Chapter 633 The Angry Sun
Golden hair as bright as the sun, blue eyes, silver-white heavy armor and a blue cloak with gold edges.

The sword in his hand is called the 'Sword of Wheeling Victory', which was forged inside the planet and is as famous as King Arthur's sword.

The knight on a white horse, the elegant prince, and the man carrying the sun at the round table.

His name is Gawain, Gawain who never sleeps.

If I were to describe his intensity, I would use three words that would be enough to evoke everyone's painful memories.

The sacred round table area, the city walls, the figures of the saints.

Gawain, who has high damage reduction and red card buffs, is too harsh an opponent for the rookie chieftain who is passionately attacking Chapter 6. It is also a big test of the team's strength. In the era when invincibility and invincibility penetration were both super rare skills, the masters could only give up blood in anger, endure humiliation, or burn their boats and break stones with tears...

Even in the original world line of the Moon Holy Grail War, Gawain and his master Leo were Hakuno's last powerful enemies. Even though Hakuno had accumulated strength since the first battle, he was still in danger under Gawain's attack. If it weren't for Toosaka Rin who desperately modified the battlefield environment, causing Gawain to lose three times the power of the saint and allowing Nero to find an opportunity to attack his old injury, the ending of the story might have gone to another extreme.

A top-notch Servant in normal state, a top-notch Servant in Saint state—this is Gawain, the Knight of the Round Table who is in line with the Ideal King Saint.

As for the younger generation of the Round Table, if they become hostile to them...

"It's so hot... It's like racing in the middle of the day on a 37 degree day, even the wind whistling past is stifling."

This was the first thought expressed by the new Knight of the Round Table, Shuoyue.

"Governor, although I appreciate your description." Nero's temples were covered with sweat, "But is this the right time to talk about this? Is it true that I hit Gawain?"

"It's hard to imagine what the Knights of the Round Table are like in the summer." Bai Ye's face was solemn. "I'm afraid no Knight of the Round Table would be willing to stay with Gawain? It's a veritable scorching hell."

"Player, at least be a little nervous..."

"Hmm, I don't think so." Shuoyue's tone at this moment was very much like an old man wearing a straw hat and lying in the shade of a tree in the scorching heat of August. "Apart from my king, many male knights are happy to travel with Gawain, such as Mou Lan, and Mou Cui..."

"Why do you sound so tired, Governor?!" Nero was shocked. "Is it because summer has arrived? Is it because of the hot summer that makes people stick out their tongues? What's the matter with the title of "king"... Should I continue to be on guard or complain with you guys?"

No one paid attention to her. Bai Ye thought for a long time, but still shook his head in distress: "No, I still can't figure out the reason. Why do knights like to stay with Gawain in the summer? Isn't it hot?"

“Hehehe…” Shuoyue laughed like a gentleman. “That’s the famous Round Table. Every time I go out, the streets are always filled with onlookers, among whom there must be young girls or beautiful ladies. Gao Wenqing’s Saint Passive is of the radiating type…”

Nero hammered his palm and suddenly realized: "I understand, that is to say, as long as I follow Gawain, I can see the beauty with her dress wet with sweat." She suddenly smiled foolishly, and a layer of blush appeared on her face. "It's great, the body outlined by the clothes, the seductive and beautiful curves, and the touching gasps..."

You have joined the conversation without leaving any trace, Saber... Shirano narrowed his eyes and read emotionlessly:
"Saber, and Sakutsuki-san, H."


"Hey, this is a man's romance, Hakuno!"

"Your Excellency seems to be very familiar with our Round Table." Seeing that Shuoyue had revealed the "secrets" of the Knights of the Round Table in a few words, Gawain cast a surprised look at Shuoyue, "You have a familiar aura, is he a hero who lived in the same era as me? But I should know all the knights who traveled to Camelot with me in the summer..."

Hearing this, Leo also became interested. He had been silent since he greeted her. Wasn't he trying to collect information about Shuo Yue?
"Gawain, you said before that Shuoyue felt familiar. Is it because you resonate with one of his skills or attributes? How is it? Can you tell it apart?"

"This..." Gawain, a top-level servant with multiple attributes and skills, was a little embarrassed. Seeing this, Shuoyue simply said:

"No need to think about it. It's because I have an ability related to the Knights of the Round Table. Although I am not from the era of King Arthur, I have had interactions with many Knights of the Round Table after all."

"I see. You heard about this from other knights."

