Cop Universe

Chapter 10 Team Building Training

Chapter 10 Team Building Training

Shooting instructor Qu Mingchang handed the score sheet of the shooting test to Inspector Peng.

Inspector Peng is the teaching director of the police academy. Although he usually has no teaching tasks, he still has to be responsible for front-line teaching activities, so he can only be regarded as half of the management.

Inspector Peng picked up the score sheet and didn't open it right away to read it, but asked, "This time, the No.1 should be Qiu Junxuan, right? How many A-zones did he hit?"

"Qiu Junxuan hit five A-zones, but he is only No.2." Qu Mingchang answered.

"The five A districts are only No.2? Did No.1 hit six A districts? Doesn't it equal the record of the police academy?" Inspector Peng said in surprise.

"No.1 hit six A-zones, breaking the police academy's record." Qu Mingchang said.

"It was able to hit six A-zones, and there will be another sharpshooter in the future. Who is so good?" Inspector Peng said as he opened the report card and began to check the results of the student police.

At the first moment, Inspector Peng saw the eye-catching Arabic numeral 6, and the name in front of it was He Jiahui.

"It turned out to be He Jiahui, he hit six A-zones! It's really unexpected!" Inspector Peng had a surprised expression on his face.

Then he continued: "Before I was still worried, He Jiahui's grades were relatively mediocre, if He Jiahui was awarded the silver flute award, it would break the rules of the police academy, and other people would not be convinced.

It's different now, there is a subject that ranks No.1 and has broken the police school record, so it is reasonable for us to award him the Silver Flute Award, and it will be an explanation to Brother Yi at that time! "

If the person who has been praised by the Commissioner of Police himself does not get an award when he graduates, doesn't it mean that the Commissioner has a bad eye?
Inspector Peng looked at the number "10s" at the back again, his expression was taken aback for a moment, then he looked at Sir Qu seriously, and blamed him:

"You are also an old man in the police academy. How can you still be so careless? You even wrote the wrong time. This kind of low-level mistake shouldn't happen to you!"

As Inspector Peng said, he spread out the report card and pointed to the number "10s" behind He Jiahui.

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with this number, it is indeed 10 seconds." Qu Mingchang quickly explained.

"Complete the entire shooting process in 10 seconds, and still hit six A areas? Are you kidding me!" Inspector Peng said.

"Sir, it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. He Jiahui only took 10 seconds from drawing the gun to ejecting the bullet casing after shooting!" Qu Mingchang hesitated for two seconds, and then added: "If you use a stopwatch to calculate, maybe Less than 10 seconds!"

It takes about two seconds to draw the gun and aim at this series of actions, and it also takes two seconds to end the shooting action by retreating the bullet. Counting the six seconds of shooting, He Jiahui's entire shooting takes 10 seconds.

"Is this the performance of a sharpshooter?" Inspector Peng frowned, and then asked: "Did He Jiahui perform very well in the previous shooting training?"

"No, in the previous shooting test, his grades were mediocre, but this time he suddenly became very good." Qu Mingchang said.

"According to your judgment, why did this happen?" Inspector Peng continued to ask.

Qu Mingchang thought for a while before answering: "According to my experience, it is impossible to become a sharpshooter after training with 280 bullets, so this can only be explained by talent. And He Jiahui didn't show it before, he was deliberately hiding his strength. "

"Then why is he hiding his strength?" Inspector Peng said.

"It may be that He Jiahui's personality is relatively introverted, he doesn't like to be in the limelight, and wants to keep a low profile. I know many people who are socially phobic are like this." Qu Mingchang explained.

"According to this, He Jiahui is still a master of concealment? Then why doesn't he continue to keep a low profile?" Inspector Peng said.

"It should be impossible to hide it! In the restaurant murder case before, the murderer wanted to blame He Jiahui, which also forced He Jiahui to show his ability.

Now that He Jiahui has become the target of public criticism, if he continues to keep a low profile, he may be looked down upon by other police officers. "Qu Mingchang continued to explain.

"It makes sense! If you are famous but have no ability, it is really difficult to convince the public." Inspector Peng nodded: "Although the police force is a place that emphasizes teamwork, it also encourages healthy competition. I hope they can make progress in the competition. !"


A test of a full-level boss angrily refreshing the hands of the village is over.He Jiahui not only won No.1, but also broke the record of the academy police participating in the shooting test.

With this test, He Jiahui successfully established his prestige among the school police.

The previous He Jiahui, although it can't be said that the police academy is small and transparent, but it is only an inconspicuous existence.

