My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 41 Gilgamesh's Killing Intent

Chapter 41 Gilgamesh's Killing Intent


thought Weber.

He should have thought of it earlier.

With that person's status as a lecturer in the clock tower, even if Iskandar's cloak is stolen, he can still get the holy relics of other heroic spirits.In this way, that man will naturally become Weber's enemy and come to Fuyuki City to appear in front of him.

Kenneth Elmeloy Archibald, one of the Twelve Lords (Lords) of the Clock Tower of the Magic Association, Lord of the Mineral Branch (Kishia).

Today's Lancer Master.

The stern and pale face typical of an orthodox magician, as well as the slander and pity in his eyes—once he recalled that arrogant lecturer, Weber was surrounded by mixed emotions of resentment and fear.

"It's a pity, it's really a pity. I really hope that my lovely student can live happily. Weber, a mediocre person like you could have lived a mediocre and peaceful life like a mediocre person."

The voice was confused by the illusion, and I don't know where it came from, but Weber has already recalled the nausea that he experienced several times before, as if he was still standing in the classroom, accepting classmates, teachers, and everyone else. contempt and ridicule,

Weber was tempted to taunt him with a few clever lines of the scene.He has already taken the lead and successfully made the heroic spirit Iskandar his servant.Isn't this revenge for the humiliation he has suffered in the clock tower for a long time?
That's right.They were no longer a mentor-student relationship, now that guy was a real, out-and-out enemy.Weber could hate him as much as he wanted, and he could even kill him openly.

But—the same is true for the other party.

"I really can't do anything about you, Mr. Weber. I'll give you a special extra-curricular lesson. I will teach you the true meaning of magicians killing each other—the horror and pain. You should feel that It's an honor."

The cold and deliberate gentle tone, with the magician's real killing intent, made the little rookie tremble with fright.

The meaning of a true magician is to see through death... Wei Bo only knew this principle literally in the past, but now he has finally experienced it personally.That man's gaze projected from nowhere was terrifying and fierce.Weber never knew that the killing intent in the magician's heart turned out to be such a decisive "declaration of death".

If this continues, this newborn calf will definitely be overwhelmed by the overly decisive killing intent.

However, a powerful warmth hugged the boy's trembling thin shoulders.

"Hey, Magician, it looks like you want to replace this boy as my Master."

Rider asked Lancer's Master who was hiding somewhere, with a cunning and pitiful smile on his face.

"If this is really the case, it is ridiculous. The person who can become my master must be a warrior who can gallop on the battlefield with the king. A coward like you who dare not even show up is not qualified at all!"

Under a wordless silence, the anger of the invisible man spread in the atmosphere of the night. Rider laughed loudly, facing the deserted night sky, raised his voice and shouted loudly: "Hey! There are other people hiding in the dark and peeping!
"I'm sure I'm not the only heroic spirit attracted by the clear sound of guns and swords!"

The red-haired strong man pounded his chest heavily, making a deafening bang like a war drum, and his roar was even more passionate than this:
"Now! All the heroic spirits chosen by the Holy Grail gather here. If there is any coward who dares not show up, he will accept the contempt of the conqueror Iskandar!"

Tonight, tonight, now, today.

It has nothing to do with good and evil, nothing to do with conspiracy and calculation, even the original reason and order are discarded together.

The king who once conquered the four directions shouted and asked the heroic spirits who descended with him:
But there is still a hero's mind and arrogance!

Do you have the courage to accept the invitation of the King of Conquerors and stand in front of my Iskandar's iron hoof!

The blond-haired and blue-eyed King of Knights holds a sword, with an incomparable appearance.

Knight Fiona with a tear in the corner of his eye holds a gun and smiles intoxicatingly.

The young man who inherited the guardian's power raised his eyes, and the eyes were burning with flames.

They have stood before the King of Conquerors.

The assassin in the shadows sneered, not knowing that there was a knight in black armor standing behind him.

Shen Zhi'er, as bright and clear as the moon, stood high in the sky, his eyes were cold and calm.

Not all heroic spirits flow with the blood of fighting, just like the progress of human civilization, in addition to advancing bravely, there are also plans and contributions hidden under the light.

But apart from them, there is indeed a Heroic Spirit who will not refuse such a provocation.

The golden light lit up little by little, announcing his existence to everyone.

That ray of light finally landed on the top of the street lamp more than ten meters above the ground, turning into a tall and straight figure in shining armor.Seeing that person's gorgeous and dazzling appearance, the masters couldn't help gasping, and Emiya Kiritsugu pointed their guns at him directly, showing no secret of their guard.

"That person is..."

Although it was only a short moment when I saw him before, the presence of that person was so strong that it was impossible to admit his mistake.

The person standing leisurely on the high street lamp is the mysterious follower who showed overwhelming destructive power last night and crushed the Assassin who invaded Tohsaka's house to death.

Under the Master's ability, Weber and others quickly confirmed his identity——Archer.

"I didn't expect two shameless people to appear in one night, ignoring the existence of this king and claiming to be king."

The golden heroic spirit showed an extremely displeased sneer at the first sentence, and looked at the three servants who were confronting each other with contempt.The arrogant attitude is similar to the tone of the Conqueror, but more ruthless.

Rider didn't seem to expect that there would be an opponent who was more aggressive than himself, and scratched his chin in confusion.

"This is really embarrassing...I, Iskandar, am the King of Conquerors known all over the world."

"Stupid. The only king in the world is the real king hero, and everyone else is just a bunch of mobs."

After saying such a sentence in a very natural tone, the golden heroic spirit lost interest, stopped talking to Rider, and turned his eyes away. Those bloody vertical pupils stared at the person who was independent from the crowd, the loose-clothed Youth in kimono.

Even Tohsaka Tokiomi, who had a contract with Archer, was astonished by the murderous intent that spread instantly.

"This king seems to have said, don't let me find you?"

Golden ripples rippling from the void, revealing the shining treasure, the sword pointed at the brows, throat, limbs and heart of the young man with golden eyes.

Without even extra words, Archer waved his hand, and the treasures behind him fell like a torrent of rain.

"Die, bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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