if Lancer's counterattack would bring her heavy damage, she was ready to take his life at that instant.

Facing Saber who was charging at high speed, Lancer seemed to give up on the attack, the red gun remained motionless.

What moved instead was—his feet.

The gap that Saber caught was intentional, in order to reach the current position, the position where Lancer left something behind.

I won, Saber.

Lancer, who had seized the opportunity to win, showed a sharp smile, and kicked the sand under his feet with his right leg.

However, it wasn't just the sand that flew into the air, but also the short spear thrown by Lancer just now.

The tip of the short spear was aimed at Saber, and the spell on the short spear had also been undone. Under the spell, the body of the spear showed a true yellow color, exuding a palpitating magical power.

Although there are very few, there are not no heroes in history who are famous for their double guns, such as Dong Ping, the "two gun general" among the [-] generals of Liangshanbo, such as the Queen Scarha of the Kingdom of Shadows, and for example, who is currently fighting with the King of Knights. The one fighting for the front belongs to the great hero of Celtic mythology.

More importantly, the heroic spirit's Noble Phantasm is by no means limited to one.

From the very beginning, Lancer had been laying traps.

He showed his aura aboveboard, as if he was waiting for an opponent worthy of a fight, but in fact, this was also a hunter waiting for his prey to take the bait.

The former Fenian warrior turned his hunting target to the King of Knights.

Unfortunately, it is too late to wake up now.

Saber couldn't stop, and neither could Lancer's gun.

The two of them can only wait for the moment when the outcome will be clear. Perhaps at that time, it will not only be victory or defeat, but also life and death.

The wind turned back.

Life and death intertwined.

The blood-like Bana flower blooms brightly, and dies in an instant.

The two who exchanged positions stopped and looked back.

Both of them stood upright without losing the will to confront each other, and the two servants were still alive.

In the split second before the victory was decided, Saber tried his best to slightly deviate the trajectory of the assault.

As a result, the short spear that was supposed to pierce Saber missed her chest, and only pierced her left wrist.Similarly, Saber's golden sword also deviated from Lancer's vitals, and the point of the slashing sword hit Lancer's left wrist.

Coincidentally, both of them were injured in the same part.

But did they pay the same price for the scar?

Fuyuki Ohashi, a few minutes ago.

"Let's go, boy."

Wei Bo was concentrating on observing the decisive battle between Saber and Lancer, when he was suddenly grabbed by the collar of fate, and he was lifted up.

"Put me down, Rider! I haven't finished watching yet!" Webber yelled dissatisfiedly like a child whose TV was turned off halfway through the animation.

"Let's talk about the rest when we rush over." Rider, who was a little anxious, refused the master's request, and threw the empty bottle in his hand casually, "That fellow Lancer has used a unique trick, and he wants a quick victory."

"No, wouldn't that be nice..."

"Idiot, what nonsense are you talking about?" Rider drew out his dagger and glanced at Weber, "I originally wanted to check the situation before a few more people arrived. But if this continues, Saber may be eliminated. Wait until something happens." That's too late."

"Saber? But it should be Lancer who is at a disadvantage right now?" Weber subconsciously said, "Lancer can't stop Saber's sword!"

"You can't infer without evidence. If you do that, you're going astray, my friend." Shuoyue packed up the empty wine bottle with her left hand, and replaced the space with her right hand, throwing the garbage bag into it, "Think about it, Lancer What weapon was used in the first place?"

"A weapon or something... isn't it a gun? And there were two of them, and Lancer threw one away later."

"So, where is the one he threw away?"

"At..." Weber searched in the image, and soon said in astonishment, "Behind Lancer, no, Lancer is moving! Approaching that gun!"

"There's something wrong with that short gun!"

"That's right." Shuo Yue nodded, strode to the side of the locomotive, put on the helmet, and said in a dull voice:
"If this gun was a camouflage from the beginning, then Lancer should throw this gun farther, instead of putting it on the battlefield and becoming a variable."

"What's more, with Lancer's master, he doesn't even bother to make such a superfluous disguise."

"Don't forget, that guy showed his chariot and horses, and took the initiative to find other masters, not to mention ordering the servants to use the treasure after the stalemate between Lancer and Saber - how could such a guy take the initiative to cover it up?"

Amidst the loud laughter, Iskandar slashed his sword towards the sky, and summoned the car of the god Leihehe:

"Now that Saber and Lancer are right in front of you, the two of them are already so exciting. I like them very much, it's a pity to let them die."

"How can you not let them die!? The Holy Grail War is to kill each other! Ugh!"

Webber reprimanded Rider hysterically, pitying that his voice was interrupted by a flick to the forehead.

"Victory without perishing; domination without humiliation. This is true conquest!"

Rider puffed out his chest, loudly proclaiming his will.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Huh? If you are unhappy, do you want to stay here and watch?"

"I'm going! You idiot, take me with you!"

"Very good, so that you are worthy to be my Master."

Laughing boldly, the Noble Phantasm of the Conqueror King echoed Rider's call with a deafening thunder.

"Now. Run, Gordias Wheel!"

The sound of the wheels rolled away, and on the Fuyuki Bridge, there was still a young man smiling wryly.

"Don't even say hello, just leave me here alone?"

Stepping into the car seat, the beast under him began to growl restlessly.

"That's right, after all, from now on, we have changed from drinking friends to enemies - after all, there is always only one Holy Grail."

The young man with golden eyes and white hair whispered, and immediately turned the handlebars, speeding towards the warehouse street at a speed not inferior to that of a chariot.

And his followers had already rushed to that battlefield.

 The so-called Fenian warriors are actually a matter of translation, and it is almost the same if they are Fiona knights.

(End of this chapter)

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