Cop Universe

Chapter 109 Five Lines of Killing

Chapter 109 Five elements kill

The scene of the crime was again at the Chinese University, on the roof of a ten-story building.

He Jiahui came to the rooftop, looked at the scene in front of him, and was startled.

"This method of killing is too strange!" He Jiahui thought to himself.

On the ground not far away, the deceased fell to the ground, his hands were tied behind his back, his feet were bound, and his mouth was also gagged.

In addition, there were several laps of wire tied around the body of the deceased.

There is also a metal iron rod sandwiched between the wires, the iron rod is directly facing the sky, and at the end of the iron rod, there are four more iron forks.

"This design is a lightning rod!" He Jiahui thought to himself.

Another name of the lightning rod is "lightning rod". This thing itself is a lightning device. The lightning rod will be connected to the ground wire. lightning strike.

And if the lightning rod does not have a grounding wire, but is connected to a person, the result can be imagined.

If it was suicide, he would not tie his hands and feet, gag his mouth, and wrap a wire around the outside.So it's clearly a homicide.

At this moment, a police officer in uniform came over and handed a wallet to Ma Jun: "Ma sir, this was found at the scene. Together with the keys, it was scattered around the corpse."

Ma Jun took the wallet and opened it. There was an ID card inside, and it really belonged to Liu Baorui.

"Did you find the cell phone of the deceased?" Ma Jun asked.

The uniformed police officer shook his head: "There are only wallets and keys at the scene, and no mobile phone was found."

Afterwards, everyone stepped forward to check. The expression on the deceased's face was distorted, but it was still possible to tell that it was Liu Baorui.

"After handling the case for so many years, this is the first time I have seen this kind of death! With iron wires attached to his body and lightning rods attached to his body, plus the thunderstorm last night, he must have been struck to death by lightning!" Ma Jun said.

"Not necessarily. Many cases of being struck to death by lightning are because the deceased has already been killed and then was struck by lightning in disguise." He Jiahui said.

"What about the forensic doctor? How long will it take for the forensic doctor to arrive?" Ma Jun asked immediately.

"The forensic doctor is already on the way and will arrive in about 10 minutes." Yang Zai replied.

"Then let's wait. After the forensic doctor arrives, he should be able to confirm the cause of death." Ma Jun said.

He Jiahui stepped forward and examined the corpse carefully.

"The clothes of the corpse were seriously damaged, many places were broken, and there were cracks on the shoes, which is in line with the situation after being struck by lightning. Many times, after the human body is struck by lightning, the clothes and belongings on the body are likely to be destroyed. Strip."

He Jiahui paused, and then asked: "Just now I said that the key was found at the scene, where is it?"

Yang Zai brought the key over, while He Jiahui took out his own key and put it together, the two keys were immediately attracted together.

"There is a phenomenon of magnetization on the key, which only happens after a lightning strike." He Jiahui continued to examine the corpse while speaking.

Next to him, Yang Zai asked: "I watched TV, and if I was struck by lightning, my body would be scorched black. Why did the body of the deceased look clean, was it washed by the rain?"

He Jiahui answered, "The duration of lightning is relatively short, and if it affects the entire body surface in an instant, it can rarely cause serious burns to the human body itself. On the contrary, metal objects on the human body will be heated by lightning and the arc effect, which will damage the human body." Produce burns.

But the hair is different. Normally, when struck by lightning, the hair will be burned or even carbonized. Look at his hair as well.But this does not prove that Liu Baorui was struck to death by lightning, because killing people first, and then performing lightning strikes will also show these characteristics. "

"He sir, do you know forensics?" Ma Jun asked in surprise.

"Know a thing or two!" He Jiahui replied.

Before this, Ma Jun only thought that He Jiahui was a young expert in reasoning, with good insight and analysis ability. Now that He Jiahui showed off his skills in forensic medicine, Ma Jun immediately took a look at him again.

"No wonder Huang Qifa wants to get this kid to the serious crime team, he is really talented!" Ma Jun thought to himself.

At this time, He Jiahui had already started to examine the neck of the deceased, then lifted the collar of the deceased, looked at his chest, and then said, "Liu Baorui should have been struck to death by lightning."

