My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 4 Prison Scythe, Dust Saw, Divine Creation and Counterfeit

Chapter 4 Prison Scythe, Dust Saw, Divine Creation and Counterfeit
Crash, crash, crash——

After this sword fell, everything in everything was left with a collapsed ending.

Destroy, destroy, destroy—

Not only the earth, but even the sky has collapsed, and everything has returned to chaos.

Refactor, refactor, refactor—

The moment the sword of God destroyed everything, the miracle of creation also followed.

Can the new order based on the old human civilization be understood and accepted by human beings?
From the perspective of superficial and ignorant human beings, perhaps the so-called rules of the new world are as incomprehensible and unacceptable as chaos.

Therefore, wherever the mighty power called "The Star of Heaven and Earth Believes from Piment" goes, what is presented to the world is only the most extreme destruction.

When the aftermath of indistinguishable whether it was the creation or the extinction of the world finally dissipated, what appeared under the curtain of night was a deep ditch that spanned more than ten kilometers, was tens of meters wide, and was deep enough to bury several people.

If there is a pilot observing from top to bottom at this moment, they will definitely be horrified to find that this huge ditch almost cuts off half of the city, and the shocking huge scars are left in this city like this. The pits are almost connected in one piece.

Taking back the ferocious sword of God, Angelica took out the tracking disk again, Tranquility reported:
"The treasure is released, the space where the target is located has been destroyed, and the hunting mission is over...huh?"

The woman's palms were clenched suddenly, and the gauntlet and the tracking disc made an overwhelmed sound.

In the image displayed on the tracking disc, the flashing red dots are so clear.

After a long silence, Angelica threw the tracking disk back into the King's Treasure, and started walking again:

"The hunt continues."


On the other side, the white-haired young man standing above the high-rise building looked at the traces of destruction that almost ran through the entire Fuyuki City, his pale golden eyes were empty, as if he was looking at the scene in front of him, and he seemed to be thinking, calculating something .

In the end, the youth came to a conclusion.

"If this is the maximum effort... maybe it can be done."

Looking up, the morning star in the sky is shining brightly.

It won't be long before the new rising sun will rise from the horizon, illuminating this unlucky long night.

It's a pity he won't see that day.

Shuo Yue withdrew her eyes, looked at the golden figure galloping from a distance, pursed her lips, and then showed a hearty smile.

"Trace on!"

Accompanied by the young man's whispers, countless phantoms of swords appeared from behind him, and then condensed, tearing apart the cool night breeze.

The long sword flies.

The golden figure stopped in its tracks, poured out its own treasure without hesitation, and died with the sword shot by Shuoyue, and then raised its blue pupils.

"Despicable replicator, how did you escape my attack?"

"Sa, who knows?" The young man stood up.

The sportswear brought in from the department store was replaced by lighter spiritual outfits.

The holy skeletal cloth fluttered, and the white headband tied up the broken hair. The young man in light armor raised his head, showing sharpness in his pale golden eyes:
"I have been following me for seven days, do you really think that I have no means of avoiding your surveillance?"

Hearing this, Angelica took out the tracking disc again, looked at the red dot that was still moving erratically far away in the sky, and squeezed the tracking disc into pieces with force with her palm.

Although there are doubts about Shuo Yue's method of evading tracking, this has lost its meaning.

"I see—it seems that you don't intend to escape."

What responded to her was the young man's fearless smile:

"That's right, Angelica Ainsworth, let's put an end to this tonight."

Facing the young man's murderous declaration, the blond woman was unmoved, and just responded lightly:

"Although I don't know why you insist on fleeing meaninglessly, I have already said that it is impossible for a counterfeit like you to obtain a miracle."

The golden ripples revealed swords, guns, swords, axes and hooks, which turned into torrential rain and splashed towards the moon.

"It's time for the jumping antics to end, bastard!"

What responded to her was the same sharp sword storm. , and the silhouette of Shengkebu that has been flying up.

While striding and running, the young man stared at the golden heroic spirit, analyzing the golden ripples the moment they entered his retina.

——The magic power in the body began to boil.

There are fourteen blueprints (treasures) presented in front of him.

Fast parsing, hard copying.

In the brief moment where time was almost imperceptible, Shuo Yue endured the sting of magic power in her body, and chanted in a low voice:

"Full projection continuous layer writing (sword barrel full open)!"