No, this is just a reasonable guess about the Round Table Gigolos... Shuoyue's expression was a little subtle, and he saw Gawain looking hesitant. After Leo gave him an encouraging look, he took a deep breath and nodded to Shuoyue.

"Although it is quite presumptuous to ask such a question on the battlefield, would you please allow me to know the stories of the other knights you met..."

The knight bowed his head and begged like a prince charming. His posture was so humble and his tone was so sincere that it was hard to say no.

Although he knew that the people in his memory were phantoms of yesterday, ghosts like him, Gawain still wanted to know what wishes those former compatriots had for coming to the world, and what attitudes they had engraved in the hearts of others.

He wanted to touch the outlines of his old friends again from Shuoyue's words.

In front of Gawain, Shuoyue touched his nose, thought about it, and still did not refuse.

"Okay, if you don't mind." Leo supported Gawain's decision. Hakuno and Nero also followed Shuoyue's lead. So the two groups that were supposed to be incompatible became quiet and listened to Shuoyue's recollections.

He talked about the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, how the knight as radiant as the lake was wrapped in regret and self-blame, and was willing to degenerate into a beast; and how the noble Knight King took off his ruthless disguise and revealed his true feelings.

"Sir Lancelot, ah." When talking about that man's name, Gawain's tone was also extremely complicated. The so-called hatred or friendship, under the washing of time, has transformed into something simpler. "I understand his point of view, because I am the same as him, I am also a person who failed to save the king..."

Being blackened by hatred is exactly the atonement that Sir Lancelot chose.

And when Leo curiously asked Gawain what he thought of King Arthur in the Four Wars, Gawain did not answer, but just smiled and looked at the young king gently. His eyes, as blue as the sky, seemed to see the other side after a long voyage.

My eternal king, do you also have the opportunity to make up for your regrets in your second life?

Then, I should follow in your footsteps and, at least in my second life, hand over my sword to the Master wholeheartedly.

Then, Shuoyue talked about the unexpected island trip. He smiled and revealed Altria's evil intentions and Mordred's aggrieved and well-behaved appearance. He also inevitably mentioned the sub-servant girl who accepted the will of the Heroic Spirit Galahad.

"By the way, although Sir Galahad is a boy, Mashu-chan, as a sub-servant, is a real girl."

"Oh?" Gawain noticed. "Since we are talking about 'her', we have to mention the most important point - that girl named Mashu, what are her breasts like?"

"Although she's out of my strike zone with glasses on, she's developed well and freely in that area, as you'd expect." Shuoyue answered instantly, and then the two gentlemen at the round table looked at each other and fell silent.

Invisibly, they all exposed their XP systems... and it was incredibly natural.

"Ahem, it seems that the rebel Mordred at least has a sense of shame. However, my king wearing a modern swimsuit is really exciting when I think about it."

"Even if we change the subject, in my heart, Gawain, the Knight of the Round Table, is already a complete rotten person." Bai Ye stared at the knight who looked like a prince charming with regretful eyes, and then his pupils turned to Shuoyue like a swimming fish.

"Sakutsuki-san won't be like him, right?"

"Uh, yes, yes, ahahahaha..."

Shuoyue's inner thoughts: Hey, hey, Bai Ye is so scary in this situation! Why do I feel guilty? It's obviously not that kind of relationship!
At this moment, the young man finally felt a smooth feeling in his body. With the flow of the third law, the last blood vessel successfully connected with the internal system, and the fighting machine named "Shuoyue" began to operate at high power again.

The time for small talk is over.

He began to gather strength secretly, but Shuoyue's expression was still smiling: "Gawain, in addition to this, I also successfully summoned my king Altria in a Holy Grail battle."

"Again? Your Excellency is truly experienced."

The innocent and kind-hearted Gao Wenjun was amazed. He looked at Shuoyue with expectant eyes, waiting for the young man to continue the legend of the king.

And Shuoyue had a strange smile on his face.

I'm not someone who likes to work for free, Gawain.

After listening to what I have said, please use all your strength to please me.

"I am ashamed to say that although she and I were invincible, in order to achieve the final victory, I still used the Command Spell against my king."

"...I understand." At this time, Gawain had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. "Although ordering the king is an act of rebellion, it is also necessary to win and enhance the glory of our king--"

"——Ah, actually, in order to gain more powerful strength, I transformed Altria into a spirit."

Shuoyue clapped his hands and said some terrifying words with a look of joy on his face.

"Although she is very reluctant, Altria after the reversal (Alter) is really amazing~~"

At this moment, the breeze in the corridor stagnated.

The angry sun has descended here.

(End of this chapter)

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