My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 94 One battle, victory! (Ask for the first order!)

Chapter 94 One battle, victory! (ask for the first order!)
The severe wound to the heart made Lancer's mind in a trance for a moment.

What he smelled in his nostrils was no longer the smell of rust, but the fragrance of trees in the forest, and the rotting smell of fallen leaves.

The clashing sound of guns and swords was clear and crisp, just those days.

He also had moments of desperation, in order to commit himself to being an exile for the oath, he used his own strength to fight against the guns from all directions.

The next moment, this handsome spearman stared and shouted angrily, the spear in his hand became more heroic, and swung away the approaching Shuoyue and even the dozens of weapons that followed him!

But no matter what the situation, he was still the number one member of the Fiona Knights, and he was still the outstanding spearman Diarmuid!

A body of flesh and blood could not resist the front of the soldiers. In order to take a step forward, Shuo Yue had no choice but to project a pair of black and white knives, hold the scarlet spear, her knees trembled, and she almost knelt down.

As a third-level knight, Diarmuid's board is far superior to him, not to mention that although Lancer is damaged today, his momentum has not diminished but increased.

Although the skills are not as good as others... Shuo Yue's mouth drew a curve, and she raised her sword and charged forward.

My tricks are many!
The blade of the gun collided with the two swords, and there were fierce sparks from friction again, but then, Diarmuid looked surprised, and the long spear he was holding was raised high like a python being punched flying!
Looking carefully, the young man with golden eyes held a heavy hammer in both hands, grinned at him, turned around, and smashed it!
"Boom!" In the majestic air waves, Diarmuid, who hastily set up Huang Qiangwei, flew upside down, and the moment he landed, his legs exerted force, and he rolled back like lightning.

Short-range and long-distance are the world of this young man, and the victory of Diarmuid Audina belongs to him, only between his long spears!
Shuo Yue was obviously aware of this, and while showing two Uzis and pulling the trigger, she retreated quickly, trying to create a distance.

"It's useless!" The two guns spun around, blocking most of the bullets for Diarmuid. Even if a stray bullet fell on him, it bounced away under the mysterious suppression. Approaching Shuoyue in the blink of an eye like a sports car, he stabbed out the magic spear mercilessly:
"You lost, Shuo Yue!"

"No—" the golden-eyed young man stopped, the smile on his face was as fresh and clear as ever, and he was sure of victory.

"It's my victory, Lancer."

The demon-breaking red spear and the sure-to-destroy yellow spear cut two grooves of blood on the fragile body.

"What!" Kenneth, who was watching the battle, widened his eyes and coughed violently because of his excessive emotions.

"How could it be like this..." Even Saber opened her mouth slightly, lost her composure.

How can this be?

Obviously this kind of thing shouldn't happen!
The same shock also lingered in Lancer's heart. The warrior's instinct made him quickly retreat and distance himself, but the excessive shock made him caress the two wounds on his arm and waist, speechless.

"The Devil-Breaking Red Rose" and "The Destroyer Yellow Rose" really worked, causing great damage to the enemy.

But that enemy is not Shuo Yue, but him, the master of these two magic spears!
"When an archer doesn't use his bow, it's not because he's lost his way, Lancer."

Opposite him, the unscathed young man smiled, the two magic guns of vermilion and yellow in his hands were so breathtaking.

Vermilion to vermilion.

Zhenghuang versus Zhenghuang.

Using projection magic to reproduce the double guns, Shuoyue, who had severely injured Diarmuiduo, let go, and let the two magic guns dissipate into spiritual particles, holding the black nameless iron bow in his hand:

"It's because I'm worried that my arrows are too fierce, so that the enemy won't even have a chance to step on the trap!"

As the dusk fell, the young man's confident and proud voice resounded in the abandoned factory, announcing the victory of this confrontation.

After the shock, the two bystanders also regained their ability to think.

Saber put her hands on her chest, and let out a long sigh of relief: "I didn't expect Shuoyue to have such a move, Lancer deserves to lose."

