My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 69 Alright, I've subdued Assassin!

Chapter 69 Alright, I've subdued Assassin!
It can only be said that it is worthy of the Assassin known for its concealment, even the rewards are vague.

Suppressing the complaints about the rewards of the Destiny Illustrated Book to the bottom of her heart, Shuo Yue raised her head and looked at the guys in front of her who needed to be dealt with urgently.

——Assassin, who had cut off the contract with Kotomine Kirei, was still living here, but because of the loss of mana supply, one or two were already extremely weak, and they lowered their heads, as if they had completely fallen asleep.

Faced with this silent resistance, Shuo Yue smiled strangely and clapped her hands.

"Beautiful tour."


Meiyou turned around and went out the door, not long after, she walked in again with the tangy aroma.

What she held in her little hand was an extremely sumptuous breakfast: fresh milk muffins that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside; eel sushi that shone with luster; clear grapefruit black tea that seemed to have no impurities...

It just looks delicious, and people can't help but look forward to the taste of sending them to the tip of the tongue.

As I said before, the so-called "delusion and illusion" is the embodiment of schizophrenia. As the individual individuals differentiated by Hassan, they have the possibility of unconsciously expressing themselves.

Then there are naturally guys who have no resistance to food~~
With a smile resembling that of a little red devil, Shuo Yue put the steaming hot breakfast in front of all the people, and the seductive aroma got into their noses, and even frantically performed a trick to make the senses more sensitive. Magic enchantment.

The scent immediately permeated the airtight basement, and the five senses, especially the perception of the stomach, were strengthened several times. The Baimao Hassan gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist the temptation from the food.

Calm down, me!
We are the assassins who have inherited the name of "Hassan Sabah", a shadow of a group, the great old man of the mountain!

How can you succumb to mere food!

"Still not admitting defeat?"

Shuo Yue snapped her fingers and projected a small fan to blow the fragrance over.

Hassan the Hundred Faces couldn't resist wanting to succumb, but was suppressed by the other splits, preventing him from ruining Hassan Sabah's face.

But when the young man smirked and pushed the small fan down to the second gear, the precarious line of defense finally collapsed.

It's cold... I can't calm down!
"It's up to you to kill or gouge!" Hassan, who was slightly overweight and looked like a wealthy businessman, shouted to the sky, with a sad and indignant tone, "At least let me have a bite of food!"

The purple-haired Hassan who didn't know if he was the protagonist sighed, knowing that the situation was over.

Even if she inherited the most characters of Hassan Baimao, it is impossible to control all aspects of her personality.

not to mention……

The death bell still echoed in her mind, and no one like the old men in the mountains knew the meaning of the sound better.

"The first generation of adults..."


"Getting ahead" was playing on the stereo, and more than 20 invisible Hassan dressed in black robes sat in a row on a small bench, as if they were running a pyramid scheme.

"Ahem, all eyes are on the same level as me, I'm going to make an announcement!"

The young MLM leader knocked on the table, raised his hand, and said in high spirits:

"Let me get straight to the point: Give up your former Master! Think about Ma Po, oh no, how Kotomine Kirei treated you!"

"Tricked you to be killed by Gilgamesh, let your allies die, and finally used you as a meat pad, just to let myself escape!"

"Make a contract with me and become my servant. From then on, you will be provided with food and housing, free of water and electricity, and you can also enjoy five social insurances and one housing fund! How about it, such a good treatment, there will be no such shop after passing this village!"

"Suck it~"

It's a pity that such a passionate atmosphere was broken by the sound of a big feast. All the Hassans turned their heads collectively and looked at the guy who gave in first with contemptuous eyes. There was a clear meaning in their eyes :
Shame on you, get out of the group.

Knowing that she couldn't count on her split body like a group of demons dancing wildly, the purple-haired female Baimao coughed lightly, and took over the responsibility of communicating with Shuoyue:

"We can agree to the contract, but first, you must answer a few questions for us. First of all, Master and I... No, how did the previous Master, Kotomine Kirei, lose contact?"

Hearing this, the young man showed a refreshing smile:
"You want to keep our secrets before you become my subordinate? Well, sorry for the trouble, Miyu."

"Hmm." Miyu, who had already transformed, responded, took out a card from the card bag tied on her thigh, and put it on the wand in her hand.



Accompanied by the included light, the card imprinted with the magician's pattern merged with the sapphire staff, turning into a gorgeous dagger.

Unlike the straight-forward tactical dagger, the blade of this dagger is twisted like lightning, and it is also colorful. It is full of poison and betrayal at first glance.

"Rule Breaker, if you say that, you who have been endowed with knowledge by the Holy Grail should understand."

Taking over the magic treasure, Shuo Yue aimed at the purple-haired and handsome heart with a distant stab, gesturing for ways to break her contract in the infinite sword system.

Looted from Ainsworth Castle, one of the five class cards, the job description is Caster, Miyu with the sapphire cane can use the card for limited summoning or even fantasy summoning to gain the power of other heroic spirits ——This is one of the trump cards held by the Shuoyue group.

As a conceptual Noble Phantasm that transforms the life of the witch Medea into a tangible thing, and the Rule Breaker that can break all kinds of magic, it is really easy to break the contract between Kotomine Kirei and Assassin .

You know, Medea from the UBW line of the Five Wars even used this weapon to contract Saber and Archer one after another, almost ending the war and getting the Holy Grail.

And in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Shuoyue group who possessed this treasure naturally had an advantage that ordinary people could not predict.

"Different from Tosaka Tokiomi's clumsy performance, the magic belt I planted on you connects the imaginary space. Even the "Reiki Plate" of the Church of the Holy Church cannot detect your existence. Assassin Baimao Hassan, you have already It has completely turned into the shadow of this war, but I will be the one who controls this shadow."

And Shuoyue, who has the advantage of foresight, and Assassin, who comes up without a trace and disappears without a trace-this combination is definitely a nightmare for any master and servant.

"No." All of a sudden, the purple-haired Baimao shook his head, his tone a little low, "You can call us Baimao, now we can no longer bear the name of 'Hassan Sabah'."

"Why?" Shuo Yue wondered.

"This is also the second question I want to ask you." The purple-haired woman who had taken off her skull mask bowed her head respectfully, as if she was seeing the faith in the hearts of the Hassans of all ages through the new moon.

"You—are you related to the first generation of adults?"

First Generation?The original Hassan Sabah?The man of the mountain?
Gan, Wang Hassan!
Recalling the great achievements of that unparalleled Assassin, Shuo Yue suddenly shuddered: "I'm not, don't talk nonsense! I don't know him!"

"Really?" Bai Mao nodded noncommittally, and said suddenly, "Please count the number of us."

Number of people?Shuo Yue subconsciously scanned the faces of Hassan.

One, two, three... 24... eh? !
Shuo Yue's eyes widened belatedly.

Why, one person is missing!

(End of this chapter)

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