The detection of the restaurant murder case instantly made He Jiahui a man of the year in the police academy, and the director's "future detective" even attracted a wave of hatred for He Jiahui, and the number of police officers who disliked He Jiahui increased significantly.

If He Jiahui performed very well before, solving the kitchen murder case would at best be the icing on the cake.

But if the same thing happened to a student police officer with mediocre grades, it would be envied.

For example, Li Ka-shing bought a new private jet after making billions from speculating in land. Ordinary people would not feel much after learning about it. Instead, they would feel that Li Ka-shing had an investment vision.

And if your neighbor next door made millions of profits from speculating on second-hand housing and bought a BMW, then you know that you will feel a little sour in your heart in the future, and you will always feel that that BMW is so obtrusive.

Human nature is like this, there will always be people who think that as long as your life is better than mine, I can't stand it!
But this is not a bad thing. The damned desire to win and the desire to compare have always been the source of motivation for human beings to strive hard.

In the shooting test this time, He Jiahui's results in the six A areas instantly extinguished the desire to win and the desire to compare with others. Such results are already too exaggerated, causing other student policemen to be completely unmatched.

Seeing the six gun holes in Area A is like ordinary people seeing Li Ka-shing's private jet without any disturbance in their hearts. It's none of my business!

The police academy was on holiday on the weekend, and He Jiahui returned home and spent a boring weekend.

He Jiahui's mother's family conditions are very good, she also went to aristocratic schools since she was a child, and later went to England to study at university, so she was born as a young lady.

And He Jiahui's father's family background is average, he started working after graduating from middle school, because he didn't have a high education, he worked as a decoration worker.

But He Jiahui's father is very handsome, with a knife on the head of the so-called sex character, the love brain mother is greedy for small fresh meat, regardless of the differences between the two families, she has decided to marry, and then gave birth to He Jiahui.

A typical wealthy daughter who falls in love with a handsome poor guy.

However, love is just a kind of dopamine secreted by the brain, which cannot solve the various bumps and bumps in real life.

When two people really live together, all kinds of small problems of money, rice, oil and salt continue to erupt, and the differences caused by the two family backgrounds also make the conflict between them more and more serious.

In the end, He Jiahui's parents chose to divorce. He Jiahui's mother was probably worried that it would be difficult to remarry with the child, so she did not fight for He Jiahui's custody and paid a large amount of extra support.

It is indeed easier to marry without a oil bottle. He Jiahui's mother remarried and married a psychiatrist. Later, the two immigrated to Australia and have not been back to Xiangjiang for ten years.

And He Jiahui's father did not stay, he took the child support money to go to the mainland to develop, and later opened a factory, his business gradually expanded, and he is already a well-known entrepreneur in the mainland.

When a man has money, he naturally wants to find a young and beautiful woman. The same is true for He Jiahui's father. He found a little stepmother for He Jiahui, and the little stepmother gave birth to a pair of twins.

In this way, He Jiahui's father had even more excuses not to return to Xiangjiang, and the family of four lived a happy life in the mainland.

So He Jiahui lived with his grandparents since he was a child. His impression of his parents, apart from a few photos from more than ten years ago, is the monthly living expenses.

Later, He Jiahui's grandparents also passed away one after another, and He Jiahui continued to live in the old house of his grandparents.

He Jiahui's father did a lot of business in the Mainland, and he didn't care about this old house, so he simply let He Jiahui inherit the property.

In the eyes of outsiders, He Jiahui is simply a winner in life. His father will send him tens of thousands of yuan every month, which can make his life worry-free. In addition, he has a house of his own.With the house price in Xiangjiang, this house alone is beyond the reach of many people in their lifetime.

A single dog with no father or mother lives a very lonely life. Perhaps because of this reason, He Jiahui chose to apply for the police force to find a little warmth in the collective life.


In the new week, He Jiahui returned to the police academy.

This week, the police academy will conduct field survival training for two days and one night.

In the dormitory, the student police were chatting and packing for field training.

"Do you want to wear sunscreen? The sun has been very strong in recent days."

"We are going to the mountains this time, not to the desert. There are shade trees on the mountains."

"There are a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains. I brought a bottle of mosquito repellent spray, so I won't be afraid of mosquitoes."

"Do you want to apply to the instructor and bring a few electric shock batons? If you encounter a wild beast, you won't be empty-handed!"

"There are so many of us, why are we still afraid of wild beasts! Besides, what kind of beasts can there be in the mountains of Xiangjiang!"

"This field training is more difficult than before. I heard that gas stoves are not allowed."

