My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 9 The Little Princess of Einzbern

Chapter 9 The Little Princess of Einzbern

Let's start with a man.

The man who was full of ideals more than anyone else, but was desperate because of it.

That man's dream was simple.

It's just that I sincerely hope that everyone can be happy.

Every teenager has embraced such a dream, but when they understand the cruelty of reality, they will give up and give up this naive ideal.

Happiness comes at a price—a simple truth that all children learn as they grow up.

But that man was different.

When he realizes that all life in this world is placed on the balance of "sacrifice" and "salvation", and it is absolutely impossible to empty either side...

He is determined to become the ruler of the scales.


In the snow-covered forest, the defensive barrier has been eroded to create a small passage, enough for people to sneak into this winter city without anyone noticing.

...If the infiltrator has a road map.

But unfortunately, Shuo Yue didn't have such a thing in his hands, so he chose a simple and rude way - following the trajectory of the spirit veins.

As the headquarters of the Einzbern family, Winter City is naturally built on the highest quality spiritual veins in the Alps, which is the common sense of the magic family.

It is precisely because of this that as long as you keep following the spiritual veins, you will be able to reach the core sooner or later.

In the wind and snow, Shuoyue used replacement magic to "replace" and disrupt the warning part of the defensive magic circle, eliminating the mystery like breaking a building block, while secretly thinking proudly.

As an ordinary person in an ordinary world half a month ago, he was very satisfied with his decision.

However, the result of his proud actions was an unexpected collapse of the middle path.

"Shusha..." The little snow boots worked hard to break through the thick white snow, and the little palms brushed away the grass. A little loli wearing a purple felt hat and a purple dress looked around and slowly looked towards Shuoyue. Come in the direction where you are.

If it wasn't for the heavy snowfall today, which affected her vision, the girl would have discovered Shuoyue as an unexpected visitor in the first place.

White teeth, big white teeth.

Shuo Yue stared at the little creatures in the snow forest walking towards him, and made a silent self-reflection in her heart.

He did consider all the variables in magic, but he was unaware of the possibility of being discovered.

However, there is still a chance to escape, as long as Shuo Yue retreats before being discovered, Shuo Yue will be able to evade the failed attempt to sneak into Bad End.

Yes, as long as you display a speed that surpasses ordinary people, you will be able to leave in style.

However, just when he was about to take action, the approaching girl's face made his movements stop as if the electricity was cut off.

The blood all over her body seemed to be flowing backwards, shivering excitedly along Shuoyue's back, trembling with emotions that did not belong to him, forcing Shuoyue to look directly at the little figure walking towards him.

Long silver hair, ruby ​​pupils, purple dress, like a snow-white elf.

The description of all these, in Shuoyue's mind, in Emiya Shirou's body, pulled out the same name——

Ilyasphil von Einzbern.

The child of adoptive father Emiya Kiritsugu and his wife Irisviel, he is also Emiya Shirou's righteous sister-although Sakuzuki is a bit older than her in terms of height and age.

Perhaps it is the change brought about by the memory of the traveler. Even if facing relatives who do not belong to his own world line, this body still conveys a strong "joy" emotion, as if a person with nothing, in the wandering journey, Realized again the fact that I am not alone.

And at this time, Yi Liya finally discovered Shuo Yue, the "big brother" she didn't know.

Without vigilance or shouting, the girl with silver hair and snow skin looked at the tall, white-haired young man with a surprised smile on her face.

Even though she was only six years old, she couldn't even stand firmly, but Ilya still performed the ladylike etiquette of raising her skirt and kneeling, and then she couldn't wait to get up, her ruby-like pupils were full of anticipation:
"Big brother, big brother, do you know what walnut sprouts are?"

Under Yi Liya's expectant gaze, Shuo Yue couldn't say a word "no", so she could only squat down with a wry smile: "I know, it's the new buds from the walnut tree, right?"

"Yeah, yes!" After getting an affirmative answer, Illya laughed happily, "Hey, big brother, that, can I do you a favor?"

"Of course, go ahead."

"Come with me, let's look for walnut buds in the forest!" Illya clenched her small fists and said vigorously, "I must beat Kiritsugu in tomorrow's competition!"

I see, so did you sneak out today?No wonder no one else followed her... After a moment of silence, Shuo Yue stretched out her hand with a smile: "My honor, Your Highness the Little Princess of Winter City."

However, his gesture of reaching out his hand seemed to make Illya feel wrong. She smiled happily, grasping Shuoyue's arm with both hands, as if climbing a big mountain, climbing up Shuo Yue's shoulder.