A blue streamer flew out from behind him, blocking it back into the treasure house before Angelica shot it out.

"Before shooting again, it was obviously not in the inherent barrier...!" Angelika, who had combat experience with the Emiya giant, had already realized the opponent's next move, and stepped back without hesitation. A huge shield stood in front of him.

"It's too slow!" The young man shouted angrily as his boots stepped on the ground and his hair was fluttering. He put his left hand on the giant shield, and the whole person leaped up, leaped over the shield's obstruction like a big bird, and then stood upside down. — Draw a bow and nock an arrow!
The modified spiral arrow rests on the bowstring, without aiming, it shoots out under the frightened eyes of the golden heroic spirit.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword (Caladbolg II)!"

At the moment when the arrow was detached from the bowstring, Shuo Yue's palm was firmly grasped:
"Broken Phantasm!"

A spiraling arrow raised a thick flame of magic power in the air, and exploded after reaching a certain point.

A huge destructive force erupted in an instant, enveloping the flames, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up. On the edge of the explosion, a figure flew upside down, with the burning flames reflected in his pupils, and a new arrow was drawn out of his hand again. .

If the opponent can be easily defeated under this combo, then his escape for seven days and seven nights is really as ridiculous as a foolish trick.

And Angelica did not disappoint Shuoyue who was waiting in full battle. Before the smoke and dust from the explosion cleared, her icy voice pierced through the thick fog and spread with huge golden ripples——

"Come on, prison sickle, dust saw!"

The sky and the earth dimmed in an instant, and even the pale golden eyes of Shuo Yue were also dimmed in an instant, covered by two huge and majestic shadows——

Like the open wings of dawn, burning the flame of purification, the legendary flaming sword that can purify and exorcise all substances.

Carved like emeralds, covered with pitch-black soil, the legendary boneless giant sword that can open up thousands of valleys and mountains,

This is the end of the sky and the sea, the pinnacle of the "melting and mixed domain", a divine armor that burns and annihilates even the sea of ​​ten thousand.

This is the principle of the absolute separation of heaven and earth, not just cutting with a sword, not just a god-made weapon developed only by quality.

Its name is the prison sickle, which burns the dawn horizon of the sea.

Its name is Dust Saw, and it opens up the verdant horizon of a thousand mountains.

The twin swords held by Zababa, the god of war in Mesopotamian mythology, staggered and fell at this moment, with a stalwart posture stretching for several kilometers, rewarding the tiny insects with the judgment of the gods.

Shuoyue closed and opened her eyes again, the sight captured by the divine armor was withdrawn, and the golden light in her eyes was almost overflowing.

"As long as the magic power is enough, why not rub my hands against the gods!"

With blue veins in his hands, the young man with white hair and golden eyes roared as if tearing apart the world:

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The murderous aura of the blade made his skin tingle, and in a daze, Shuo Yue's memory overlapped with Wei Gong's, and he returned to the feeling of using the projection for the first time.

Right, that is it.

The magic power flows through the circuit, analyzing the structure of the object in an instant, and materializing his own understanding——

Even if it's just the shell!

Amidst the roar, Shuo Yue finally broke the invisible shackles with both hands, roaring with magic power, surging two giant swords of the same ferociousness behind him, interlaced and collided with identical brothers and sisters!
"Zi la la la!"


After two loud bangs, the four giant swords fell like meteorites. If you only look at the damage, there is no doubt that the genuine prison sickle and dust saw won the victory, and the two giant swords projected by Shuoyue, It has been cut in half from top to bottom.

But such a victory is meaningless, the performance of the weapon is not the decisive factor for victory. For Shuoyue, as long as he can make the trajectory of the two giant swords deviate, then his goal will be achieved.

Angelica looked up at this majestic scene, her eyes showed no joy, but retreated silently, avoiding the aftermath of the falling giant sword.


"Swipe!" The blade cut across Qinghan's arc.

"What...!" Angelica turned around in shock, trying to block the sudden light of the knife with her arm armor.

Amidst the splashing golden fragments, she flew upside down in embarrassment, her left hand was bleeding profusely, and she lost the strength to lift it up.

"Sure enough, the ability to replace space is really easy to use." Shuoyue, who had succeeded in the sneak attack, held black and white double blades, and before Angelica got up, she charged again and slashed at her vitals.

"Admit it, I am the stronger now!"

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(End of this chapter)

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