My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 66 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

Chapter 66 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind
The so-called job agency "Assassin" is a job agency with specialized concealment ability, which is weaker than other job agencies in terms of various values.

The hundred-faced Hassan summoned by Mine Kirei split himself into different individuals through the Noble Phantasm "Delusion and Illusion". Although the number of individuals has increased, the total amount of power has not changed - based on this , the more divided, the weaker the individual ability will be.

And what's more terrible is that if the divided individual dies, the individual will not return to Assassin itself, but will be eliminated directly, because it is not the so-called mechanism that the upper "body" produces the lower "clone", but all Assassins are all in the same position.

Therefore, every time a clone died, Hassan Baimao would become weaker.It would have been fine if he was just spying on information on weekdays, but now Kotomine Kirei used Command Seals to send all the Hassans before the Killing God who was holding two big blades.

Shuoyue, an outlier among the masters, a peerless hunk who can be tough even in the peak state of Lancer.

Let this guy be mixed into Assassin, besides Mowing Wushuang, there is really no better adjective.

The Hassans were bitter, but the Hassans didn't say anything.

After all, for the "Assassin Sect", the employer's orders are absolute. Since Kotomine Kirei has hired (summoned) them, Baimao, an old man in the mountains, must faithfully fulfill his orders.

Even if it is a mission that must die.

[Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (Blood is like steel, heart is like glass)]

Kotomine Kirei was retreating rapidly, but the overwhelming sword rain tore at the black robe around him, and every time he took a step, there would be a corner around him, and more Hassan's body had to be used to fill it.

[Unaware of beginning, (although not defeated)]

【Nor aware of the end. (Nor aware of the end.)】


[— Yet, (however)]

【my flame never ends. (this life has not yet ended)】

The enemy's prolonged chanting did not reassure Kotomine Kirei, but made it even more creepy.

He didn't know why Shuo Yue was full of killing intent towards him from the beginning, but no matter what, escaping from here was his first priority now.

But will Shuoyue, who came prepared, really let him run away?
The last imaginary number particles converged into the giant's arm, straddling between Kotomine Kirei and the stairs, with only a small gap in the doorway exposed, becoming the last obstacle that determined Kirei's life and death.

【My whole body was still

The flow of magic power became more and more stable and majestic, even Kotomine Kirei, who was only half-baked, knew that Sakuzuki's final preparations were drawing to a close.

Gritting his teeth, Kotomine Kirei pulled Hassan's body beside him without hesitation, exerted strength with his wrist, and threw her towards the shadow of imaginary numbers!

【Unlimited Blade Works! (Sword made by nature!)】

The entrance of the stairs was shattered, a figure stepped on Hassan's body that was gradually melting, bent and smashed through the concrete wall, a wound was gouged out by imaginary particles on the side of his waist, dripping blood, and rolled down the stairs in a state of embarrassment.

The egg of the world expanded in an instant, completely engulfing the floor.


Snowflakes are flying, and the full moon in the sky is cold and lonely.

Inherent Barrier · Unlimited Sword System
The young man in white robe and red clothes stood on the hill, looking down at the fragile black shadows with eyes that looked like gods.

"Ten, fifty...well, 52 people, including those who were killed before, so I killed 25?"


Do you think we are Chinese cabbage?You killed almost a third of them, okay? !

Although the split hassans have different personalities, the most powerful ones were basically killed by this killing god. The remaining 52 are just prisoners who are still under the inherent barrier.

But the young man who judged them did not do anything, but started talking to himself:

"Although we fought a beautiful blitz, it was a failure in terms of the result... Tsk, pay attention next time."

The Hassans looked at each other, and in the shared memory, they understood the meaning of Shuoyue.

When Kotomine Kirei approached Hisau Maiya alone, he would naturally ask Assassin to guard his surroundings, in case any servant came to him and caught him off guard.

Of course, Saber and Shuoyue did not escape Baimao's eyes and ears during the battle.

Because he was attacked by the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu, he chose to be hostile to Saber and fight... Such a logical chain is simple and clear, and there is no fault in it, so it is only natural for Baimao to let down his guard against this battle.

Who would have thought that Sakuyue would decisively confront Saber when she released her Noble Phantasm, using magic power to interfere with Assassin's investigation, and then appear beside Kotomine Kirei in an instant, launching an offensive against him?
The so-called blitz is really worthy of the name, and Shuoyue, who has the ability of "displacing space", even surpasses Rider in terms of mobility.

"It's just that I didn't expect Kotomine Kirei to use one of the a human shield and use her as a springboard to escape. Alas, it was also because he used too much imaginary magic when he was sparring with Kenneth. The power is no longer able to completely cover the exit."

After telling Kotomine Kirei's escape method, Sakutsuki seemed to have lost interest in the matter, and looked down at the remaining Assassins, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Regarding Master Kotomine Kirei's behavior of using you as cannon fodder... what do you think of all the beautiful Hassans?

After a brief silence, one of the Shadow Servants stepped forward and said indifferently:
"Our group of shadows will dedicate the rest of our lives to our master, even if we lose our lives."

"Oh?" Shuoyue whistled frivolously, her golden eyes glanced at the other Baimao Hassan, "You guys think the same way?"

Thousands of people with thousands of faces, as each individual of Hassan with different appearances, has inherited different aspects of her character. Therefore, although there are some who are not chaotic in the face of the enemy, there are also people who are willing to bow their heads before death... Of.

But no matter what, they all kept an eerie silence.

Because of the strong killing intent on Shuo Yue's body, it was as if it had turned into an evening bell that would ring when death visited to inform people of the arrival of the funeral.

Listen, that is the old bell.

The sound was clear and crisp, and the monstrous sword was lifted from behind the young man, sweeping everything in sight like a tsunami.


The symphony of swords, guns, swords and halberds, the roar of axes, hooks and forks, all finally turned into the sacred ceremony of death.

The evening bell has revealed the time of your death.

Hand over the head!
(End of this chapter)

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