Cop Universe

Chapter 104 Breakthrough

Chapter 104 Breakthrough

As an international metropolis, Xiangjiang has many NGO organizations under various banners, ranging from international aid, environmental protection, humanitarian aid, to legal aid, animal protection, and domestic violence prevention.The total sum of zero and zero is not tens of thousands, but it can also be several thousand.

These NGO organizations are all backed by donors, and everyone knows who the donors are.

And being able to work in Central clearly shows that the organization has a relatively strong backstage.If the background is strong, it will be more troublesome to search, at least when applying for a search warrant, there are more factors to consider.

In Central, where every inch of land is expensive, in an exquisite office building, He Jiahui and Ma Jun found the office of Friends of the Ocean.

Surrounded by social animals in suits and leather shoes, and their mouths were full of English, Ma Jun curled his lips in displeasure:

"I hate dealing with people who wear suits and speak English the most! They always talk in circles, and they can't ask useful content for a long time. You can't force him!"

Ma Jun's interrogation method has always been that if you dare not say anything, I will do it. If you disagree, you will swing your fist and punch it with a hammer. become.

This trick is really effective for those young and Dangerous boys and club members. Facing the small fists of the police force ceiling, even the boss of the club will be afraid of three points and give some useful clues.

Therefore, Ma Jun's high rate of solving crimes is not blown out, but a real punch.

However, in the face of intellectuals, Ma Jun could not use his fists to question.Without the blessing of force, Ma Jun's efficiency in solving cases dropped a lot.

After the two explained their intentions, they were invited to the reception room by the front desk. After a while, a middle-aged woman in business attire appeared in front of the two. This middle-aged woman was not beautiful, but she was very delicately dressed. , at first glance, she is the kind of capable woman in the workplace.

"Two police officers, my name is Serena, I'm the person in charge here. I don't know what's the matter with the two police officers?" The woman introduced herself.

Although she was Chinese, she gave her English name, and He Jiahui didn't care about it. Those who work in high-end office buildings in Central are all virtuous.

He Jiahui introduced: "Ms. Serena, my name is He Jiahui, and I am the police chief of the Regional Crime Squad. Next to me is Ma Sir, the Senior Inspector of the Regional Serious Crime Squad. We are here for one thing. Your organization will understand and hope you can cooperate."

"Cooperate, we will cooperate. If the police officer has any questions, just ask. As long as I know, I will definitely tell you." Serena said immediately.

"That's troublesome." He Jiahui said as he took out the recording pen and put it on the table, and then asked: "Ms. Serena, do you know a person named Chen Zishuo?"

"Chen Zishuo, the name sounds familiar. Who is it? I can't remember." Serena put on a look of thinking hard.

He Jiahui reminded: "Chen Zishuo is the president of the Chinese University Student Union."

"I remembered, I did meet him." Serena went on to say: "The purpose of our organization is to protect the marine ecological environment. Nowadays, college students are also very interested in environmental protection, so we cooperate with many universities All student unions have cooperated.

We have also cooperated with the Chinese University to hold several activities. At that time, the person responsible for organizing students to participate in the activities was the president of their student union, the Chen Zishuo you mentioned.Sir, you mentioned Chen Zishuo, did something happen to him? "

"It's not convenient for me to disclose the details of the case." He Jiahui paused, and then asked: "Then Fang Moxuan, the vice president of the Chinese University Student Union, do you know him?"

"I have a little impression. I remember that there was such a person when the event was held." Serena said.

"Ms. Serena, it seems that you are not familiar with these two people?" He Jiahui asked again.

Serena smiled slightly: "It's just a business relationship. I've met a few times during the event, so of course I won't be very familiar with it."

He Jiahui nodded, and then continued to ask: "We also found out that you have financial exchanges with the student union of Chinese University.

On June 24, your organization remitted 10 yuan to the account of Chinese University. Can you explain the purpose of this money? "

"This is our sponsorship fee for the student union." Serena replied immediately.

"What kind of sponsorship fee, can you tell me more about it?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"Our Friends of the Ocean was established to protect the marine ecological environment. As long as it is a like-minded organization that is willing to work with us to protect the marine ecological environment, you can come to us to apply for activity funds.

There are many student organizations in Xiangjiang, they are all passionate about the protection of the marine environment, and they are willing to participate in the activities of marine environmental protection.The Student Union of Chinese University is also one of them.

Since they are willing to contribute to the protection of the marine environment, we will also give them some sponsorship fees so that they can carry out activities related to the protection of the marine environment. " Serena replied.

"So that's it. In other words, this money is equivalent to the activity funds sponsored by your organization to the student union!" He Jiahui paused, and then asked: "I don't know how many activities can be held with the sponsorship fee of 10 yuan?"

"The student union is responsible for the specific matters of the event, and our Friends of the Ocean did not participate, so you have to ask the specific details of the event. I also have to ask the student union of the Chinese University before I can reply." Serena answered road.

