My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 55 The Emiya family's meal today is limited to the Hyatt Hotel!

Chapter 55 The Emiya family's meal today is limited to the Hyatt Hotel!
【014: Diarmuid (Lancer)】

[Character information]: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a famous hero in Celtic mythology and a popular knight of the Fiona Knights, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the tragedy of Di's life is that Finn married King Commack's daughter Gran Ni this event unfolds.

[Hidden Information]: Insufficient conditions
[Recording conditions (2/3)]:
1. Recognized by Diarmuid (Completed)
2. Defeat/Kill Diarmuid (unfinished)

[Record condition 1 has been achieved, and the reward is obtained: the "agility" parameter has been slightly increased! 】

It’s not enough to directly increase the parameters by a level, but the speed of action and reaction can indeed be improved. If you want to quantify it, assuming that it takes ten points to break through a level, then the reward this time will increase by about a little.

Looking away from the panel, Shuo Yue put her hand into the imaginary pocket and continued to take out things.

It was a plate of dishes that were steaming hot and exuding a delicious smell.

On the first floor of the Hyatt Hotel, the people who evacuated in an orderly manner under the large-scale suggestion magic swarmed out, while the three people in the reception room were blocked by the enchantment, like stones settled in the turbulent flow.

Fiona's warrior and the magical girl sat opposite each other, and the dinner on the table kept getting richer.

Teriyaki chicken rice, spring chirashi sushi, whitebait scrambled eggs, wakame miso soup, tin foil grilled salmon.

Dutch pancakes, French fries and white wine soup, bacon and potatoes, cheese fondue, Spanish risotto, fava bean cream salad, French fried foie gras...

For some reason, there are more European-style meals than Japanese-style meals, at least enough for two servants.A masterpiece that seems to require the joint efforts of several chefs to complete, but it comes from the same young master.

"Magic is good in this respect, even if you let it sit for half a day, you can still maintain the original taste." When the last dish was served, Shuo Yue clapped her hands in satisfaction, "Okay, Meiyou, let's eat quickly, This is prepared carefully for you by my elder brother! You are welcome, Lancer, and taste my handicraft! I spent a whole morning carefully preparing this!"

"Yeah." Ying was clear and cold, but Meiyu's eyes had already narrowed into crescent shapes, and after simply saying "I'm going to start", she began to enjoy the delicious dinner.

On the other side, Lancer, who was sitting here after being coaxed and tricked by Shuoyue, put down his knife and fork, a little dumbfounded:

"I said, Your Excellency Shuoyue..."

"Just call me Shuoyue, Diarmuid, or Brother Gun for short."

"Okay, Shuo Yue." The handsome man coughed lightly, "After all, I am also a follower who is your enemy, even if I didn't fight each other, I shouldn't be allowed to sit at the same table with your follower .”

The implication is: Are you not afraid that I will stab Caster with a single shot?
In this regard, Shuo Yue stood behind Mei You with a smile, and pinched her bun-like face: "The question is, do you have the heart? Have the heart to kill someone who is not hostile to you and is so kawaii (cute) Girl? Lancer, your chivalry makes you cry."

"Hmm..." Diarmuid was speechless for a moment. After all, in his time, protecting the old, the weak, women and children was the belief that every knight must abide by. To be honest, he was a little bit inferior to letting him do something to a little girl Do not do it.

"Anyway, Kenneth just asked you to resist the enemy downstairs, and didn't say that you must defeat my servant?" Shuoyue took advantage of the victory and pursued, unhurriedly said, "I will keep Miyu and challenge Kenneth alone. Nice magic workshop, and there is no need to start a war between you, so why bother to compete? Could it be said that the "glorious appearance" of the Knights of Fiona is a reckless man whose mind is full of fighting and killing? husband?"

"Of course not." After retorting subconsciously, Diarmuid finally sighed helplessly, and in the weird atmosphere of 'enjoying the dinner made by the opponent with the opponent's servants', he cut off a piece of foie gras and put it on the table. into the mouth.

Then his eyes widened.

Even in the body of a Servant, Diarmuid has never felt the delicate taste that melts in the mouth, and the aroma that is as elegant as wine.

He inadvertently raised his eyes and saw the little girl in front of him squinting her eyes with a look of enjoyment on her face. Diarmuid finally understood why she didn't say a word after eating.