"How do you know?" Ma Jun asked curiously.

"On the neck of the deceased, there are lightning strike patterns, these are red, branch-like things." He Jiahui pointed to the neck of the deceased, and continued:

"This is caused by local mild skin burns and subcutaneous blood vessel paralysis and expansion when the strong current passes through. This is the most conclusive evidence of death by lightning."

He Jiahui said, looked around again, and continued: "Since the deceased died of a lightning strike, then this should be the first scene of the crime! And the time of death should be last night, because only last night was struck by lightning. "

Ma Jun looked around and sighed helplessly: "This first crime scene is not very useful. It rained last night, and the traces of the crime were washed away. I guess there are no useful clues at the scene. "

"Regardless of whether there are clues at the scene or not, we have to look for them." He Jiahui paused for a moment, and said together: "Let's ask the witnesses who found the dead first!"

After a while, a person who looked like a maintenance worker was brought over.

"Sir, you were the first to discover the deceased, right? Please tell me in detail how you discovered the deceased." Ma Jun said.

"I am a maintenance worker of the property company. My usual job is to repair and maintain the electrical equipment in the building. The air conditioning unit, ventilation unit, water pump, cooling tower, etc. of the building are all installed on the roof of the building.

And there was a thunderstorm last night, so early this morning, I came to the rooftop to check the condition of the equipment.Then I found out that someone died here, and I immediately called the police! "The maintenance worker replied.

"Is the door on the roof usually locked?" Ma Jun asked.

The maintenance worker shook his head: "The door to the roof is not locked, so anyone can come up. But most people don't come here if they have nothing to do. The air conditioner is here, and the surrounding sounds are quite noisy."

"Then when was the last time you came to the rooftop?" Ma Jun asked again.

"Generally, if there is no fault, I will come to check it about once a month. If there is a typhoon or thunderstorm, I will come to check it the next day. The last time I came, it was the day when the typhoon just ended two weeks ago. " said the maintenance worker.

Ma Jun asked a few more questions, but got no useful information.

At this time, the forensic doctor and forensic evidence also came to the scene and began preliminary autopsy and evidence collection.

He Jiahui and Ma Jun discussed the case.

"It seems that Liu Baorui didn't go to the police station to report two days ago. He didn't run away, but was kidnapped. Do you think Yutian Biology did it?" Ma Jun said.

He Jiahui thought for a while and said, "From the perspective of the beneficiary, if Liu Baorui died, the biggest beneficiary would indeed be Yutian Creature. But if Yutian Creature really did it, why did it take so much effort to kill people?
If I were a Yutian creature, since I had already kidnapped Liu Baorui, I could kill him directly. Why did I put him on the roof, wrap a circle of iron wire around my body, and plug in a lightning rod to wait for the thunderstorm? Hack people to death?This is too complicated, right? "

"It's true, this is indeed not a normal method of killing, but it looks like execution." Ma Jun said.

"I also feel the same, and I still have an ominous feeling." He Jiahui paused, lowered his voice, and continued: "Let the forensic doctor check to see if there is sevoflurane in Liu Baorui's body."

Mentioning sevoflurane, Ma Jun's expression froze, and he also asked in a low voice: "You mean, the one who killed Liu Baorui was the same person who killed Chen Zishuo and Fang Moxuan before, and he is the third serial murderer." a victim?"

"Chen Zishuo, Fang Moxuan, and Liu Baorui, these three are members of the student union. Do you still remember my initial speculation that the student union offended someone, and the enemy is waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. If this theory holds true, then Liu Baorui is likely to be the third victim " He Jiahui replied.

"If that's the case, Sir Huang is about to go crazy again! The two victims have been investigated for more than a month, but there is no clue. Now there is a third one. Sir Huang must not be able to explain to his superiors." Ma Jun shook his head helplessly.

"I'm not as pessimistic as you. If it's really the same murderer, it means that that person has started committing crimes again. As long as he has done something, there will be traces left. Maybe we can find more clues." He Jiahui comforted him.


"The iron wire wrapped around the body of the deceased is ordinary iron wire, which can be bought in hardware stores all over Hong Kong. As for the lightning rod, it is also old, and it may be found in the garbage dump. Besides, we have No trace left by the murderer was found at the scene." The forensic report reported.