He Jiahui nodded slightly, then stood up: "Ms. Serena, thank you for your cooperation, we will leave first. If there is a need in the future, we may come to you again."

"No problem, we are happy to cooperate with the police." Serena said politely.

The two left the luxurious office building, and He Jiahui asked directly: "Ma sir, I have asked all the necessary questions, have you found anything new?"

"I think this Serena is not telling the truth, she should be hiding something." Ma Jun said.

"Why do you think she's hiding something?" He Jiahui asked.

"Intuition!" Two words popped out of Ma Jun's mouth.

"Although your intuition is quite accurate, intuition cannot be used as the basis for investigation." He Jiahui shook his head with a smile.

"Then tell me, what basis do you have for investigation?" Ma Jun asked.

He Jiahui didn't answer, but took out a thousand-yuan bill from his pocket, handed it to Ma Jun, and continued: "Today I will treat my brothers to afternoon tea. But I don't know what they like to drink, so I have to trouble Ma Sir again." is you."

"Afternoon tea doesn't need 1000 yuan! After ordering afternoon tea, I'll give you the rest of the money." Ma Jun said.

"Ma sir, I will give you 1000 yuan to buy afternoon tea, and you have to give me the rest of the money. Friends of the Ocean paid 10 yuan in sponsorship fees. Shouldn't you be concerned? Where and how did you spend it?"

He Jiahui went on to say: "But that Serena doesn't even know how many events can be held with the 10 yuan. Obviously, she doesn't care about the event. This is not the behavior that a normal person should have."

Ma Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood: "It is for this reason that you think Serena is hiding something?"

He Jiahui nodded, and Ma Jun continued to ask: "Then why didn't you expose her?"

"Even if this kind of elite in the workplace exposes her on the spot, she can find other excuses to cover it up. So if you don't want to leave this loophole, it won't be too late to find her when we collect more clues!" He Jiahui said.


As soon as the two returned to the police station, Uncle Hua stepped forward to report the new discovery:
"I checked the journals recorded by the student union and the income and expenditure forms issued by the bank, and found a problem. The remittance of 24 yuan on June 10 was not recorded in the student union's own journal. And on June 25 After the money was withdrawn on that day, there was no record in the student union's own accounts."

"That is to say, the 10 yuan did not appear in the student union's own accounts." Ma Jun thought for a while and said; "According to Friends of the Ocean, the 10 yuan is for the activities of the student union. It should be the public funds of the student union, but the money in and out has not appeared in the accounts, could it be said that it was embezzled privately?"

"It is possible that after the 10 yuan was taken away, the two deceased bought a new mobile phone and a new laptop, and it is obvious that the 10 yuan was divided among them.

But what does this have to do with the two of them being killed?Could it be that someone couldn't bear their embezzlement of public funds, so they killed them?Those who can enter the Chinese University are all elite boots, so it should not be possible to kill someone for 10 yuan! "

He Jiahui shook his head as he spoke, and then asked, "Uncle Hua, who recorded this journal of the student union?"

"When I went to the Chinese University to investigate, I also asked about this matter. It is said that there is a special officer in the student union who is responsible for recording the accounts of the student union, and that officer is specialized in accounting." Uncle Hua said.

"Invite this officer back to assist in the investigation! He is the person responsible for recording the accounts, so he should know what happened to the 10 yuan!" He Jiahui said.

The officer of the student union who was in charge of bookkeeping was taken to the serious crime team. His name was Liu Baorui, and he studied professional accounting. It was precisely because he studied accounting that the student union made him responsible for keeping accounts.

Sitting in the interrogation room, facing the police directly, Liu Baorui looked very nervous and didn't know where to put his hands.

"Mr. Liu, don't be nervous. We invited you here because we want to ask you a few things. You just need to answer truthfully." He Jiahui said.

"Is it related to the death of the president and the vice president that you came here?" Liu Baorui continued, "Sir, I don't know anything!"

"Ah sir hasn't asked yet, so you don't need to rush to answer." He Jiahui sneered, judging from Liu Baorui's flustered expression, this person probably knows something.

So He Jiahui took out the journal and asked, "Mr. Liu, are you the one who recorded this account?"

"I remembered it." Liu Baorui nodded.

"Then you are also responsible for the financial affairs of the student union?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

Liu Baorui nodded again: "I major in accounting, so I will do all the work related to finance."

"It seems that the various expenses of the student union's activities are also collected from you, right? Can you explain the process in detail." He Jiahui asked again.

Liu Baorui adjusted the glasses on his nose, and continued: "Before we hold an event, we will prepare a budget in advance. After the budget is approved by the president and vice president, I will go to the bank to withdraw money, and then send it to the members who need it. .After the event is over, they will report the expenses to me for reimbursement, and if there is any remaining money, they will return it to me!"

"Then what if it is found that the money is not enough?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"When we prepare the budget, we will set aside an additional part of the emergency fund, which is also kept by me. If it is found that the money is not enough, we need to report to the student council president and vice president. Only after they both agree can we come to find I receive emergency funds." Liu Baorui continued.