Before he wiped out all the delicious food in front of him, he couldn't bear to waste time talking nonsense!
Wait... Are there flowers blooming around Caster?Why did the background start to warm up?This is the studio of FZ, hey!Are you going the wrong way? !
Diarmuid stared at Meiyou for a while, dumbfounded, and finally chose to give up thinking and start to make dinner.

Really fragrant!

The two servants were eating happily, and Shuoyue herself was drinking a glass of orange juice, taking out her mobile phone secretly, and took Diarmuid and Miyu who were immersed in the delicious food, as well as a group of people on the table. I took a photo of a bunch of delicious food, and checked the time by the way.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening, when the night owls were hungry.

With a malicious smirk on the corner of his mouth, Shuo Yue moved his fingers like flying, and then he realized something, so he put down his phone, used magic, and took a screenshot!

Cell phone images from the 90's suck, but Magic was able to capture every detail of this scene.

Lock the breath, establish the magic guide line, load the magic screen——send!
Four streamers rushed to the sky, and then flew to different places.


Fuyuki City has a national road extending to the west, and in front of the road is an undeveloped deep mountain forest.This national highway winds and snakes in the quiet forest until it crosses the county.

Although this is a two-lane wide road, there is no traffic on the road with sparse street lights.The national highway at midnight seems to be forgotten in this tranquility.

A silver-white beast suddenly cut through the tranquility of the night and galloped rapidly.

It was a 300SL Coupe Mercedes-Benz.The classic soft lines are like an elegant lady, while the roar of the inline six-cylinder SOHC engine is like a beast.

The person driving this high-end classic car at a dangerous speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour-of course it is our gentle and elegant Mrs. Irisviel!
In all fairness, driving 100 yards on the national highway is not too fast, but the Mercedes-Benz gallops on a winding road with a cliff on one side. Turning at such a speed, it is either a shrimp catcher with outstanding driving skills or a Crazy bosozoku.

So, after Kiritsugu Papa and Sakuzuki, Saber was honored to experience his wife's crazy driving skills.

"Look, look. This car is fast, isn't it?" Irisviel held the steering wheel with a smug smile on her face.

"Yes... yes." Saber, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, was in a cold sweat, even more stressed than when facing the mad attack of Lancer and Berserker at the same time.

"Right? Don't look at me like this, I have practiced hard." Irisviel said, scolding coquettishly, and blocked it casually.Her shifting movements are very simple, it seems that after the race against Shuo Yue, her driving skills have improved a lot.

"Huh? Wait a minute, Irisviel. You seem to have been walking on the left side of the road since just now?"

"Ah, yes."

Irisviel nodded with a smile, as if what she made was nothing more than a trivial mistake.The steering wheel jerked and changed lanes immediately.

But at this moment, a stream of light mixed with the breath of magic flew over, the wife braked quickly, and stopped right in front of the magic light group.

"This is... from Shuoyue?"

And the next moment, the magic light cluster unfolded, revealing the scene of Diarmuid and Meiyou enjoying the food.

The dazzling array of delicacies on the table dazzled the eyes of the two beauties.

"This, could it be..." Saber swallowed, and said with some difficulty, "Hyatt Hotel?"

"No, it seems that Shuoyue made it herself. I had the honor to eat the food made by that child with Ilya in Winter City." The wife held her face with a look of intoxication, "But, so many and so delicate. It's the first time I've seen the dish."

"Hey, what an insidious trick!" The girl's stupid hair immediately stood up, and then drooped down quickly, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly showing me this kind of thing in the middle of the night... How dare I miss such a rich feast?" Is it a dinner party?"

The mournful cry of the King of Knights echoed in the empty passage.

It seems that there are still some embarrassing sounds that are made only when hungry?

In the end, as the red dragon of Britain and the King of Glory revered by all, Saber's holy blue eyes became firm, as if she had made a certain important decision.

"It's decided! As a Saber, I'm going to fight against the rebels! We must not let those delicacies fall into the hands of the enemy!"

Under the temptation of delicious food, the girl's petite figure exploded with strong mobility, and instead of Irisviel sat in the driver's seat, put into gear, and stepped on the accelerator!
"Wait, Saber, Kiritsugu said... Uwah!"

The Mercedes-Benz roared, turned around, and rushed out with a more wild attitude than when it came.

"Go to Kiritsugu and everything! Go forward, Don Stallion!"

Under the temptation of delicious food, Altria, who didn't realize that she was a bit altered, stepped on the gas pedal. Amidst the exclamation of his wife's excitement, the Mercedes-Benz galloped towards the Hyatt Hotel !
(End of this chapter)

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