My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 626: Human evil tastes really good

Chapter 626: Human evil tastes really good

Many times, battles are like this. Even if you know in your heart that you still have abilities that you have not used, and that you have some trump cards that you have not played, and that the enemy can be defeated with just a little effort... you can't avoid sliding into the abyss little by little.

In the minds of some people, this feeling of powerlessness is the so-called "underestimation of the enemy", "carelessness" or "poor performance". Once they find a suitable excuse, they can accept the defeat with peace of mind, at most utter a few harsh words, and then grit their teeth and draw circles and prick villains, cursing the person who has the chance to win against them to die a bad death...

In short, they never think about what went wrong or what they did wrong, but just keep putting the blame on others.

Even if such a person is lucky enough to draw a powerful Servant, and can win the first battle by chance, and stumble through the second battle, it is difficult for him to win the third battle - because this nearly one month is enough time for those Masters who are behind at the starting line to catch up and surpass them.

Obviously, even though Hakuno Kishinami has a very poor foundation due to the loss of her memory and has just started to get along with Nero, she is definitely not the kind of self-deceiving person mentioned above.

She knows her shortcomings better than anyone else, and can accept failure better than anyone else.

But that doesn't mean - she doesn't want to win!
This is her first Master battle with Nero after Sakutsuki left, and Hakuno Kishiba doesn't want to end it with the word failure.

So, where is the chance of winning?

When the effective time of "Goddess's Blessing" expired, Bai Ye took out the last protective item expressionlessly and extended the protection of the Greek goddess. I'm afraid Shuoyue didn't expect that these two items were not used against the servant's desperate attack, but were instead consumed by the attacks of the miscellaneous soldiers.

But for Bai Ye, as long as he can win, then such efforts are worth it.

Knowing that her own safety was temporarily secure, the girl raised her head to look towards the high cliff. The emperor in a red skirt was being entangled by seven knights and was in danger.

Even though the Poker Knights were at a much higher level than the soldiers, and could individually fight off a second-rate servant for a short while, their real troublesome part still lay in their immortality. Especially compared to the zombie-like soldiers who had no intelligence at all, the Knights were better able to make use of this trait, and even used the unexpected power of resurrection from the dead to catch Nero off guard several times, leaving him with more scars.

Nero tried to break out more than once, but was blocked by the knights at the risk of their lives. In order to prevent possible accidents, she did not dare to release her magic power and give it a try. She could only fight in close combat with the undead knights. It was so frustrating.

Any other Master would have fallen into despair or used the Command Spell to risk everything, but Hakuno did not do that. On the contrary, at such a critical moment, her originally nervous mood suddenly calmed down, and her brown eyes calmed all emotions, with only the light of reason shining.

The doubt that was vague at the beginning is now becoming clearer.

If the resurrection cost of the low-powered poker soldiers is low and they can have an unlimited supply of magic power, then why can these poker knights, who are already comparable to second-rate servants, be resurrected and sent into the battlefield without even having to wait?
While thinking quickly, Nero over there chopped down another poker knight, but Tong Yao not far away just frowned and waved his hand with some dissatisfaction. The knight's wound healed in the blink of an eye. He jumped on the horse's back, charged with his spear again, and knocked Nero, who was busy dealing with other knights, away, making his situation even more embarrassing.

Magic, magic, magic...

Is it Alice's undead nature? Or does the servant Tong Yao possess a hidden treasure? Or maybe she has stocked up a lot of magic supplies in the store in advance...

Where does the magic power that supports the revival of these familiars come from?
[The Magician (Caster) is a class that specializes in using powerful magic. Since most servants have class skills against magic, it is considered the weakest class. ]

[But I have to say that this theory is the stupidest. Anyone who has personally experienced the Holy Grail War knows that magicians are definitely the most difficult and most powerful profession in the Holy Grail War.]

Suddenly, the young man's gentle words emerged from the large amount of cramming memory. At this critical moment, the pain that Shirano experienced by rote memorization before the battle finally gave her back.