Shuo Yue's body swayed slightly, but soon stabilized again.

The girl's petite and frail body was not as heavy as Shuoyue expected, and it felt like picking up a handful of fresh snow when she was hugged, as if it would fall if she shook it a little, so slender and frightening.

The weight is less than fifteen kilograms... The young man quickly came to a conclusion.

The magic knowledge inherited from Ainsworth made a ruthless judgment: This girl's body has long been adjusted, and it is more like a carrier of some kind of utensil than a human being-her development will most likely be in the second half of the year. The early stage of sexuality will stop.

Iliasviel... Her body embodies the crystallization of the Einzbern family for thousands of years, and also the sins of this family along the way.

"Let's go, big brother!" Ilya didn't know what Shuoyue was thinking. She was familiar with the road and quickly settled down. After taking a few breaths, she exclaimed excitedly, "Illya tomorrow! You must defeat Kiritsugu!"

Withdrawing her chaotic thoughts, Shuoyue still showed that gentle smile in front of Illya:

"Obey, my cutest little princess, drive up~~"

"Wow, so high, so high! Illya is flying—!"

The crisp, carefree laughter that only belongs to children echoed in the walnut forest filled with wind and snow.

"Big brother, what's your name?"

"Sakuzuki... No, just call me Shirou, at least here, you can call me that."

", big brother Sakuyue Shiro, have you found the walnut buds yet?"

"Look there, are they walnut buds?"

In the eyes of Shuoyue, who has the inherent skill [Clairvoyance: C], the sprouts wrapped in white snow are so clear.

"Where is it? Wow, really! Brother Shirou is amazing!"

"Haha, of course."

Amidst laughter and laughter, Shuoyue and Ilya walked slowly through the forest. In front of them, the magnificent silhouette of the Einzbern family's castle loomed.

"This is Winter City..." The strange sigh caught Ilya's attention, and her seven-year-old head finally turned the corner.

"Could it be that Brother Shirou is not a member of Einzbern?"

The wind and snow in the forest seemed to be getting heavier. After a while, the young man's joyful laughter sounded:
"Responding so quickly, Illya is really smart."

"That's right, Illya is very smart!" The little loli sitting on Shuoyue's shoulders crossed her hips triumphantly, and quickly asked curiously, "I heard Kiritsugu say that magic tricks outside the castle A master can perform magic, how about you, big brother? Can you throw fireballs? Or, as Kiritsugu said, can you put a lot of things into a cauldron and cook a potion that can turn you into a rabbit?"

As if she hadn't expected this point, and Ilya hadn't realized what the problem was, Shuoyue was stunned for a while before she let out a relieved laugh:

"Hehe...hahaha...Iliasviel von Einzbern, really, maybe the entire Einzbern family should thank you for being the first to contact me."

"???" Little Loli tilted her head, with great doubts in her little head.

However, Shuo Yue didn't put her gaze on her, but raised her eyes to look at the snowy sky, as if she said to herself:
"Illya, do you think the weather is too bad today?"

"Brother Shirou really doesn't live here, it always snows here, but Kiritsugu said that the weather will get better tomorrow, right?"

"There's no need to wait until tomorrow."


As soon as Illya stayed, a cold and piercing aura emerged from under her in the next moment.

It was an aura that Kiritsugu called "magic power" that she was all too familiar with, but even she had never seen such a huge surge of magic power.

"Look carefully, Ilya." The gentle young man narrowed his golden pupils, and the mighty magic power rushed out, turning into a gorgeous magic circle, covering the entire forest.

"That's one of the magic tricks I have."

The wind stopped.

Snow no longer falls.

The sky turned into a milky white color.

The sun shines down from the clear sky.

"Wow..." Illya exclaimed in disbelief as she looked at the completely new clear sky.

In her innocent head, only one thought resounded.

In this way, Kiritsugu and Kiritsugu can look for walnut buds in the forest every day!


According to the later report of the German Meteorological Bureau, within a radius of ten miles from a certain place in the Alps, the heavy snow that should have lasted until tomorrow suddenly returned to sunshine. In the small town of Brunnen, it suddenly snowed heavily.

It was as if the gods stretched out an invisible hand and changed the weather of the two places.

Later, this report was accepted by the Association of Magicians, Clock Tower, and Seal Designation Bureau, and with the assistance of the Church of the Holy Church, the abnormal weather did not cause huge disturbances in this world.

Of course, these are later stories.

 I have received the short notice of signing the contract, rest assured to follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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