"So there is no clue?" Ma Jun was a little disappointed.

However, this was expected. It just rained last night, and even if the murderer left clues, they would be washed away by the rain.

The forensic doctor also came over: "There are obvious lightning strike marks on the neck of the deceased. It can be confirmed that the deceased was struck by lightning to death. As for the time of death, it can only be determined between ten o'clock last night and four o'clock in the morning.

Because the instantaneous lightning strike will affect the organs in the body, thereby affecting the liver temperature, I need to conduct a further autopsy to confirm the exact time of death of the deceased. "

"Then let's conduct an autopsy on the deceased as soon as possible! By the way, check whether there is heptachlorane in the deceased's body," Ma Jun said.


In the building where the murder occurred, all the surveillance videos in the past few days have been transferred to the serious crime team. Everyone lay down in front of the screen and began to check for suspicious persons.

The first thing to determine is whether the deceased Liu Baorui went to the rooftop by himself or was transported to the rooftop.

If the deceased Liu Baorui went to the rooftop by himself, then Liu Baorui should appear in the surveillance video, unless Liu Baorui avoided all surveillance.

If Liu Baorui was transported to the rooftop by the murderer, then the murderer must have used the means of transportation, and the video should have been left on the elevator's surveillance.

The location of the crime was a ten-story building, and the roof was equivalent to the eleventh floor. It would be difficult to transport a large living person to the top of the building without taking the elevator.

While the serious crime team was watching the surveillance video, the forensic doctor also had the autopsy results.

"The deceased had multiple bone fractures, but it was not fatal. It should have been caused by someone hitting him. In addition, the deceased had obvious subcutaneous hemorrhage, as well as subdural and arachnoid hemorrhage.

There are diffuse spotting bleeding in the brain, as well as damage to the heart wall, contusion in the heart, and rupture of myocardial fibers, all of which are consistent with the situation after being struck by lightning.

It can be determined that the deceased was struck by violent lightning, resulting in cardiac arrest, damage to the central nervous system and multiple organs in the body, resulting in death. "The forensic doctor introduced.

"What about the time of death?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"According to the autopsy, the time of death of the deceased should be between eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock in the evening." The forensic doctor replied.

"According to the data from the Observatory, the thunderstorm last night started at 10:30, that is to say, Liu Baorui was hit by lightning just after the thunderstorm started. Even lightning strikes are difficult!"

Ma Jun paused, and then asked: "Has sevoflurane been detected in the body of the deceased?
The forensic doctor nodded: "Although the amount is very small, it was still detected."

"Sure enough, the murderer did it." Commander Ma sighed: "Let's investigate the case together!"

Although the killing methods were different, sevoflurane was detected in the body of the deceased, and the deceased were all members of the student union, so they were related to each other, so it can be judged as a serial murder case, and a joint investigation was conducted.

Ma Jun picked up the phone and reported the joint investigation to Huang Qifa.A few minutes later, Huang Qifa hurried over.

"What are you doing! Two people have died before. After more than a month of investigation, there is no progress at all. Now there is a third victim. How do you ask me to explain to my superiors!" Huang Qifa roared angrily.

"Huang sir, we have also found a lot of things in the past few days, and we have also solved a blackmail case, which you all know. We are not without progress!" Ma Jun quickly argued.

"What I want is for you to solve the serial murder case! Also, the dead person this time is the criminal who blackmailed Yutian Biotech, right? Now, everyone is dead. Dead people can't go to court, and the blackmail case doesn't matter. What's the use of you solving this blackmail case?" Huang Qifa snorted coldly.

Ma Jun continued: "Sir Huang, maybe the extortion case is related to the serial murder case, and the manipulator behind the serial murder case is probably Yutian Biology!"

"What about the evidence? We handle cases based on evidence, not guesswork." Huang Qifa said, looking at He Jiahui, and then said: "Future detective, you have to say something! I invite you to solve the case! Where's your insight? Where's your reasoning ability? Use it quickly!"

"Huang sir, don't worry." He Jiahui smiled calmly and said, "I have already discovered the logic of the murderer's crime. This is not an ordinary serial murder case, but a five-element murder case!"

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(End of this chapter)

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