"Without a gas stove, how do you make a fire to cook? Maybe you need to collect firewood!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, He Jiahui couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The field survival training of the academy police is that the big guys climb a mountain together, camp on the mountain, sleep for a while, and then go down the mountain the next day.During the period, you can bring your own food and drink, such as canned food, compressed biscuits, etc., and even some snacks if you have the strength.

In He Jiahui's view, this kind of field survival training is more like the company's team building, go to the outdoors to have a picnic and chat, stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and breathe fresh air, which is completely different from the field survival training of special forces.

Xiangjiang is such a big place, even if it falls into the wild mountainous area, it can get out in a day, so the police in Xiangjiang don't need to learn the skills of wild survival at all.

Therefore, the purpose of the field survival training of the academy police is not to let everyone find bugs like Mr. Pei, nor to practice starvation like De Ge, but to train everyone's teamwork ability.

To put it bluntly, this is also a kind of team building.

This year's field survival training is more difficult than in previous years. Gas stoves are not allowed, but lighters and matches are still allowed.

For He Jiahui, there is basically no difference. After all, he is a scout with actual combat experience. Even if he doesn't have a lighter and matches, he still has ways to start a fire in the wild.

However, the other student policemen inevitably complained, how many people who grew up in the city can start a fire!Without a gas stove, these people might not even be able to cook instant noodles.


The bus took the student police to Huangshi Pier, which will also be the starting point of wild survival training.

"The group is announced below! He Jiahui, Yu Xueli..." The instructor read several names in succession.

"You are in Group A, He Jiahui, you are the team leader, and you will divide the work for the team members later. This is the map for this field training. You need to arrive at the designated place within the specified time." The instructor said and gave a The map was handed to He Jiahui.

In the past, the team leader would definitely not be able to turn to He Jiahui, but now He Jiahui has become a strong contender for the Silver Flute Award, and he has more opportunities to express himself.

He Jiahui took the map and quickly looked at it. The map only showed the location, but no route.That is to say, the route of each group needs to be planned by the group leader himself.

In this way, the team leader's planning of the walking route will directly affect the speed of reaching the destination, and it is also a test of the team leader's personal ability.

"Jiahui, let me have a look at the map." Ah Li leaned over, took the map and looked at it carefully.

"It's just an ordinary Saigon district map, which was published a few years ago. We are here now, and the end point is here. How should we go?" Ah Li began to draw on the map.

"Before the finish line, we have to go to three assembly points. The first assembly point is about four kilometers away from here, and we need to arrive within one and a half hours." He Jiahui pointed to the location of the first assembly point on the map.

"It's too easy to walk four kilometers in an hour and a half." Ah Li said confidently.

He Jiahui said: "Of course it was easy at the beginning, and the road is also very flat. After entering the mountains, it will be difficult to walk."


Carrying tents, food and a large bucket of pure water, several people in Group A started to march towards the destination.

Ah Li carried the bucket of purified water and walked in the front of the line without any effort.

His physical performance ranked first among all the student police officers. The instructor once commented that Ah Li's physical fitness has reached the threshold of the Flying Tigers.

In He Jiahui's view, there is no need to carry that big bucket of pure water, as the Wanyi Reservoir is next to it, so there are plenty of water sources in the mountains, even if it is not as good as pure water, it is no problem to boil it and drink it.

The police academy sent two instructors to follow Group A. The two instructors did not give guidance, but were only responsible for recording the performance of the apprentices.

The first assembly point is only four kilometers away, and the terrain is relatively flat. The routes chosen by each group are the same, and everyone arrived quickly and smoothly.

The next two assembly points are in the mountain, and the end point is in the depths of the mountain. At this time, the real test begins, and the routes of each group also diverge.

He Jiahui was in charge of leading the way. He walked in the front without looking at the map. He looked at ease, as if he was here for a tour.

But in fact, the route already existed in his mind.

"Jiahui, are we going in the wrong direction? Shouldn't we turn left on the small road just now?" Someone asked.

"You didn't go wrong, don't worry, follow me, I guarantee you will reach the finish line first." He Jiahui responded confidently.

"It's been walking for a long time. You don't even look at the map. Even if you go wrong, you don't know. I really have no idea." Another person said.

He Jiahui took out the map, handed it to the other party, and said at the same time; "Looking at the map is a waste of time. If you want to read it, just read it while walking. Just don't fall behind."

The man took the map and looked at it carefully, trying to confirm where he was.

He Jiahui smiled slightly, thinking in his heart, you are looking at the map with a scout company commander, are you crazy?
 Haven't watched it?It doesn't matter!You can read and pass the previous book "Rebirth of an Industrial Tycoon", there are ten thousand order badges, and the quality will definitely not be too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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