"That is to say, the expenditure of your student union is determined by the president Chen Zishuo and the vice president Fang Moxuan? You should keep the expenditure voucher there?" He Jiahui asked.

Liu Baorui nodded: "Each expenditure must have a voucher, otherwise the accounts will not match. I study accounting, and this is the most basic accounting knowledge."

"Is there any corresponding voucher for the withdrawal of 25 yuan on June 10 this year?" He Jiahui asked directly.

Mentioning the withdrawal of 10 yuan, Liu Baorui's face changed slightly, and he lowered his head, as if he was thinking about how to answer, or as if he didn't know how to answer.

He Jiahui continued: "We investigated the bank account of the student union, and on June 24, a sum of 10 yuan was remitted, and on June 25, the money was withdrawn.

But there is no record of this money in the accounts of the student union. How do you explain this?Did you embezzle the money for yourself? "

"No! I didn't take it for myself!" Liu Baorui quickly denied, "The 10 yuan was given to me by the president Chen Zishuo and the vice president Fang Moxuan."

"What is the purpose of withdrawing money?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"I don't know." Liu Baorui shook his head.

"I don't know? Mr. Liu, you majored in accounting. Don't you think this answer is an insult to your major?" He Jiahui sneered.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Liu Baorui finally spoke; "I also asked at the time what to do with the withdrawal of so much money at one time, whether to hold a large-scale event.

But the chairman, Chen Zishuo, told me not to care what the money was for, as long as I took it out.And he also gave me 5000 yuan, and told me not to talk about it.But I haven't touched a single cent of the 5000 yuan! "

"It seems that you also know that the money came from a wrong path!" He Jiahui paused, and then asked: "Then who can prove that what you said is true?"

"Chen Zishuo, the president of the student council, and Fang Moxuan, the vice president, can prove that I handed over 10 yuan to them at the time." Liu Baorui said.

"But both of them are dead. There is no way for the dead to prove that you gave them 10 yuan! And the dead also can't prove that they let you take the 10 yuan."

As He Jiahui spoke, his expression became serious, and he asked sharply, "Mr. Liu, do you think you can cover up the fact that you embezzled 10 yuan of public funds from the student union by pushing everything to two dead people?"

"I really didn't embezzle the 10 yuan!" Liu Baorui said with a look of injustice.

"The same sentence, what about the evidence?" He Jiahui continued to press: "You took the money, but you didn't keep it in the account. It's obvious that you embezzled the public funds!"

"No, the 10 yuan is actually not public money, but a reward from Friends of the Ocean!"

Under pressure, Liu Baorui finally revealed new clues.

"Remuneration? Mr. Liu, it seems that you know some inside information!" He Jiahui paused, and then said: "I suggest that you confess what you know to the police as soon as possible, otherwise, you will really become a Criminals who embezzled public funds!"

"I said!" Liu Baorui sighed helplessly, and continued; "Actually, I don't know much, I just know that the student council president, Chen Zishuo, and the vice-president, Fang Moxuan, used the student council to take private jobs with Friends of the Ocean. This 10 yuan should be the remuneration paid to us by Friends of the Ocean,”

"What kind of private work is it?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"I really don't know about this." Liu Baorui shook his head, and continued: "Actually, there are many activities in our student union, which are not initiated by students, but sponsored by these NGO organizations.

These NGOs want to achieve certain goals, but it would be too conspicuous for them to come forward directly. At this time, they will go to the student union of the university for help, and they will pay for it, and the student union will be responsible for organizing the activities.

The voices of college students are relatively loud, and they are more likely to attract the attention of the media and the society. Activities organized by student unions are much more effective than those organized by NGOs.

However, it is also very hard for the student union to organize activities, so sometimes, those NGO organizations will give some gifts to the organizers of the activities as a thank you.

Some gifts are in kind, and there are things like shopping coupons. Occasionally, money is also given directly as a reward for the event organizer.The 10 yuan should be the reward given to us by Friends of the Ocean. "

"The remuneration of 10 yuan is equivalent to three or four months' salary of ordinary people! What kind of activity is it worth so much remuneration?" He Jiahui obviously did not believe this statement.

Liu Baorui went on to explain: "The 10 yuan should be the remuneration for our entire student union. There are so many people in our student union, and on average, each person can get more than 1000 yuan.

But this time, Chen Zishuo and Fang Moxuan probably wanted to keep the money alone, so they gave me 5000 yuan as a hush money.I guess the private jobs they took this time may not be seen in the light, so they don't share the rewards with everyone. "

He Jiahui and Ma Jun looked at each other, and Ma Jun approached He Jiahui's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Shady private affairs? Could this be the reason why the two of them were killed?"

"It depends on what kind of private work they are taking on this time." He Jiahui's voice paused, and then said: "Go to Friends of the Ocean tomorrow and ask that Serena, and then we will all play red faces , a black face, get the words out!"

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(End of this chapter)

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