However, another bystander was not so shocked. Kenneth's face was gloomy, and his whole body trembled with anger and fear.

No one understands the functions of these two treasures better than him - when Saber was only hurt by his fingers, his strength was greatly reduced, and the treasure was sealed, while Diarmuid's entire arm was cut and suffered With such an injury, his defeat is doomed!

Suddenly, the flames in Kenneth's eyes were extinguished, and his eyes turned into unfathomable seas, and there were raging waves beneath the calm.

No, there is another way to turn defeat into victory.

He lowered his head, mustering the last of his strength, communicating with some miracle he still possessed.


【014: Diarmuid (Lancer)】

[Character information]: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a famous hero in Celtic mythology and a popular knight of the Fiona Knights, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the tragedy of Di's life is that Finn married King Commack's daughter Gran Ni this event unfolds.

[Hidden Information]: Known as "Diarmuid of Glorious Appearance" and "Diarmuid of Tears of Love".His beautiful appearance earned him the title of "the best lover of women and maidens in all of the land of Ireland" at the time, but he seemed troubled.

[Recording conditions (2/3)]:
1. Recognized by Diarmuid (Completed)
2. Defeat/Kill Diarmuid (Completed)

[Record condition 2 has been completed, reward: "Heroic Diarmuid's Spear Skill Experience"! 】

A huge amount of knowledge poured into his brain, Shuo Yue shook his head, and the melee marksmanship that could compete with Saber and have a slight upper hand became his nourishment.

If Shuoyue can now have a treasure that is not inferior to Diarmuid, she will definitely be able to stage a wonderful two-handed battle with him, not just relying on the battle memory brought by the projection weapon.

"Although the wound has a similar curse, it's not irreversible..." Lancer also noticed something wrong with his own injury after a brief loss of consciousness, "Is it, it's... a fake."

"No way, if you don't have enough hard power, you can only rely on these replicas to win." Shuo Yue spread her hands.

"Your Excellency is too modest." Even though the injury on his arm could not be eliminated for a while, the spear soldier still showed an appreciative smile, and just as the spirit of the yellow magic gun dissipated, he raised the red magic gun with one arm, "Playing hard to get!" , Lure the enemy to go deep... Your tactics are really brilliant."

"But even so, do you still want to continue fighting?" Shuo Yue had sensed Lancer's fighting spirit, and calmly drew his bow.

"Exactly." Diarmuid, whose wound was still bleeding, charged forward and attacked Shuoyue again, "Although I lost the battle, this 'war' for the lord is not over yet."

But this time, the young man with the bow was merciless, and the iron bow kept vibrating, and every blow full of magic power was comparable to bomb bombing!

But even so, the crimson gun still pierced through the blockade—just because Kenneth raised his arm high outside the field and shouted loudly:
"Order with the command spell! Lancer, you must bring me victory!"

"Obey, my lord!"

The first time, the first time he was summoned, Lancer accepted the Command Seal with his own will.

In the blink of an eye, Lancer, who was burning with flames of magic power, was in front of him. A magic spear broke through the blockade of the two knives without hindrance, and rested on Shuoyue's fragile neck.

"At least when it comes to command spells, my lord has never been stingy!" With his left arm hanging weakly, the handsome spearman declared joyfully with a bright face.

"Really?" Shuo Yue was noncommittal, walking sideways from the still red rose to Saber's side.

He has already got what he wants, and the so-called honor and victory or defeat are of no importance at all.

What's more, he is also looking forward to the battle between Saber and Lancer.

"It's your victory, Lancer."

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency Shuoyue." Diarmuid bowed his head slightly, showing respect to this powerful and humble opponent.

But when he raised his head, his eyes passed over Saber, who was full of fighting spirit, and inevitably fell behind her, Solau who had awakened at some time.

Although unable to make a sound, this involuntary woman, the fiancée of the second lord, is watching the hero's body with her sincere, mournful eyes, desperate to tell him.

(End of this chapter)

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