[The sea demon, the bondage play, the card that doesn't tire you out, the old gatekeeper who fought against King Arthur, Shabi's strengthening and defense-breaking book... Oh, if you count it this way, I have also stirred up trouble before, and almost schemed all the other masters in that battle to death, hahahaha, a hero never brags about his past achievements. ]

[In short, once you fight a magician and encounter something incomprehensible, don't panic. Think carefully. They are also Servants. If their soul cores are shattered, they will die. No matter how fancy the magic is, it will be restricted by the power of magic. No matter how outrageous the operation is, it cannot escape the most basic elements...]

[It's like a brain teaser. Once you understand it, you'll find out how simple their tricks are - and I've already taught you most of the examples, so just go for it, Hakuno.]

【I trust you】

New Moon...

Even though the person has passed away, the memories he left behind are still supporting the former Master to move forward.

Bai Ye closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had cut off all his hesitation and confusion.


Without communicating through the master-servant contract, Hakuno put his hands in front of his mouth and called out loudly to Nero on the high cliff, and Nero was cheered up and immediately responded.

"I am here, player!"

What she has waited for is finally the moment for her and the player to fight back!

The tacit understanding that quickly developed with Bai Ye made Nero clench the sword in her hand. As long as the player gave the order, she would do her duty even if it meant going through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

And Bai Ye's instructions were finally transmitted to her ears by the solemn atmosphere:

"I want you to go all out and sabotage at least three Poker Knights!"

"Okay... Huh?!" Nero answered subconsciously, and it took him a moment to react.

Does this mean I shouldn't save my mana and just chop down the knight?
But poker knights are immortal, isn't this a waste of magic power?

Could it be that... the performer has given up hope and is planning to vent his anger?

Not only was she at a loss, but even Alice and Tong Yao were stunned for a moment, then they covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, I was wondering what the March Hare was going to do, but it turns out it's just this extent?"

"Without the Mad Hatter, the March Hare is still easy to bully."

"Yeah, after all, it was the Mad Hatter who defeated us. The March Hare was captured by us at the very beginning."

"I'm afraid you've forgotten what the Mad Hatter said?"

I didn't forget...

Hakuno heard the girls' undisguised laughter. She curled her lips and continued to shout at Nero:

"Trust me, Saber!"

In response to her, a flaming rose suddenly blossomed. Nero's golden hair spread out, and the flames replaced the shattered dress, enveloping her delicate body, turning her into a stream of light, and in the blink of an eye, cutting the first knight into pieces. "Hmm, of course I believe in you, Player!"

Even if you don't understand why your performer does this; even if you know that this is a gamble with your life!
But at this moment, Nero resolutely gave all his trust to Hakuno and entrusted it to his beloved sword.

"O primordial fire, accompany me to play beautiful music once again!"


In this unknown late night, some people are facing life and death crises in the arena, while others are experiencing another "battle" in their rooms.

"Wow... I'm so tired."

Even his operatic voice came out, which showed how tired the young man was. He threw the tools in his hand back into the replacement space, then fell on the bed in a "big" shape and closed his eyes peacefully.

"My mission is accomplished!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura of the young man changed, and then he opened his golden eyes and stood up. Looking around, the once abandoned, dilapidated room that looked like a basement had already changed its appearance -

The deep red and pure white colors, like silk, gently wrapped around the surrounding walls, leaving a gradient mark; the once prison-style hard bed has been completely replaced by a gold-rimmed, gorgeous and romantic oversized velvet soft bed that looks soft and fluffy, like an oversized marshmallow.

On the bedside table was a record player that was obviously expensive. The vinyl record was spinning slowly. The ancient love melody was soaked in time, turning into notes that flew out and flowed on the chandelier on the ceiling, outlining the brilliance of gilded jade. The refracted gentle flames almost set this luxurious world on fire...

It is really hard to imagine that a few hours ago, this place was still gloomy and the little red dragon in a red skirt huddled in the corner, enduring the long time alone.

Rustle... The sound of fabric rubbing against each other came to his ears. Shuoyue turned his head lazily, just in time to see the little girl in the red dress reaching out and grabbing his cheek with an expressionless face.

"Hiss, ah, it hurts, it hurts..."

In fact, the little red dragon's hands were soft and a little warm, and the action was more like touching than pinching, but Shuoyue still put on an exaggerated expression and screamed with bared teeth.

Draco was startled and subconsciously let go of his hand, but when his hand fell, it was caught again and wrapped in Shuoyue's palm. She raised her eyes belatedly and stared at the young man turning over and sitting up. She patted her cross-legged legs with a smile, puffed her cheeks with a little annoyance, but still crawled into the young man's arms little by little, squinting her eyes comfortably.

"Why did you arrange a big bed?"

"Well, what's going on? Does His Majesty the Emperor want to apply for another crib? Oh, stop hitting me, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

The little red dragon's tail hit him on the back, making a crisp sound, but Shuoyue was a man of thick skin, so he was naturally indifferent. He just rubbed Draco's head madly, like a social animal who was working overtime to recharge himself by sucking cats.

In just a few hours, the room was renovated from top to bottom. Only the Emiya type with maxed-out housekeeping skills could accomplish such efficiency.

Silently thanking the giant hero for his selfless dedication, Shuoyue suddenly realized that something was wrong with his hand. He looked down and saw Draco turning his head and looking at him with burning eyes. He suddenly straightened up and gently licked his chin.

No, is this really just a simple 'lick'?

Just as Shuoyue was stunned, he saw shame and anger in the little red dragon's eyes, and then the deep red light took away his vision, his focus, and his breath...

"Wait, wait, um..."


When the light faded, a beautiful woman with red horns on her head and a beautiful and wild face was revealed. She was pressing Shuoyue on the bed and wantonly demanding his lips. Even through her leather pants, Shuoyue could clearly feel her toned and powerful legs, and her soft and slender waist.

The feeling alone is already so beautiful.

Obviously, Draco, who had broken through three times, showed up at this time, not just to take a bite of the new moon...

After a long while, they parted their lips, panting, staring at each other, both seeing a burning sensation in each other's eyes. But although they were both eager to have sex, they still seemed reluctant to do so, whispering:
"You, you clearly said that the time was up, but you still had the energy to transform?"

"Yes, I said 'time's up'." Under the flickering light, Draco lifted up Shuoyue's chin and said with a smile, "But I didn't mean that the transformation time has been used up."

"after all--"

In the bedroom where red and white bloom, the red dragon emperor's eyes are as charming as silk.

"It's time for dinner in the evening, right? Even our wedding room has been decorated. Should I...give you some reward?"

This sentence was like a falling spark, completely igniting Shuoyue's long-suppressed desire. His golden eyes darkened, and a low laugh with an incomprehensible meaning came out of his throat. Then he exerted force suddenly, and with Draco's cry, he pressed her under him with his backhand...

The newly bought bed seemed to be of poor quality and soon began to squeak. Soon, even the lights hanging on the ceiling dimmed and went out completely. Only the songs, the songs that had been singing the same theme since ancient times, were still being played passionately and passionately.

Youth is fleeting, and in its sweet moments, we can steal some time to get drunk. The silk curtains are draped over the backs of the silver candles, and we enjoy ourselves.

He is willing to give up all his handsomeness in life.

But at a certain moment, Shuoyue froze.

“Mmm, Mmm, Mmm—Mmm?! You, you guy (crying voice)!”

"Wait, what's going on..." Even though it was pitch dark, Shuoyue was sweating coldly, "Don't be kidding me, Draco, I don't want to go to jail yet, change back, change back quickly!"

The dark red light flowed, briefly illuminating the dim edge of the bed, and with the soft touch of a beauty, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear:

"Hehe... You seem to be very afraid of me, Contractor~~"

"Ha, ha, ha." After being pranked by Xiao Xiao, Shuo Yue gritted his teeth and immediately became more and more evil. "I am the third-rank magician, how can I be afraid of a mere human like you?"

I'm waiting for you. Today, if I don't make you kneel down and call me daddy, I won't call you Shuoyue!

With the battle declarations from both sides, it seems that the fierce battle tonight will continue for a long, long time...

(End of this chapter)

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